what do mitochondrial and thylakoid membranes have in common?

What Do Mitochondrial And Thylakoid Membranes Have In Common??

The mitochondrial membrane and thylakoids membranes have a couple things in common: Both membranes contain ATP Synthase Proteins.

What is the thylakoid membrane similar to in mitochondria?

In terms of its role in generation of metabolic energy, the thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts is thus equivalent to the inner membrane of mitochondria.

In what way are mitochondria and chloroplast membranes similar?

Chloroplasts are very similar to mitochondria, but are found only in the cells of plants and some algae. Like mitochondria, chloroplasts produce food for their cells. … Like the mitochondria, the chloroplast has an inner and outer membrane.

What do both mitochondria and chloroplasts have in common?

Chloroplasts (members of the plastid family) and mitochondria are central to the energy cycles of ecosystems and the biosphere. They both contain DNA, organized into nucleoids, coding for critical genes for photosynthetic and respiratory energy production.

What is the main relationship between the mitochondria and the chloroplast?

Key points:

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Mitochondria are the “powerhouses” of the cell, breaking down fuel molecules and capturing energy in cellular respiration. Chloroplasts are found in plants and algae. They’re responsible for capturing light energy to make sugars in photosynthesis.

What do thylakoid membranes contain?


The thylakoid membranes contain chlorophyll and other pigments arranged in antenna arrays to capture light energy for two photosystems called Photosystem I and Photosystem II.

What are two other organelles besides the mitochondria that contain DNA and have a double membrane?

Name two other organelles besides the mitochondria that contain DNA and have a double membrane. Two other organelles that contain DNA and have a double membrane are chlorplasts and the nucleus.

What are three similarities between chloroplasts and mitochondria?

Similarities between mitochondria and chloroplast:
  • Mitochondria and chloroplast both are bounded by double membrane envelope.
  • Both mitochondria and chloroplast are semi autonomous organelles.
  • Mitochondria and chloroplast both have their own genome (DNA)i.e genetic material.

Do mitochondria contain Thylakoids?

The inner membrane in mitochondria is folded into cristae. The inner membrane in chloroplast forms flattened sacs called thylakoids. … Mitochondria consume oxygen to provide energy to the cells.

What is not common in both mitochondria and chloroplasts?

Complete solution: The above option which is not common in chloroplasts and mitochondria is that both are present in animal cells.As everyone knows that chloroplast helps in photosynthesis, and photosynthesis always takes place in the plant cells only.

What are the similarities between mitochondria and nucleus?

Similar to the nucleus, chloroplasts and mitochondria are membrane-bound and stocked with a strategic set of enzymes. … Both plant and animal cells have mitochondria because both participate in aerobic respiration.

What are the similarities between mitochondria and plastids?

(i) Both are double-membrane bound organelles. (ii) Both are capaable of producing some of their own proteins due to possession of DNA, RNA, Ribosomes and enzymes.

What are the three main proteins in the thylakoid membrane that the electrons will be transported to?

Three major thylakoid membrane protein complexes – PSII, cyt b6f, and PSI – cooperate in LET in order to transport electrons from water molecules to oxidized nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP+). Photosynthetic water-splitting occurs at the lumenal side of PSII at the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC).

Do thylakoid membranes contain electron transport chain proteins?

Respiratory electron transport components (blue) are located in both cytoplasmic and thylakoid membranes. The thylakoid membrane houses complexes from both photosynthetic (green) and respiratory electron transport chains.

Does the thylakoid membrane have enzymes?

The thylakoid membrane enzyme that couples ATP synthesis to the flow of protons down their electrochemical gradient is called the chloroplast ATP synthase (see Fig. 10). This enzyme has remarkable similarities to ATP synthases in mitochondria and certain bacteria.

What do mitochondria chloroplasts nuclei and plasma membranes have in common?

Both organelles are involved in energy transformation, mitochondria in cellular respiration and chloroplasts in photosynthesis. They both have multiple membranes that separate their interiors into compartments.

Which organelle other than the chloroplast and mitochondria have a double membrane?

Chloroplasts are another organelle that contain a double membrane and retain their own DNA. Unlike mitochondria, however, the inner membrane of chloroplasts is not folded. They do, however have a third, internal membrane called the thylakoid membrane, which is folded.

What is the benefit of having some of the cellular organelles enclosed by a membrane similar to the plasma membrane?

Like the plasma membrane, organelle membranes function to keep the inside “in” and the outside “out.” This partitioning permits different kinds of biochemical reactions to take place in different organelles.

What is similarity and dissimilarity between mitochondria and chloroplast?

(i) (a) Both are double membrane structures. (b) Both of them have their own genetic material. (ii) Mitochondria is the site of production of energy whereas plastid is the site of production of food.

Which enzyme do the inner membranes of both mitochondria and chloroplasts contain?

ATP-synthase enzymes These inner membranes are highly folded (forming cristae or thylakoids), and contain ATP-synthase enzymes. ATP synthesis involves photophosphorylation in chloroplasts, and oxidative phosphorylation in both mitochondria and chloroplasts.

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Does mitochondria have membrane?

As previously mentioned, mitochondria contain two major membranes. The outer mitochondrial membrane fully surrounds the inner membrane, with a small intermembrane space in between. … The inner membrane is also loaded with proteins involved in electron transport and ATP synthesis.

What organelle can be found is both a prokaryotic and a eukaryotic cell?

Ribosome So, the correct answer is ‘Ribosome is an organelle which is found in both the type of cells that are eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells’. Note: They are located in two areas of cytoplasm. They are scattered in the cytoplasm.

Is mitochondria and chloroplast are semi autonomous organelles?

Mitochondria and chloroplast are semiautonomous organelles. … They are formed by division of preexisting organelles as well as contain DNA but lack protein-synthesizing machinery.

Which of the following is not found in chloroplasts?

Answer: In the given list Anthocyanin is the pigment that is absent in chloroplasts.

What do mitochondria and nucleus have in common?

The nucleus and mitochondria (singular: mitochondrion) both contain DNA. In the nucleus, the DNA acts as as blue print for making all of the cellular…

How nucleus and mitochondria work together?

The nucleus controls the proteins and information transmitted to the mitochondria by anterograde regulation. Anterograde regulation reflects different stressors through the nuclear genome reprograming which modulate mitochondria biogenesis.

What feature do nuclei and mitochondria share?

Mitochondria, as you’ve seen, possess their own DNA, and furthermore, this DNA contains genes that nuclear (regular) DNA does not. Mitochondria and nuclei, along with organelles such as the endoplasmic reticulum, have their own membrane.

Why are mitochondria called Power House of cell give three similarities and one difference between mitochondria and plastid?

Mitochondria is known as powerhouse of the cell because it creates energy for the cell. It releases energy in the form of ATP molecules. … Mitochondria is related to production of ATP molecules whereas plastids are the main site of photosynthesis.

Which of the following is a common feature of mitochondria and plastids?

Presence of DNA and ribosomes.

What is the difference between mitochondria and plastic?

Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. It is responsible for the production of energy (in the form of ATP) in the cell which is used for aerobic respiration. Plastid helps in the production and storage of food (glucose). They are only found in plants and algae.

What do the proteins on the thylakoid membrane do?

Integral membrane proteins. Thylakoid membranes contain integral membrane proteins which play an important role in light-harvesting and the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis.

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What happens in the thylakoid membrane during photosynthesis?

In plants, the so-called “light” reactions occur within the chloroplast thylakoids, where the aforementioned chlorophyll pigments reside. When light energy reaches the pigment molecules, it energizes the electrons within them, and these electrons are shunted to an electron transport chain in the thylakoid membrane.

What protein are embedded in the thylakoid membrane?

The light reactions of photosynthesis in green plants are mediated by four large protein complexes, embedded in the thylakoid membrane of the chloroplast. Photosystem I (PSI) and Photosystem II (PSII) are both organized into large supercomplexes with variable amounts of membrane-bound peripheral antenna complexes.

How is the function of the thylakoid membrane similar to that of the inner mitochondrial membrane?

The outer membrane of the chloroplast envelope, like that of mitochondria, contains porins and is therefore freely permeable to small molecules. … In terms of its role in generation of metabolic energy, the thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts is thus equivalent to the inner membrane of mitochondria.

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Chloroplasts – Structure

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