why are living organisms more common in the littoral zone than in the benthic zone?

Why Are Living Organisms More Common In The Littoral Zone Than In The Benthic Zone??

a. Explain why there is greater biodiversity in the littoral zone than there is in the benthic zone. The littoral zone has a greater biodiversity than the benthic zone because the littoral zone can support plant life. The benthic zone has less light penetration than the littoral zone, so plants cannot thrive in it.

How are littoral and benthic zones different?

The littoral zone is the part of a body of water that is near the shore, while the benthic zone is the deepest area of a body of water, including some of the sediment. … For example, a few feet from the shore of a lake, the sediment can be considered to be in both the benthic and littoral zone.

Why is the littoral zone the most productive?

Figure 1 Number of lakes of the world dominated by littoral or pelagic zones. … Lakes lower in the landscape tend to have larger, more productive littoral areas because of greater watershed inputs of nutrients, minerals, and dissolved or particulate organic material, from both surface water and stream connections.

Why are plants found in the littoral zone?

The littoral plants help the basins to function at peak efficiency by trapping sediment from runoff, controlling shoreline erosion, reducing nutrient loading and potential algae blooms, as well as providing crucial habitat for aquatic wildlife.

Do littoral zones have high biodiversity?

The littoral zone generally has high productivity and high biodiversity. The limnetic zone is the top layer of lake water away from shore. This zone covers much of the lake’s surface, but it is only as deep as sunlight can penetrate. This is a maximum of 200 meters.

What are the similarities and differences between the pelagic zone and the benthic zone?

The main difference between benthic and pelagic is that the benthic means relating to/occurring at the bottom of a body of water while pelagic means relating to/living or occurring in the open sea. Furthermore, benthic regions can be colder and darker while pelagic regions are lighter and warmer.

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What organisms live in the littoral zone?

In the lower littoral zone, which remains submerged the majority of the time, the organisms which inhabit this zone are generally larger, and protected from predation from the crashing waves. The organisms which reside in this zone include limpets, mussels, shrimp, crabs, tube worms, starfish, snails, and mollusks.

Why is the littoral zone important?

The littoral zone is the area around the shoreline where the aquatic vegetation is and is required for most man-made lakes. This is because it is critical for wildlife habitat, water quality, and erosion control which are all important factors of a lake to have a healthy ecosystem.

Why is the littoral zone considered dynamic?

The littoral zone consists of backshore, nearshore and offshore zones, includes a wide variety of coastal types, and is a dynamic zone of rapid change. The littoral zone is the area of shoreline where land is subject to wave action.

What happens in the littoral zone?

littoral zone, marine ecological realm that experiences the effects of tidal and longshore currents and breaking waves to a depth of 5 to 10 metres (16 to 33 feet) below the low-tide level, depending on the intensity of storm waves. … The geological nature of shorelines and nearshore bottoms is exceedingly varied.

What conditions do organisms need to watch out for the littoral zone?

It is alternately exposed and submerged once or twice daily. Organisms living here must be able to withstand the varying conditions of temperature, light, and salinity. Despite this, productivity is high in this zone.

What plants grow in the littoral zone?

Plankton algae, which consist of free-floating microscopic plants, grow throughout both the littoral zone and the well-lit surface waters of an entire lake. Other forms of algae, including stringy filamentous types, are common only in the littoral area.

What is the littoral zone quizlet?

The littoral zone is the area between high and low tide mark or area submerged at high tide and exposed at low tide.

Which zone has highest biodiversity?

Species diversity is greatest in the tropics, particularly in tropical forests and coral reefs. The Amazon basin in South America has the largest area of tropical forests.

What is the zone with the greatest biodiversity?

neretic zone The oceanic zone that contains the greatest biodiversity is the neretic zone. This zone supports coastal communities like coral reefs. Coral reefs…

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What type of organisms would be present primarily in the littoral zone of a pond?

The littoral zone is shallow and gets a lot of nutrients from runoff and non-point source pollution. Therefore, it typically has an abundance of aquatic plant and algae growth. Some other common inhabitants of the littoral zone are cattails, reeds, crawfish, snails, insects, zooplankton, and small fish.

Why are more species found in the benthic environment compared to the pelagic environment?

In the ocean, the benthic environment has many habitats, or niches, for organisms. Therefore the benthic environment can support more species due to more niches, or specialized habitats, for a wider variety of organisms than the fairly uniform open waters of the pelagic environment.

Why do more plants grow in the photic zone of the ocean?

Photic Zone is the top layer, nearest the surface of the ocean and is also called the sunlight layer. In this zone enough light penetrates the water to allow photosynthesis. … In this zone only a small amount of light penetrates the water. Plants do not grow here due to the insufficient amount of light.

What is the main difference between the pelagic environment and benthic environment?

The first major distinction is between the pelagic and benthic zones. The pelagic zone refers to the water column, where swimming and floating organisms live. The benthic zone refers to the bottom, and organisms living on and in the bottom are known as the benthos.

Why do most organisms live in the neritic zone?

The neritic zone is the region of shallow water (200 meters depth) above the continental shelf where light penetrates to the sea floor. Due to the abundant supply of sunlight and nutrients in this zone, it is the most productive ocean zone supporting the vast majority of marine life.

Why do some organisms living in the intertidal zones burrow themselves into the sand?

Large waves often crash along sandy beaches, so living in a burrow offers some protection.

How do living and non living organisms interact in estuaries and intertidal zones?

Estuaries and intertidal zones make up an ecosystem. Living things in these environments interact with each other. They exhibit feeding relationships that enable the nutrients and energy to cycle through them. Human lives depend to some extent on the abundant resources of estuaries.

Why do we need to protect and conserve all living organism living in the intertidal zone?

Why Is the Intertidal Zone Important? The intertidal or littoral zone maintains a balance between the land and the sea. It provides a home to specially adapted marine plants and animals. Those organisms, in turn, serve as food for many other animals.

Why are estuaries and intertidal zones important to living organisms?

Estuaries support a diversity of species of fish, shellfish, aquatic plants and animals. The protected waters provide vital nesting, breeding and feeding habitats for many species. Estuaries also filter pollutants out of the water flowing through them, including pesticides, herbicides and heavy metals.

What is meant by the littoral zone?

Definition of Littoral zone:

In marine ecosystems the shore area or intertidal zone, where periodic exposure and submersion by tides is normal.. It may also include the adjacent shallow subtidal zone.

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Why the littoral zone of the horizontal division of the ocean is considered as having extreme conditions for sea life?

The intertidal zone is an extreme ecosystem because it constantly experiences drastic changes. It is located on marine coastlines, including rocky shores and sandy beaches. … Some species live further up the shore and closer to the high tide line, while others live further down the shore, closer the low tide line.

What are the distinctive features and landscapes of the coast and the littoral zone?

1.1 The coast, and wider littoral zone, has distinctive features and landscapes. The littoral zone consists of backshore, nearshore and offshore zones, includes a wide variety of coastal types and is a dynamic zone of rapid change.

How is the littoral zone formed?

The littoral zone in an aquatic ecosystem (river, lake, sea) can be defined by the presence of sunlight at the sediment level, and the corresponding growth of partially-submerged to fully-submerged aquatic plants.

Why do crabs live in the intertidal zone?

In addition, they also have an important role in the ecosystem as predators and detritivores [1]. … In their habitat, movement of crabs to the upper habitat at night time, it helps them in evading predators like birds [3]. Intertidal crabs are exposed to fluctuated marine conditions during high tide and low tide.

What are the ABiOTIC factors of the littoral zone?


Abiotic factors include the water temperature, amount of sunlight, soil composition, and dominate geographical features.

What are littoral plants?

A littoral plant can be defined as any aquatic plant along a lake shoreline. … These aquatic plants also help stabilize lake shorelines, which can prevent dangerous erosion problems. Finally, the plants can provide an aesthetically pleasing view with its array of flowers ranging in colors and natural beauty.

Where would you expect to find the littoral zone of a lake quizlet?

The top zone near the shore of a lake or pond is the littoral zone. The near-surface open water surrounded by the littoral zone is the limnetic zone.

What is the temperature of littoral zone?

Over that same time period, in the littoral treatments the temperature gradually increased to a maximum of 25°C, and averaged 16.38 ± 0.64°C.

Where is the limnetic zone located?

limnetic zone(sublittoral zone) The area in more extensive and deeper freshwater ecosystems which lies above the compensation level and beyond the littoral (lake-edge) zone. This zone is mainly inhabited by plankton and nekton with occasional neuston species.

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