what will happen if you increase the pressure above the beaker

What Will Happen If You Increase The Pressure Above The Beaker?

What will happen if you increase the pressure above the beaker (the driving pressure)? The filtration rate will increase. The solutes were all too large to pass through.

What effect will increasing the pore size of the filter have on filtration rate?

What effect will increasing the pore size of the filter have on the filtration rate? The filtration rate will increase.

Why do you think there is no pressure change?

Why do you think there was no pressure change? There is no net movement of water because the solute concentrations are the same. Which membrane did not allow Na+ Cl- to pass through? equilibrium is reached.

How can you increase the filtration rate in living membranes?

The best way to increase the filtration rate in living membranes would be to increase the pressure applied. The powdered charcoal had the largest molecular weight because it was not able to pass through the filtration membrane.

What is required for filtration to occur?

Which of the following is required for filtration? Both a membrane and a hydrostatic pressure gradient are required.

Why does increasing the pressure increase the filtration rate?

The increase in pore size increased the filtration rate because more filtrate was allowed to go through the membrane. … Pressure increased the filtration rate but not the concentration of solutes because it increased the hydrostatic pressure gradient that exists.

What was the effect of increasing the pressure above the beaker on filtration rate and filtrate concentration explain?

Predict Question 2: What will happen if you increase the pressure above the beaker (the driving pressure)? Your answer: The filtration rate will increase.

What variable affects osmotic pressure?

Osmotic pressure is a colligative property. In other words, it depends on the molar concentration of the solute but not on its density. It is the pressure which is applied to a solution to prevent the inward flow of water across a semi permeable membrane, or simply put it is the pressure required to stop osmosis.

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What effect do you think increasing the Na+ Cl will have?

What effect do you think increasing the Na+Cl- concentration will have? Increasing the Na+Cl- concentration will increase the osmotic pressure.

Which of the following would result in no change in osmotic pressure?

Which of the following would result in NO change in osmotic pressure across a membrane? Water is moving with its concentration gradient. The solutes can diffuse through the pores and the concentration of solutes is the same on both sides of the membrane.

What happens when you increase the number of protein carriers?

Increasing the number of protein carriers will increase the glucose transport rate.

How does solute concentration affect osmotic pressure explain?

Osmotic (Hydrostatic) Pressure

The volume on the side with the solute increases until the number of water molecules on both sides is equal. Increasing the concentration of solute reduces the space available for water molecules, which reduces their numbers.

Which of the following resulted in an increase in the filtration rate which of the following resulted in an increase in the filtration rate?

Which of the following resulted in an increase in the filtration rate? Both increasing the pressure above the beaker and increasing the concentration of solutes are correct. Both increasing the pore size and increasing the pressure above the beaker are correct.

How different factors affect the rate of filtration?

Factors Affecting Filtration Rates and Cake Moistures
  • Particle Size of Solids. …
  • Ratio of slimes to coarser particles. …
  • Filter aids. …
  • Feed solids concentration. …
  • Filter Thickening. …
  • Slurry pH. …
  • Flocculation/Dispersion of fine solids. …
  • Slurry Age.

What is the importance of filtration to human physiology?

Filtration is important to human physiology because it forces fluid through certain semi permeable membranes. Such examples are water, salts, and nutrients getting pushed from the bloodstream to the tissue fluids. Also filtration is how the kidneys filter wastes from the blood.

What is driven by hydrostatic pressure?

Blood pressure provides the driving force or hydrostatic pressure to force materials out of capillaries to cells or to form the filtrate (fluid in the nephron of the kidney). … Remember osmotic pressure is created due to increased solute concentration and will pull water toward the area of higher solutes.

How does Mwco affect filtration rate explain the relationship?

Question 18 How does MWCO affect filtration rate? Explain the relationship. Your Answer: Higher MWCOs had a greater filtration rate.Larger pores allow more water and solutes to pass through, thus increasing the filtration rate.

What effect does increasing sodium chloride have on osmotic pressure?

Increasing the NaCl increased the pressure. When the NaCl concentration increase from 5 to 10, the pressure increased from 170 to 340. The pressure increased because water diffuses to a higher concentration gradient, so the pressure will increase.

What do you think would happen to the transport rate if you put the same concentration of glucose into both beakers instead of deionized water in the right beaker?

What would happen to the transport rate if you put the same concentration of glucose in both beakers instead of deionized water in the right beaker? … Water goes to the area of higher solute concentration. Osmosis: Explain the relationship between solute concentration and osmotic pressure.

What was the effect of adding more Na K+ pumps to the simulated cell?

Preparation for Physiology Assessment
What was the effect of adding more Na+ -K+ pumps to the simulated cell?Transport of the ions was faster.
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What happened to the glucose transport rate when the glucose concentration was increased from 2 mM to 8 mM?

What happened to the glucose transport rate when the glucose concentration was increased from 2 mM to 8 mM? … The glucose transport rate increased.

When diffusion stops we say it has reached?

The direction of diffusion is said to be ‘down’ or ‘with’ the concentration gradient. Diffusion stops when the concentration of the substance is equal in both areas. This does not mean that the molecules of substance are not moving any more, just that there is no overall movement in one direction.

What affects the osmotic pressure of a solution?

The osmotic pressure of a solution is proportional to the molar concentration of the solute particles in solution. Calculate molarity of a sugar solution in water (300 K) has osmotic pressure of 3.00 atm.

What do you think will result from these experimental conditions Na+ will be maximally transported?

Predict Question 1: What do you think will result from these experimental conditions? Your answer: Na will be maximally transported. sodium or potassium? Your answer: No, it will not affect the transport of either ion.

Which of the following affect s the osmotic pressure of a solution?

Osmotic pressure is one of the colligative properties as it depends on the number of solute molecules and not on their identity.

Detailed Solution.

FactorsproportionalityOsmotic pressure trend
Molarity of solutionπ ∝ cAs the molarity of solution increase, O.P also increase

What effect did the addition of glucose have on Na+ transport?

The addition of glucose carriers had no effect on sodium or potassium transport because the potassium and sodium ions move through primary active transport. Glucose carriers move glucose molecules across the membrane so the sodium and potassium ions will not be affected.

How does NaCl affect glucose transport?

Changing the concentration of NaCl should have no effect on glucose diffusion. Of course, if you increase the concentration too significantly, you will create an osmotic movement of water out of the cell, potentially killing the cell or affecting all cellular processes.

What would increase the maximum rate of facilitated diffusion?

Facilitated diffusion can increase the rate of diffusion of particular molecules at low concentrations. However, the rate of facilitated diffusion levels off with increasing solute concentration. … Carrier proteins increase the rate of diffusion by allowing more solute to enter the cell.

Which of the following will not affect the rate of facilitated diffusion?

You correctly answered: Movement is passive and down a concentration gradient. You correctly answered: all of the above. Which of the following would not affect the rate of facilitated diffusion? You correctly answered: the amount of intracellular ATP.

What does not affect the rate of simple diffusion across a membrane?

The amount of energy available for transport molecules does not affect the rate of diffusion. This is because diffusion is a passive process.

Is osmotic pressure generated if solutes diffuse freely?

No, if solutes diffuse, no osmotic pressure is generated.

Are the solutes moving with or against their concentration gradient in facilitated diffusion?

In facilitated diffusion, substances move into or out of cells down their concentration gradient through protein channels in the cell membrane. Simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion are similar in that both involve movement down the concentration gradient.

How can the rate of active transport be increased?

The rate of active transport is affected by: The speed of individual carrier proteins – the faster they work, the faster the rate of active transport. The number of carrier proteins present – the more proteins there are, the faster the rate of active transport.

What happens if osmotic pressure is high?

(c) When cells are placed in a concentrated salt solution with an osmotic pressure greater than that of the intracellular fluid, the rate of flow of water out of the cells is greater than the rate of flow into the cells. The cells shrivel and become so deformed that they cannot function.


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