what is a group of ants called

What Is A Group Of Ants Called?


What we call a group of ants?

A group of ants is called a colony.

Is a group of ants called an army?

A group of ants is called a colony, or sometimes an army. Ants are a social insect, and live in large groups that have one ‘queen’ ant, and many ‘worker’ ants that are responsible for foraging for food, as well as caring for the queen and her offspring.

What will be the collective noun of ants?

A swarm of ants.

What is group of fish called?

Why is a group of fish called a ‘school’?

Some fish tend to swim in groups in order to protect themselves from their predators. … The most common collective nouns for a group of fish in general are school and shoal. Both the words have evolved from the same common Dutch root ‘schole’ meaning a troop or crowd.

What is a group of ladybirds called?

The name for a group of ladybirds is a bloom.

What is a group of sheep?

A group of sheep is called a flock. A farmer’s flock can range from two sheep to over 1,500 ewes with their lambs.

What is a group of frogs called?


A group of frogs is called an “army.”Jul 8, 2020

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what is group of ants called??

Group of ants are called? How to draw an ant? Interesting facts


Inside the ant colony – Deborah M. Gordon

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