what is a confound in psychology

What Is A Confound In Psychology?

n. in an experiment, an independent variable that is conceptually distinct but empirically inseparable from one or more other independent variables. Confounding makes it impossible to differentiate that variable’s effects in isolation from its effects in conjunction with other variables.

What is a confound in psychology example?

What Are Confounds? Confounding variables are factors other than the independent variable that may cause a result. In your caffeine study, for example, it is possible that the students who received caffeine also had more sleep than the control group.

What is a confounding variable in psychology?

A Confounding Variable is an extraneous variable whose presence affects the variables being studied so that the results you get do not reflect the actual relationship between the variables under investigation. … Any manipulation of A is expected to result in a change in the effect.

What is a confound in psychology quizlet?

A type of extraneous variable that systematically affects one or more levels of the IV differently. …

What is a confounding variable example?

A confounding variable is an outside influence that changes the effect of a dependent and independent variable. … For example, if you are researching whether a lack of exercise has an effect on weight gain, the lack of exercise is the independent variable and weight gain is the dependent variable.

What is meant by confounding?

What is meant by​ confounding? Confounding in a study occurs when the effects of two or more explanatory variables are not separated. ​ Therefore, any relation that may exist between an explanatory variable and the response variable may be due to some other variable or variables not accounted for in the study.

How do you identify confounds?

Identifying Confounding

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A simple, direct way to determine whether a given risk factor caused confounding is to compare the estimated measure of association before and after adjusting for confounding. In other words, compute the measure of association both before and after adjusting for a potential confounding factor.

What is a confound in a research study?

What is confounding? Confounding is often referred to as a “mixing of effects”1,2 wherein the effects of the exposure under study on a given outcome are mixed in with the effects of an additional factor (or set of factors) resulting in a distortion of the true relationship.

What is a confound quizlet?

Confounding: basic definition. A mixing of effects between the exposure, the outcome and a third extraneous variable known as a confounder. Confounding variable. A confounding variable is independently associated with both the risk factor (exposure) and the disease (outcome).

What are confounding variables and what problems can they cause quizlet?

What problems can confounding variables cause? They can cause the study to favor certain results unexpectedly. They can cause incorrect conclusions to be drawn from the study.

What is random sampling AP Psych?

A random sample is when the group of subjects in your experiment accurately depicts the population. … The random sampling also dictates that the experimenter must have little to no bias in choosing the people in the sample. It is advised to choose the participants in an impartial way to retain random sampling.

What is a confound in an experiment?

n. in an experiment, an independent variable that is conceptually distinct but empirically inseparable from one or more other independent variables. Confounding makes it impossible to differentiate that variable’s effects in isolation from its effects in conjunction with other variables.

What does confounding mean in epidemiology?

distortion Confounding is one type of systematic error that can occur in epidemiologic studies. … Confounding is the distortion of the association between an exposure and health outcome by an extraneous, third variable called a confounder.

What is the meaning of confounding variables?

A confounding variable (confounder) is a factor other than the one being studied that is associated both with the disease (dependent variable) and with the factor being studied (independent variable). A confounding variable may distort or mask the effects of another variable on the disease in question.

Why is confounding a problem?

A confounding variable is a third variable that influences both the independent and dependent variables. Failing to account for confounding variables can cause you to wrongly estimate the relationship between your independent and dependent variables.

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What is positive confounding?

A situation in which the effect or association between an exposure and outcome is distorted by the presence of another variable. Positive confounding (when the observed association is biased away from the null) and negative confounding (when the observed association is biased toward the null) both occur.

What is confounding in regression?

Confounding and Collinearity in Multiple Linear Regression. Basic Ideas. Confounding: A third variable, not the dependent (outcome) or main independent (exposure) variable of interest, that distorts the observed relationship between the exposure and outcome.

Are covariates and confounders the same?

Confounders are variables that are related to both the intervention and the outcome, but are not on the causal pathway. … Covariates are variables that explain a part of the variability in the outcome.

What is confounding by indication?

Confounding by indication is a term used when a variable is a risk factor for a disease among nonexposed persons and is associated with the exposure of interest in the population from which the cases derive, without being an intermediate step in the causal pathway between the exposure and the disease.

How is confounding in an epidemiological study controlled?

Matching in case control studies Matching involves selecting controls so that the distribution of potential confounders among them will be similar to those of the cases. … Stratification Stratification allows the association between exposure and outcome to be examined within different strata of the confounding variable.

What happens when we ignore confounding?

Ignoring confounding when assessing the associ- ation between an exposure and an outcome variable can lead to an over- estimate or underestimate of the true association between exposure and outcome and can even change the direction of the observed effect.

What is the difference between bias and confounding?

Bias creates an association that is not true, but confounding describes an association that is true, but potentially misleading.

What are the key characteristics of a confounding variable?

In order for a variable to be a potential confounder, it needs to have the following three properties: (1) the variable must have an association with the disease, that is, it should be a risk factor for the disease; (2) it must be associated with the exposure, that is, it must be unequally distributed between the …

What is confounding and why is it sometimes a problem in observational studies?

Confounding is the situation in which the difference in the risk of the outcome (or lack thereof) between exposed and unexposed can be explained entirely or partly by imbalance of other causes of the outcome in the contrasted groups.

What is a confounding effect quizlet?

Confounding. A distortion of the exposure-disease association due to the influence of a third factor. A confounder may fully or partially account for the observed effect of the study exposure or mask or hide an underlying true association.

Which is superior observational study?

Case-control studies are always the superior observational study because they are relatively inexpensive to conduct and can be done relatively quickly.

What can be said of confounding if there is no association between the exposure and purported confounder quizlet?

What can be said of confounding if there is no association between the exposure and purported confounder? … There is a negative confounding effect.

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What is the difference between confounding and lurking variables?

Lurking variable. … It is not considered in the study but could influence the relationship between the variables in the study. Confounding variable. A variable that is in the study and is related to the other study variables, thus having an effect on the relationship between these variables.

Is family history a confounding variable?

For example, age, gender, family history, education, diet, use of hormone replacements, long-term use of anti-inflammatory drugs, and other factors are all confounding variables in any study of the risk of Alzheimer’s disease[8,9] and it would be very difficult to effect one-to-one matching of subjects on all these …

What is a scatterplot AP Psych?

Scatter plot. a graphed cluster of dots, each representing the values of two variables. Double-blind procedure. An experiment procedure in which BOTH the participants and the research staff are ignorant to which participant is receiving the treatment or placebo.

What is a placebo AP Psych?

A placebo is a substance with no known medical effects, such as sterile water, saline solution or a sugar pill. In short, a placebo is a fake treatment that in some cases can produce a very real response.

What are inferential statistics AP Psychology?

Inferential Statistics. Make inferences and draw conclusions based on data. Help psychologists decide whether they can generalize (apply) samples to the general population. Statistical Significance.

What is confounding in experimental design?

Confounding: A confounding design is one where some treatment effects (main or interactions) are estimated by the same linear combination of the experimental observations as some blocking effects. In this case, the treatment effect and the blocking effect are said to be confounded.

What is a confound in an experimental study quizlet?

What is a “confound” in an experimental study? an extra variable that could explain result differences between groups.

What is a Confounding Variable?


Research Methods: Extraneous and Confounding Variables

What is Confounding Variable (Nuisance Variable)? How to address them?

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