the most desired goods or services that are given up when a choice is made are called the

The Most Desired Goods Or Services That Are Given Up When A Choice Is Made Are Called The?

The most desirable alternative given up as a result of a decision is called opportunity cost.

What is given up when a choice is made?

Opportunity cost is what you give up (the benefits of the next best alternative) when you make a choice.

What is the most desired goods or services that are forgone?

Opportunity cost – the most desired goods or services foregone in order to obtain something else.

What is something that makes you want to buy a good service called?

Economists use the term demand to refer to the amount of some good or service consumers are willing and able to purchase at each price. Demand is based on needs and wants—a consumer may be able to differentiate between a need and a want, but from an economist’s perspective, they are the same thing.

What are the resources used to make goods and services called?

Factors of production are the resources people use to produce goods and services; they are the building blocks of the economy. Economists divide the factors of production into four categories: land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship.

What is given up when a choice is made the highest valued alternative foregone?

opportunity cost The highest-valued alternative that must be forgone when a choice is made is called opportunity cost.

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What is given up when a choice is made the second best alternative?

Opportunity cost is what is given up when a choice is made (the second best alternative).

What is the most desirable rate of output for a firm?

The most desirable rate of output is the one that: Maximizes total profit. -Profit maximized when the difference between total revenue and total costs is greatest.

Is the satisfaction or pleasure one gets from consuming a good or service?

utility In economics, utility refers to the satisfaction gained from consuming a good or service. Total utility is usually defined as a quantifiable summation of satisfaction or happiness obtained from consuming multiple units of a particular good or service.

Which of the following factors increase the demand for any good or service?

Which of the following factors increase the demand for any good or service? … Holding all else constant, as price increases, quantity demanded decreases and as price decreases, quantity demanded increases.

Who provides a good or service?

Economics- vocab words
consumersone who buys goods or services for personal use rather than for resale or use in production or manufacturing.
producersa person, group, or business that makes goods or provides services to satisfy consumers’ needs and wants.

What are three goods examples?

Clothing, food, and jewelry are all examples of consumer goods. Basic or raw materials, such as copper, are not considered consumer goods because they must be transformed into usable products.

What you give up to make or buy something?

Opportunity cost refers to what you have to give up to buy what you want in terms of other goods or services. When economists use the word “cost,” we usually mean opportunity cost.

What is the most desirable outcome given up when you make a decision?

the opportunity cost The most desirable alternative somebody gives up as a result of a decision is the opportunity cost.

What is the process used to create goods and services?

The process of creating goods and services in which organizational resources are transformed into outputs is called production-operations.

What is the most important resource for producing goods and services in the new economy?

The factors of production are the resources used in creating and producing a good or service and are the building blocks of an economy. The factors of production are land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship, which are seamlessly interwoven together to create economic growth.

What are alternative choices that are given up in favor of the choice we select *?

Opportunity cost is the value of the best alternative forgone in making any choice. Ex: If you choose to spend $20 on a potted plant, you have simultaneously chosen to give up the benefits of spending the $20 on pizzas or a paperback book or a night at the movies.

Is the alternative given up when making a choice?

The most desirable alternative given up as a result of a decision is known as opportunity cost. Trade-offs are all the alternatives that we give up whenever we choose one course of action over others.

When a society chooses to use a resource for one purpose and gives up the opportunity to use it for some other purpose what cost is involved?

In order to use a scarce resource, you are inherently using the resource for one purpose and not an alternative. The cost of using a resource is called the opportunity cost: the value of the next best alternative that you could be using the resource for instead.

What does macroeconomics deal with?

Macroeconomics is the branch of economics that deals with the structure, performance, behavior, and decision-making of the whole, or aggregate, economy. The two main areas of macroeconomic research are long-term economic growth and shorter-term business cycles.

What we give up for when another alternative is chosen is called?

Opportunity cost is refers to the value of what one is required to give up in order to choose something else. In other words, it is the value of next best alternative.

When the opportunity cost of a choice increases?

When the opportunity cost of a choice increases: Individuals are less likely to choose that same option. An example of a marginal decision is deciding whether to: Buy 1 more apple or 1 more banana.

What do rising marginal costs result from?


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The Marginal Cost curve is U shaped because initially when a firm increases its output, total costs, as well as variable costs, start to increase at a diminishing rate. At this stage, due to economies of scale and the Law of Diminishing Returns, Marginal Cost falls till it becomes minimum.

When a firm increased its output by one unit its AC decreased This implies that?

When a firm increased its output by one unit, its AFC decreased. This is an indication that? the law of diminishing returns has taken effect.

When a firm produces at a technically efficient output level it is group of answer choices?

When a firm produces at a technically efficient output level, it is: Using the fewest resources to produce a good or service. A firm increases the amount of a variable input without changing a fixed input.

Which of the following best explains why most people don’t consume units of goods to the point that their marginal utility falls to zero?

Which of the following best explains why most people don’t consume units of goods to the point that their marginal utility falls to zero? – If marginal utility is falling, then total utility is falling. – Consumers face budget constraints that limit how much they can purchase.

Is the satisfaction received from the consumption of a good?

Marginal utility is the: Additional satisfaction or happiness received from the consumption of an additional unit of a good or service.

What is the ability of a good or service to satisfy wants?

Utility is the ability of a good or a service to satisfy a want. In other words, a good or a service that has utility is a useful good or service.

What causes increase in demand?

Increases in demand are shown by a shift to the right in the demand curve. This could be caused by a number of factors, including a rise in income, a rise in the price of a substitute or a fall in the price of a complement.

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Which factor will increase the demand for a product?

For most goods, there is a positive (direct) relationship between a consumer’s income and the amount of the good that one is willing and able to buy. In other words, for these goods when income rises the demand for the product will increase; when income falls, the demand for the product will decrease.

What causes the market demand for a commodity to increase?

As mentioned above, apart from price, demand for a commodity is determined by incomes of the consumers, his tastes and preferences, prices of related goods. … The other important factor which can cause an increase in demand for a commodity is the expectations about future prices.

What are goods and services?

Goods are items that are usually (but not always) tangible, such as pens, physical books, salt, apples, and hats. Services are activities provided by other people, who include doctors, lawn care workers, dentists, barbers, waiters, or online servers, a digital book, a digital videogame or a digital movie.

Why are goods and services important?

services help in the further production of goods and services. Quality and quantity of goods and services determine the level of production, investment, consumption and satisfaction of human wants.

Who makes goods and services available to consumers?

Producers Producers – Those who use productive resources (see below) to make goods or to supply services. Producers can be individuals, proprietorships, families, partnerships, or corporations. The goal of the producer is to maximize profit given the quality and quantity of the 4 key resources.

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