what is the definition of place in geography

What does place mean in geography?


Broadly defined, place is a location. The word is used to describe a specific location, such as the place on a shelf, a physical environment, a building or locality of special significance, or a particular region or location. The term can be used for locations at almost any geographic scale, depending on context.Sep 14, 2020

What does place mean in geography for kids?

Geography, Physical Geography, Human Geography

One of the five main themes of geography, place describes the physical and human characteristics of any location on Earth.

What is place and space in geography?

In the humanistic geography space and place are important concepts. … Space is something abstract, without any substantial meaning. While place refers to how people are aware of/attracted to a certain piece of space.

What is meant by the concept of place?

Place is defined as location plus meaning. Location simply describes where a place is on a map whereas meaning is more complex. … Place can be applied to any scale: from a particular room in a building to a country or region which rouses shared feelings in people.

What is an example of a place in geography?

Place describes the features that make a place unique. For example the Rocky Mountains and the Mississippi river are two major physical features in the U.S. Climate and resources is also another factor of place. The U.S, being as big as it is, has a lot of varying climate zones.

How is place represented?

How places may be represented in a variety of different forms such as advertising copy, tourist agency material, local art exhibitions in diverse media (e.g. film, photography, art, story, song etc.) that often give contrasting images to that presented formally or statistically such as cartography and census data.

What is the difference between a region and a place?

A place is space that is different from other spaces. Regions are areas defined by unifying physical and/or human characteristics.

How do you describe location in geography?

A location is the place where a particular point or object exists. … A location is the place where a particular point or object exists. Location is an important term in geography, and is usually considered more precise than “place.” A locality is a human settlement: city, town, village, or even archaeological site.

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What is place perception?

Perceptions are the basis for understanding a place’s location, extent, characteristics, and significance. Throughout our lives, culture and experience shape our worldviews, which in turn influence our perceptions of places and regions.

What makes a space into a place?

PPS has devised four qualities common to all successful public spaces. These are accessibility, engagement with activities, comfort, aesthetics and sociability. Desirable public places tend to be accessed easily by walking, cycling, or public transit.

What is time space and place?

The intrinsically linked concept of time, place and space refers to the absolute or relative position of people, objects and ideas. Time, place and space focuses on how we construct and use our understanding of location (“where” and “when”). … Space relates to where and why places and landscapes are located.

What means specific place?

location-specific. happening only at some particular places depending on certain features.

What is place in geography A level?

At A Level, a more complex picture of place emerges. There are two aspects to this. First, place is understood as a geographical nexus of connections and linkages including flows of people, ideas, information, wealth and things, which come together in and define a geographical location or locality.

What are the examples of a place?

Place is defined as a particular location or space or the particular area normally occupied by something. An example of place is Manhattan. An example of place is the spot where a particular book belongs.

What are the three main ways to describe place in geography?

Places are jointly characterized by their physical and human properties. Their physical characteristics include landforms, climate, soils, and hydrology. Things such as language, religion, political systems, economic systems, and population distribution are examples of human characteristics.

How is place represented in the media?

The media often represents a place in a way which contrasts with our lived experiences of it. … They have a particular purpose in their portrayal of a place and can differ quite markedly from statistical and other types of qualitative data.

What is lived experience of a place?

Lived experience may be defined as people’s perspective on the social, political and economic situation within their areas and the way that they interact with them. Arguably one of the most significant factors that influence both people’s lived experience and level of engagement with an area is their age.

What is informal representation of a place?

What is an Informal Representation of a place? A representation of a place that shows the geographical context of a place through the media, which offers sounds and sight of the place. … An Informal Representation of a place tends to be more subjective, offering geographical context of a place through sound and sight.

What is an area place?

There is indeed some difference between the two words. The word ‘area’ conveys the sense of ‘space’ on a surface or a region or locality. On the other hand the word ‘place’ conveys the sense of ‘spot’, a particular portion of space. This is the main difference between the two words, namely, area and place.

What is the geography definition of a place and please provide an example?

Place. Place describes the human and physical characteristics of a location. Physical characteristics: Includes a description of such things as mountains, rivers, beaches, topography, climate, and animal and plant life of a place.

What is the difference between location and place example?

Location describes the physical structure of the area in specific or general terms, for example, by use of longitude and latitude coordinates or the relative position of the area, i.e. next to the school or opposite the church. A place, on the other hand, is just a physical description of the structure or the area.

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What’s the difference between location and place in geography?

“Location” is defined as “the specific area where a place is situated.” It is, therefore, particular with spatial positions. It usually has absolute coordinates. … “Place” is a broader term that describes any part of space or an area that does not have any reference to something specific.

What makes a place a region?

A region is an area that includes a number of places–all of which have something in common. … Physical regions are defined by landform (continents and mountain ranges), climate, soil, and natural vegetation. Cultural regions are distinguished by such traits as language, politics, religion, economics, and industry.

What is location description?

The textual representation of the physical location of the subject or entity. (

What does place mean in art?

Think of the ways place is used in everyday speech. “Would you like to come round to my place?” This suggests ownership or some kind of connection between a person and a particular location or building. It also suggests a notion of privacy and belonging. “My place” is not “your place” – you and I have different places.

What gives a city a sense of place?

Sense of place is determined by personal experiences, social interactions, and identities. Understanding sense of place in the urban context would be incomplete without a critical consideration of cities as socially constructed places both inherited and created by those who live there.

What does sense of place mean in AP Human Geography?

sense of place. state of mind derived through the infusion of a place with meaning and emotion by remembering important events that occurred in that place or by labeling a place with a certain character. ethnicity. affiliation or identity within a group of people bound by common ancestry and culture.

What is a place in architecture?

Place is a where dimension formed by people’s relationship with physical settings, individual and group activities, and meanings. … The creation or preservation of Sense of place is important in maintaining the quality of the environment as well as the integrity of human life within it.

What is place and space in architecture?

While space is an open and abstract area, place is not considered as a subjective and abstract concept [7], it rather is a location or a part of space which obtains its particular identity through the factors inside it [4] and has a meaning and value.

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What makes a good place?

In evaluating thousands of public spaces around the world, PPS has found that successful ones have four key qualities: they are accessible; people are engaged in activities there; the space is comfortable and has a good image; and finally, it is a sociable place: one where people meet each other and take people when …

What is the science of space and place?

Space and place together define the nature of geography. Spatial analysis or the explanation of spatial organisation is at the forefront of geographical research. Geographers appear to be confident of both the meaning of space and the methods suited to its analysis.

What is real space in geography?

Real space. This is the common geographical space which can be reflected by maps or remote sensing images (RSI), and so forth. The real form, relation, location, and neighborhood of geographical phenomena are always given in this kind of spatial way.

Can time be defined?

Physicists define time as the progression of events from the past to the present into the future. … Time can be considered to be the fourth dimension of reality, used to describe events in three-dimensional space. It is not something we can see, touch, or taste, but we can measure its passage.

Do you say at a place or in a place?

“At” is used when you are at the top, bottom or end of something; at a specific address; at a general location; and at a point. “In” is used in a space, small vehicle, water, neighborhood, city and country.

Location, Space, and Place (Geographic Terms)

The Concept of Place | A-level Geography | AQA, OCR, Edexcel

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