why were canals an important innovation in the early nineteenth century?

Why Were Canals An Important Innovation In The Early Nineteenth Century??

Why were canals an important innovation in the early nineteenth century? They allowed cheaper transport because boats could support heavier loads.

Which group made up the bulk of the workforce in New England textile mills until the 1840s quizlet?

He ordered federal deposits removed from its vaults. Which group made up the bulk of the workforce in New England textile mills until the 1840s? Young women who hoped to gain more autonomy.

Which of the following best describes the effects of the first railroad lines in the United States?

Which statement describes the effects of the first railroad lines in the United States? Railroads did not monopolize travel because lines were too short. … What role did bankers play in the economy of Jacksonian America?

Which factor contributed to the panic of 1837?

The Panic of 1837 was partly caused by the economic policies of President Jackson, who created the Specie Circular by executive order and refused to renew the charter of Second Bank of the United States.

How did political leaders feel about political parties after 1828?

How did political leaders feel about political parties after 1828? political parties created important party loyalty. excluding members of political factions that were not loyal to him. How did President Jackson respond to South Carolina’s threat of nullification?

How did Southern Men’s emphasis on chivalry affect Southern law?

How did southern men’s emphasis on chivalry affect southern law? Slave holder’s mastery was written into law as well as the paramount rights of husbands.Married women lost all of their property rights. What issue did the diarist Mary Chestnut Boykin expose as being of great concern to planter class women?

Why did relatively few white Northerners get involved in the campaign to eradicate slavery quizlet?

Why did relatively few white northerners get involved in the campaign to eradicate slavery? They tended to be racists, even when they opposed slavery.

Why are railroads important to a nation’s development?

Railroads are important to a nation’s development because… They help with transportation of people and goods. … The methods of moving people and goods across the continent changed over time by… progression of transportation; from on foot to automobiles (cars, trains, planes, etc.)

How did railroads influence industrial development?

1) Railroads opened more markets, places to ship and sell products. 2) Railroads slowed progress due to the immense cost of building them. 3) Railroad companies would lay tracks only where factories already existed. 4) Railroad companies encouraged factory workers to commute to work by rail.

How did the railroad help change the prairie?

The advent of the railroad, which brought white settlers to the prairie states by the boxcar-full, was directly responsible for the destruction of the prairie grasslands that once covered millions of acres. … In the past few decades, great strides have been made to restore prairies by reseeding them with native grasses.

What occurred as a direct result of canal construction in the eastern United States in the mid-1800s?

What occurred as a direct result of canal construction in the eastern United States in the mid-1800s? Shipping costs between major cities dropped sharply.

Who was the first US president to be born in the United States?

Van Buren

When Van Buren took office in 1837, he became the first president who was born as a U.S. citizen.

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Why did Mexico begin to encourage settlers from America to come to its Coahuila Texas region quizlet?

Why did Mexico begin to encourage settlers from America to come to its Coahuila-Texas region? Few Mexicans would settle this undeveloped land because of fear of Indian attacks and lawlessness there. Residents of a territory should be allowed to decide whether or not to permit slavery.

What was the major purpose of improving the roads in nineteenth century America?

A key element in developing a market economy in nineteenth century america was “B) Improving roads to transport goods,” since without these routes of transport business was “stuck” in only certain areas.

Which of the following best explains the expansion of participatory democracy in the early nineteenth century?

Which of the following best explains the expansion of participatory democracy in the early nineteenth century? The reduction of property requirements for White male suffrage resulted in increased voter participation and, thus, increased participation in political party activity.

Why was the election of 1828 significant?

The campaign of 1828 was a crucial event in a period that saw the development of a two-party system akin to our modern system, presidential electioneering bearing a closer resemblance to modern political campaigning, and the strengthening of the power of the executive branch.

What did mid nineteenth century Southern men need in order to achieve high social standing and success in the world of politics?

What did mid-19th century southern men need in order to achieve high social standing and success in the world of politics? An honorable reputation. … in every skilled and unskilled occupation in the south.

How important was agriculture to the economy of the North in the mid nineteenth century?

How important was agriculture to the economy of the North in the mid-nineteenth century? … It dominated the northern economy as it did in the South.

What was an advantage of being a house servant in the Old South?

What was an advantage of being aend house servant in the Old South? b. House slaves enjoyed somewhat less physically demanding work. What was the most frequent cause of the end of slave marriages?

Why were canals an important innovation in the early 19th century quizlet?

Why were canals an important innovation in the early nineteenth century? They allowed cheaper transport because boats could support heavier loads.

Why did the government fund the building of transportation networks quizlet?

How did state governments facilitate the building of transportation networks in the early 19th century? They allowed cheaper transport because boats could support heavier loads. Why were canals an important innovation in the early 19th century? Young women who hoped to gain more autonomy.

Which factor contributed to the panic of 1819 quizlet?

The major cause of the Panic of 1819 was irresponsible banking policies. The Second Bank of the United States offered bad loans and paper money, then changed to more conservative credit policies, especially in the western states where state loans had been made to land speculators.

Why were railroads important in the 1800s?

The development of railroads was one of the most important events of the U.S. Industrial Revolution. … Railroads improved transportation across the U.S.Thousands of settlers utilized the Railroads in the 1800s to move west. New cities and towns emerged along the route of the railways.

Why are railroads important?

It made commerce possible on a vast scale.

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In addition to transporting western food crops and raw materials to East Coast markets and manufactured goods from East Coast cities to the West Coast, the railroad also facilitated international trade.

Why are trains important in history?

From fueling the industrial revolution to actually shaping the physical landscape, trains have left an indelible mark on the world and the United States in particular. Taking a look at historical trends since the birth of the steam locomotive, it is impossible to overstate the industry’s importance today.

Why was the railroads so important in the Gilded Age?

Railroads completely transformed the United States socially, politically, and economically during the Gilded Age. Literally the engine of the new industrialized economy, they facilitated the speedy transportation of raw materials and finished goods from coast to coast.

How did railroads help the United States grow and prosper?

It made travel to the West easier for emigrants whose only options before were wagon trails. Railroads often owned the right-of-way along the tracks, thus facilitating the sale of land to potential homeowners. Railroads also made it easier to get mail and consumer goods to people who had moved West.

Why were railroads so important to America’s second industrial revolution?

Why were railroads so important to America’s second industrial revolution? … The transcontinental railroad opened new areas to farming and created a national market for goods. National brands and mail-order companies became widespread, even able to reach rural families throughout the country.

Why was the transcontinental railroad important to the United States?

Just as it opened the markets of the west coast and Asia to the east, it brought products of eastern industry to the growing populace beyond the Mississippi. The railroad ensured a production boom, as industry mined the vast resources of the middle and western continent for use in production.

How did the railroad contribute to the end of the Indian way of life?

The Transcontinental Railroad dramatically altered ecosystems. For instance, it brought thousands of hunters who killed the bison Native people relied on. The Cheyenne experience was different. The railroad disrupted intertribal trade on the Plains, and thereby broke a core aspect of Cheyenne economic life.

What role did the railroads have in settling the West?

The railroad opened the way for the settlement of the West, provided new economic opportunities, stimulated the development of town and communities, and generally tied the country together.

Why were canals so important to the US economy quizlet?

Why were canals so important to the US economy? They provided water transport from the West to the Atlantic Ocean. What was a consequence of the expansion of steamboat travel? The Northwest became part of the national market.

What did the construction of those canals accomplish?

What did the construction of those canals accomplish? It relieved some of the shipping traffic that was clogging the Mississippi and Ohio rivers. … The Erie Canal, a 363-mile landmark feat of engineering, opened in 1825 and inspired the construction of thousands of miles of canals throughout the United States.

How did canals help improve the economy?

The Erie Canal helped to launch the consumer economy.

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In addition to providing an economic boost by allowing the transport of goods at one-tenth the previous cost in less than half the previous time, the Erie Canal led to a transformation of the American economy as a whole.

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