why is summer the best season

Why Is Summer The Best Season?

Summer times are stress free, relaxing, and basically fun. … You can never get bored on a summer day or night. During the day, there are fun activities such as: swimming, sports, picnics, and barbeques. Friends and family spend a lot of time together during the summer time.

What is good about summer?

Rising temperatures and increased availability of summer fruits make it easier to fulfil the recommended quota of eating five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. … They also boost the immune system and, because of their low calorie content, help with weight loss.

Why is summer is better than winter?

Speaking of getting sunshine, summer is better than winter for the simple fact that you can spend more time outdoors. … Take advantage of the warm summer months to get fresh air, whether that means eating dinner outside, going for a walk, or going to the beach.

Which season is best and why?

Summer, winter, and fall may have their fans, but spring is clearly the best season. Even science agrees! Spring marks the end of blistering winter and the transitional period to scorching summer. The Earth’s axis is angled between its closest and furthest position from the Sun, when temperatures are the most extreme.

Why do we love summer season?

We love summer here at Forest Holidays and not just because it’s the perfect time for a forest break. The day trips to the beach, the warming summer breeze, and the chance to spend time with family and friends are just a few reasons to fall in love with this season. Read on for 30 reasons why we love summer!

Why is summer good for students?

Along with relaxation, summer break brings unique opportunities to learn and develop social skills. … These opportunities can help improve their understanding of social cues through situations that would not typically happen in a structured classroom.

How does summer affect us?

The longer you spend in the heat, the more serious the effects on your body can be. Increased body temperature can cause heavy sweating, clammy skin, dehydration, tiredness, headache, dizziness, nausea, cramps, and a quick, weak pulse.

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of summer season?

The summer season as well comes with many advantages and disadvantages.
  • The temperature rises too much, and it became tough to face the sun.
  • Many things become tough to do.
  • Everyone uses the air-conditioned, which pollutes the environment.
  • People face long, hot and warm days.

Is summer the best season?

14 Reasons Why Summer is the Best Season Ever
  1. Sunshine. Ok, so getting some sun isn’t always likely but we do sometimes get a few days of bliss and when we do, it’s the best.
  2. Going to the beach. …
  3. Exercising. …
  4. Ice cream. …
  5. Shorts & dresses. …
  6. Getting away. …
  7. Time off school. …
  8. Chill-time.

What do you love about summer?

10 Reasons Why We Love Summer
  • It stays lighter longer. Sometimes in the winter it can feel like the sun barely makes an appearance for more than four hours a day. …
  • Summer storms. …
  • Fireworks. …
  • Lightning Bugs. …
  • Picnics and picnic food. …
  • No school. …
  • Family vacations. …
  • Summer fruits.

Why is summer so hot?

Summers are getting hotter thanks to climate change, according to a report released this summer from Climate Central. “As heat-trapping greenhouse gases increase the global average temperature, we are experiencing higher average temperatures and more extreme and record-breaking heat events.

What can you say about summer?

10 Best Things to describe our Summer Definition
  • Summer is for making wish lists. …
  • Summer is strawberries and peach pies. …
  • Summer is for the lazy. …
  • Summer is for water fights! …
  • Summer means perfect blue skies. …
  • Summer is perfect for ice-cold Manhattans. …
  • Summer is the time for popsicles! …
  • Summer is about trying new things.

Why is summer so important?

Warmth of the summer days creates lifelong conditions for animals and plants activities. Also be ready for the thunderstorms, because in the summer it is very important phenomenon. It helps nature to survive in this hot period, crops to grow better and later give harvest!

Why should summer vacation be longer?

A longer summer would lead to more things such as college visitations and summer jobs, which would provide students with a better opportunity to prepare themselves. … Not only would a longer summer break give me more time to relax, but it could also mean more time to work and make money.

How can I learn summer?

The Best 10 Summer Study Tips
  1. Start an informal book club. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to read. …
  2. Start a new exercise routine. …
  3. Use summer for test prep. …
  4. Start a business. …
  5. Write every day. …
  6. Take summer classes. …
  7. Schedule tech-free days. …
  8. Volunteer.

What is summer season essay?

Essay on Summer Season – Summer season is the hottest season of the year. In this season the temperature became so high that water starts to evaporate very quickly. … Usually, summers last for mid or later March to June but they can expend up to the first week of July due to a delay of monsoon.

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Is Hot weather Good For You?

Increased Vitamin D:

For most people, warmer weather also means spending more time outdoors and having more exposure to the sun. Sunlight provides our bodies with Vitamin D, which not only increases your mood, but also aids bone health and lowers risk of disease.

Why do you like summer season essay?

My favorite season of the year is summer because of the warm weather, the school vacation, and the endless fun. I really enjoy the warm weather because it’s the perfect atmosphere to do outdoor activities. … When summer time starts, you can wear lighter clothes, which are much more comfortable.

What are cons about summer?

The sweat: The sun might be doing our skin a favor, but who knew we could sweat so much… literally. The Boredom That Takes Place: Summer is fun, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t days where you feel like picking up knitting as a hobby…

How does summer affect the environment?

In moist environments, summer heat can increase the growth of bacteria and viruses, creating a greater chance for the spread of disease, although the heat also increases the viability of insect eggs and raises the insect population, giving smaller animals more to eat and spreading more energy throughout the food chain.

Why does summer make me happy?

The length of daytime and nighttime, and our exposure to light have such an enormous effect on our biological clocks, levels of serotonin (which effects our mood), and levels of melatonin (which work with mood and sleep). It’s easy to understand why summer is such a better time for many of us.

Why are some summers hotter?

They change because in the summer the Sun is closer to the Earth and in the autumn the Sun is a lot farther away and in the winter it is cold because the Sun is a long way away.

What causes summer?

The earth’s spin axis is tilted with respect to its orbital plane. This is what causes the seasons. When the earth’s axis points towards the sun, it is summer for that hemisphere. … Midway between these two times, in spring and autumn, the spin axis of the earth points 90 degrees away from the sun.

Where is it cool in the summer?

Among the country’s 51 largest cities, San Francisco tops the list for usually having the coldest weather each day in June, July and August.

Coolest Summer Days.

CityAverage Daily Maximum
San Francisco, California6719
San Diego, California7423
Seattle, Washington7424
Buffalo, New York7826

How do you enjoy summer?

Eight Ways to Enjoy Summer
  1. Dog Walking. …
  2. Grow Your Own Vegetables. …
  3. Relax and Destress. …
  4. Enjoy the Sun. …
  5. Have a Break From the Indoors. …
  6. Take Part in Fun Sports Activities. …
  7. Relive Childhood Memories at the Park. …
  8. See Some Wildlife.

What do we use in summer season?

During summer, we normally wear light coloured cotton clothes. We sweat a lot in summers. Cotton is a good absorber of water. Thus, it absorbs sweat from our body and exposes the sweat to the atmosphere, making its evaporation faster.

What good is the warmth of summer?

“What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness,” was well put by John Steinbeck in “Travels with Charley: In Search of America.” The winter has definitely made known its presence to all inhabitants of Notre Dame.

Why is summer so important to teens?

Summer gives teens the perfect amount of rest and relaxation to start up school again in the fall feeling refreshed and ready to learn. Summer is an escape from all the hard work and complications of normal school life. It allows us to spend some time relaxing and enjoying the social aspects of life.

Why should students have longer summer breaks?

A long summer vacation period allows families to spend more time together in a recreational setting and enjoy a much more laid-back lifestyle in contrast to the often hectic school year. It also provides the perfect opportunity for longer visits or extended stays during which distant relatives can reconnect.

Do you think it’s better for students to have a long summer break or be in a year-round school system with more breaks throughout the year?

Yes, Schools Should Be Year-Round

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Year-round schools are better than schools with a long summer break. Students in year-round schools have more breaks. They get to enjoy time off in every season. Year-round schools allow families to plan vacations at times other than summer.

Should I study during the summer?

Studying during the summer can actually help reduce stress and academic pressure. It’s not uncommon to receive homework assignments to be completed over the summer, especially if you have a class that carries over.

How can I help my child in summer?

Summer is an ideal time for students of all ages to strengthen their academic skills while still having plenty of time left over for summer activities.
  1. Make Time for Learning. …
  2. Learn and Practice Affixes. …
  3. Develop Math Skills. …
  4. Improve Reading Comprehension. …
  5. Review and Build Grammar Skills. …
  6. Encourage Creative Writing.

What should I do in summer for school?

Take Classes
  1. Enroll in college classes. …
  2. Take online courses. …
  3. Participate in pre-college programs. …
  4. Attend an academic camp. …
  5. Attend performing arts classes or camps. …
  6. Participate in visual arts classes or camps. …
  7. Study for the SAT or ACT. …
  8. Take private lessons in an area of interest.

What holiday is in the summer?

Summer Holidays
Jun 21 Monday
Amazon Prime DayShopping, Summer, Technology
Summer SolsticePagan, Summer
Jun 25 Saturday

IELTS SPEAKING: SUMMER (favorite season)

Why Summer is the BEST SEASON

Winter vs. Summer: Which Is Better?

Seasons for Kids: All About Summer | Summer Season for Kids

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