what is a slug in journalism

What Is A Slug In Journalism?

Slug. In journalism, a slug is not a garden pest. Instead it’s a short phrase summarizing the subject of an article, used to identify the story as it moves through the editorial process.

What is a story slug example?

It is used as a label of a story as it makes its way through the editing and review process. Slugs can be a single word or abbreviation (e.g., Prez for a story about President Biden), or a few words that reference the headline or complete title (e.g., Missing Girl for a story about the abduction of a child).

What is a slug in feature writing?

In newspaper editing, a slug is a short name given to an article that is in production. The story is labeled with its slug as it makes its way from the reporter through the editorial process. … Usually the slug references the offer or headline and is used to differentiate between different ad runs.

What is a slug line?

A slug line is a line within a screenplay written in all uppercase letters to draw attention to specific script information. Sluglines are their own line in a script and often break up the length of a scene while also establishing the scenes pacing. … the location of the scene, and the time of day the scene takes place.

How do you write a slug?

Now that it’s clear what a slug is and why it is very important for SEO, let’s see how to best optimize it.
  1. Include keywords you want to rank for. …
  2. Consider removing stop keywords. …
  3. Use dashes to separate words in a slug. …
  4. Keep it short. …
  5. Use only lowercase characters.
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Where do you put a slug journalism?

A slug or slugline (or “slug line”) is an uppercase line of text with a blank line above and below it. For example, if Sally receives a text message that we read, it may be set off with the slug “ON HER PHONE SCREEN” before the message content, and the slug “BACK TO SCENE” after.

What is a cardinal sin for a journalist?

Journalists phoning at all is a cardinal sin for reporters to display anything that might lead sources to believe are.

What is a slug line in a press release?

Use a strong headline (sometimes called a slugline) to call attention to your news. The headline should be only one line, all capital letters. The lead paragraph should tell your story in a nutshell, limited to three sentences.

Why is URL called a slug?

Some systems define a slug as the part of a URL that identifies a page in human-readable keywords. … The name is based on the use of the word slug in the news media to indicate a short name given to an article for internal use.

What Animal Kingdom is a slug?


How do you use a slug line?

Script Format: Slug Lines
  1. A slug line is different from a scene heading. …
  2. After describing the insert, we again return to the scene by means of the slug line “BACK TO SCENE.” …
  3. After describing a p.o.v. shot, we usually return to the scene (to get the character’s reaction) by means of the slug line “BACK TO SCENE.”

What does int mean in a script?

exterior stand for “interior” and “exterior.” Basically, any time the scene takes place inside a building, you use INT. the scene header.

What is slug in storyboard?

Slugging is timing actions between dialogue. Getting into shot or a camera move. You traditionally draw up more poses. But boards today are pretty pose heavy. The slug was the actual blank tape in between dialogue.

What is a slug classified as?

Slugs and snails are classified as gastropods, with “gastro” meaning stomach and “pod” meaning foot. … Some slugs have soft internal shells or prominent mantles, while others have nothing at all. Both slugs and snails have two upper tentacles that protrude from their foreheads.

What is a valid slug?

If you attempt to change your survey short name to something that contains spaces, special characters, or other characters that are not able to be used in a URL, online surveys will prompt you to enter a valid ‘slug’ consisting of letters, numbers, underscores or hyphens.

What is a slug in journalism example?

In newspaper jargon, a slug is the name given to an article, and at The Times, stories about Mr. Obama generally get one of two names. If the piece is produced on the National Desk, custom requires using the president’s name. On the International Desk, the slug is PREXY.

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What is morgue journalism?

Morguenoun. (Newspapers) A room containing reference files of older material in a newspaper office; also, the material contained in such a room.

Who is a liner in journalism?

A fact checker checks that the facts written in news reports are indeed correct. A copy editor checks for errors in spelling and grammar. A penny-a-liner is a derogative term for a journalist who is paid for a certain amount of text.

What is the format called that journalists use?

News style – is the prose style used for news reporting in media such as newspapers, radio and television. Also called “journalistic style” and “news writing style”.

Which journalism is quite different from published journalism?

Opinion journalism

Opinion journalism is unique from other types because the writer can include their viewpoint. It can be important to recognize the difference between opinions and facts.

Can press release be two pages?

The press release should fit on two pages, and the first should begin about one-third the way down, to leave room for newspaper editors’ notes. The headline should be succinct, attention-grabbing. … “In any case, no matter what the temptation, each press release should be kept to just two pages,” he says.

What is slug short for?

SLUGSingle Lock-Up Garage (real estate)
SLUGSan Francisco League of Urban Gardeners (San Francisco, CA)
SLUGSchools Linux User Group (South Africa)
SLUGStavanger Linux User Group

What is the purpose of a slug?

Slugs and snails are very important. They provide food for all sorts of mammals, birds, slow worms, earthworms, insects and they are part of the natural balance. Upset that balance by removing them and we can do a lot of harm. Thrushes in particular thrive on them!

What is a slug used for?

A modern shotgun slug is a heavy projectile made of lead, copper, or other material and fired from a shotgun. Slugs are designed for hunting large game, self-defense, and other uses. The first effective modern shotgun slug was introduced by Wilhelm Brenneke in 1898, and his design remains in use today.

Are slugs solitary?

Approximately 725 species of land snails and about 40 species of slugs are now known from North America. Most of these have been introduced accidentally. With few exceptions, native species are solitary in habit and do little or no damage. … Slugs are able to crawl over the sharp edge of a razor blade without harm.

What group do slugs belong to?


The Class Gastropoda (in Phylum Mollusca) includes the groups pertaining to snails and slugs. The majority of gastropods have a single, usually spirally, coiled shell into which the body can be withdrawn. The shell of these creatures is often what is recovered in a fossil dig.

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When did slugs evolve?

The clade Stylommatophora, which includes land snails and slugs, appeared about 150 million years ago, probably in the Cretaceous period. This group diversified, as result of adaptive radiation, and gave origin to numerous families of snails and slugs, some of which persist in the sites where their fossils arose.

Which are the main elements of a slug line?

As you create them, Slugline handles this for you.
  • Action. Action is the catchall element of screenwriting. …
  • Character. Character elements are in UPPERCASE and are followed immediately by Dialogue. …
  • Dialogue. Dialogue comes right after Character: …
  • Parenthetical. …
  • Transition.

What is Logline in screenwriting?

A logline is a one-sentence summary or description of a movie. Loglines distill the important elements of your screenplay—main character, setup, central conflict, antagonist—into a clear, concise teaser. The goal is to write a logline so enticing that it hooks the listener into reading the entire script.

What are the 8 elements of script writing?

The elements for a script are:
  • Scene Heading.
  • Action.
  • Character Name.
  • Dialogue.
  • Parenthetical.
  • Extensions.
  • Transition.
  • Shot.

What does interior and exterior mean in a script?

So, what do INT and EXT mean in a screenplay? INT means interior and EXT means exterior. Essentially anytime a scene takes place inside a building or a car the scene heading will denote INT. and anytime the scene takes place outside the EXT.

What does OS stand for in a script?

off screen O.S. means “off screen” — the character is physically there at the scene location, but is not in the camera view; in the produced movie, we would hear her voice but not see her, even though she is there at the master (or primary) scene location.

What does parenthetical mean in a script?

Parentheticals are words written under a character’s name in dialogue. They are often referred to as “wrylys” because they are adjectives used to describe how someone says a line or they are verbs that give an actor or actress some kind of action to do while they say the line.

What is a slug line in WordPress?

A WordPress slug is a text which comes after your domain name as a part of your permalink that is leading to your content. If you add a new post, WordPress automatically generates the slug based on your permalinks settings. You can go to Settings -> Permalinks and change how slugs are generated.

What Are WordPress Slugs? and How To Use Them

Screenplay Format Pt 1 – Sluglines

Be a slug


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