who is the main character in wonder

Who is the main person in Wonder?

Auggie (August) Pullman is ten years old. He loves Xbox, his dog, Daisy, and he really loves Star Wars. His favorite character is Jango Fett, and he used to have a small braid in the back of his head like a Padawan Jedi apprentice. His favorite holiday is Halloween, and his birthday is October 10th.

Is the main character in Wonder a boy or a girl?

In Wonder, R.J. Palacio tells the story of Auggie, a tough, sweet, 10-year-old boy, who was born with distorted facial features — a “craniofacial difference” caused by an anomaly in his DNA. Palacio tells NPR’s Michele Norris that the book was inspired by a real-life encounter with her own kids six years ago.

Who is the main character in Auggie and me?

The main characters in the part called Pluto are, Chris, Chris’s mom and dad, Auggie, and John is a little bit of a main character. The main characters in the chapter called Shingaling are, Charlotte, Xiema, Summer, Savanna, Ellie, and Mrs. Atanabi.

Is Charlotte a main character in Wonder?

Charlotte Cody is a character in Wonder, as well as the main character in Shingaling: A Wonder Story. Charlotte is a student at Beecher Prep and one of August’s welcoming buddies when he visits the school.

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Who is Daisy in Wonder?


Darth Daisy was the Pullmans’ family pet dog for many years. She was named “Darth Daisy” by August and Via, though they rarely called her by her full name. She is a yellow lab mix. She is portrayed by Gidget in Wonder.

Is Wonder a true story?

“Wonder” isn’t based on one particular true story, but its origins do stem from a real-life incident that the novel’s author, R.J. Palacio, once had. According to ABC News, Palacio and her two sons encountered a little girl with a cranial facial disorder.

What is the main idea of Wonder?

Kindness is the main theme in Wonder. It helps us realize that a small, simple act of kindness can make a big difference, and we have the ability to CHOOSE KIND.

Do Julian and Auggie become friends?

From the moment they met in the page of Wonder, it was clear that Auggie and Julian were never going to be friends. Julian is nasty, mean, and downright cruel to Auggie.

Why did Jack Punch Julian right in the mouth?

Why did Jack punch Julian right in the mouth? Because Julian said he didn’t have to be friends with that freak if he didn’t want to be. Why do you think Jack didn’t want to tell Mr.

Who wrote the book Wonder?

R. J. Palacio

What does Julian say to Auggie?

Julian explains that he has been getting nightmares because of August. Melissa photoshops the photo and persuades him to not think about Auggie. Julian continues to insult August by calling him nicknames such as “Zombie Boy” and “Freak”.

Is Auggie and me the same as Wonder?

AUGGIE & ME is a new side to the WONDER story: three new chapters from three different characters – bully Julian, oldest friend Christopher and classmate Charlotte – giving an insight into how Auggie.

Are Charlotte and Auggie friends?

Charlotte is a student at Beecher Prep and one of Auggie Pullman’s welcoming buddies when he visits the school. Over time, she becomes close friends with Summer Dawson and Ximena, due to the dance performance that they are all part of.

Which movie is Auggie’s obsession?

Star Wars plays a small but significant role in Wonder; not only is it the singular obsession of the film’s main character, Auggie Pullman (played by Jacob Tremblay — a noted Padawan in his own right), but Chbosky also wrangled surprise cameo appearances by two residents of George Lucas’s far, far away galaxy: a …

What happened to summer’s dad Wonder?

Summer lives with her mother, as her father passed away. She is 11 years old.

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How does wonder end?

The movie ends with everyone cheering Auggie as he delivers a voiceover narration (quoting the last precept Mr. Browne gave in class) “Be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle. And if you really want to see what people are, all you have to do is look.”

What happened to Auggie’s dog?

Pullman took her to the animal hospital where X-rays and blood tests were taken. They discovered that Daisy had a huge mass in her stomach and that she was having trouble breathing. They didn’t want her to suffer, so she was put to sleep, allowing her to die a painless and peaceful death.

What did via say to Auggie?

Auggie asks her if people go out of their way to avoid touching her, and Via wisely responds by saying, “Don’t compare your bad days at school to mine” (2. Time to Think.

Who inspired Wonder?

Palacio’s 2012 book, “Wonder,” tells the story of 10-year-old Auggie Pullman, a fictional boy with facial differences, and his experiences in everyday life dealing with the condition. The book was inspired by a real-life encounter Palacio had with a child who had a craniofacial disorder.

What is August Pullman disease called?

Nathaniel was born with Treacher Collins syndrome and has been called “Auggie Pullman come to life” by author R.J. Palacio.

How old is Jack from Wonder?

Noah Jupe
Born2004/2005 (age 16–17)
Years active2015–present
Parent(s)Katy Cavanagh (mother)

What is the plot to the book Wonder?

Wonder is a brutally powerful story of a 10-year-old boy named August Pullman, who has a facial anomaly. He is an ordinary kid who plays Xbox, is obsessed with Star Wars, but despite the 27 operations done for his face he will never look normal.

Why is family important in Wonder?

This family culture gives Auggie—and the reader—some comic relief even when things get really heavy. While the Pullman family members are very loving and nurturing, Via still gets short-changed in all sorts of ways. She both accepts and resents this dynamic.

How is Auggie brave in Wonder?

August also shows how courage consists of addressing and then overcoming the things he fears most—beginning with entering Beecher in the fall. The most visible aspect of his bravery comes when he disregards his own physical safety and places himself in harm’s way to defend a friend.

Who stands up for Auggie in wonder?


When Julian tries to get Jack to leave Auggie out, Jack stands up for Auggie and their friendship.

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Why did Auggie cut off his braid?

The Padawan braid represents Auggie’s younger childhood interests and fantasies. … In Star Wars, Padawan’s cut off their braids when they become official Jedi Knights, so we can also see Auggie’s decision to cut off his braid as symbolic of him coming into his own. He is ready to find his place in the world.

What did Auggie cut off?

Padawan braid After the first day of school, Auggie cuts off his Padawan braid. His dad doesn’t care, but his sister is pretty outraged.

Why did Justin tell Auggie that he had a cool room?

Why did Justin tell Auggie that he had a cool room? Justin didn’t want to focus on Auggie’s face.

What was Jack’s punishment for hitting Julian?

He punched Julian in the mouth because Julian said “why do you hang out with the freak so much”, which triggered Jack, furthermore which lead to Jack punching Julian. He changed his mind about his opinion on August, which lead to detention and expulsion, because he punched Julian.

What did Julian’s mom do?

Albans (Julian’s Mom) She’s the mom of the meanest kid in the fifth grade. … She photoshops Auggie out of the class picture, and even goes so far as to give a copy of the altered version to some other moms.

Why is Wonder called Wonder?

He is so strong – coping with operations and bullies; stronger than all the others put together. This book shows other people doing good and bad. It is called Wonder because it makes you wonder – if you were him, or them. … One decision changed his life and your decision to read this book could change your life too.

Who wrought the book Wonder?

author R.J. Palacio Video ‘Wonder’ author R.J.Palacio tells the story behind her inspiration for the book: Part 3 – ABC News.

Is RJ Palacio married?

Russell Gordon

Who played Savannah in Wonder?

She is portrayed by Emily Delahunty in Wonder.

Wonder Real AGE and Name – Wonder Movie

Wonder Behind the Scenes – The Makeup (2017) | Movieclips Extras

Wonder characters


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