what is the relationship between the crust and the lithosphere

What Is The Relationship Between The Crust And The Lithosphere?

The relationship between the crust and the lithosphere is that the crust makes up the upper portion of the lithosphere.

What is the relationship between the crust mantle lithosphere and asthenosphere quizlet?

The lithosphere is the tectonic plate and consists of crust (continental and oceanic), Moho line, Upper Mantle Rigid. The asthenosphere is where the convection currents drive the plates apart and consist of Upper Mantle flowing. Oceanic crust is dense and thin. Continental crust is thick but less dense.

What are the relationships between the mantle crust asthenosphere and lithosphere?

The lithosphere is the brittle crust and uppermost mantle. The asthenosphere is a solid but it can flow, like toothpaste. The lithosphere rests on the asthenosphere.

What is the main difference between the lithosphere and the asthenosphere contrast the oceanic lithosphere and continental lithosphere?

The modern understanding of the Earth’s upper mantle is that there are two distinct components – the lithospheric part and the asthenosphere. The lithosphere, which includes the continental plates, acts as a brittle solid whereas the asthenosphere is hotter and weaker due to mantle convection.

What are the lithosphere and asthenosphere quizlet?

The lithosphere is the crust and the upper part of the mantle. The asthenosphere is a plastic like layer and continental plates move on top of it.

Which of the following correctly describes the relationship between lithosphere and asthenosphere?

Q. Which of these describes the lithosphere and the asthenosphere? The lithosphere is rigid and immovable, and the asthenosphere is hot and flowing.

What is the difference between the lithosphere and the crust?

What is the difference between the crust and lithosphere? The crust (whether continental or oceanic) is the thin layer of distinctive chemical composition overlying the ultramafic upper mantle. … The lithosphere is the rigid outer layer of the Earth required by plate tectonic theory.

What is the major difference between the crust and the lithosphere group of answer choices?

The crust is thin, brittle, rigid layer on the Earth’s surface that is made of rock. The lithosphere is also brittle and rigid but it is thicker; it includes the crust and upper most mantle and is about 100 km thick.

What is the difference between crust and lithosphere include in your answer both where they are located and what their properties are?

The crust is the thin, outermost layer of the Earth that is composed differently than the mantle. The lithosphere is a thick layer that contains both the crust and the upper mantle (which is rigid compared to the underlying asthenosphere).

What is the difference between the crust and the plate?

The surface of the Earth is broken up into large plates. It’s easy to confuse these plates with the Earth’s crust – the thin outermost layer of the Earth. … When we talk about tectonic or lithospheric plates, we mean the sections into which the lithosphere is cracked.

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How do continental crust and oceanic crust differ quizlet?

Continental crust is thicker than oceanic crust; continental crust is less dense than oceanic crust; the oldest continental crust is older than the oldest oceanic crust; plus the continental crust is composed of a variety of rock types, whereas oceanic crust is composed of basalt and gabbro.

What is the physical difference between the lithosphere and the asthenosphere quizlet?

How does the asthenosphere differ from the lithosphere? The lithosphere is rigid, and brittle, while the asthenosphere is slightly mushy. You just studied 59 terms!

What are 3 differences between continental crust and oceanic crust?

Continental crust is thicker, on the contrary, the oceanic crust is thinner. Continental crust floats on magma freely but oceanic crust floats on magma scarcely.

What best describes the relationship between Earth’s crust and tectonic plates?

Once it reaches Earth’s surface, magma is called lava. Which of the following best describes the relationship between Earth’s crust and tectonic plates? Earth’s crust is one large tectonic plate. Earth’s crust is found between the outer core and tectonic plates.

What is the relationship between Earth’s crust and tectonic plates?

The theory of plate tectonics states that the Earth’s solid outer crust, the lithosphere, is separated into plates that move over the asthenosphere, the molten upper portion of the mantle. Oceanic and continental plates come together, spread apart, and interact at boundaries all over the planet.

What are some similarities and differences between the lithosphere and the crust?

Comparison of the Lithosphere and Asthenosphere
Lithosphere is composed of the crust and upper most solid mantleAsthenosphere is composed of the upper most weaker part of the mantle
Lies beneath the atmosphere and above the asthenosphereLies beneath the lithosphere and above the mesosphere
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Do crust and lithosphere refer to the same layer of the earth?

The lithosphere includes both the crust and upper, solid mantle. Crust and lithosphere refer to the same layer of the Earth. … The continental crust allowed the evolution of life on land.

What are differences between the crust mantle and core?

The crust is a silicate solid, the mantle is a viscous molten rock, the outer core is a viscous liquid, and the inner core is a dense solid.

What is the difference between the lithosphere the crust the asthenosphere and the mantle and what role does each play in plate tectonics?

Crust and mantle refer to changes in the chemical composition of the Earth. The lithosphere (litho:rock; sphere:layer) is the strong, upper 100 km of the Earth. The lithosphere is the tectonic plate we talk about in plate tectonics. … The asthenosphere extends from 100 km depth to 660 km beneath the Earth’s surface.

What is the difference between the mantle and the lithosphere?

The Layers of the Earth

The mantle is the intermediate layer of the Earth and can be subdivided into the inner and outer mantle. Most of the mantle is a thick fluid that moves in currents, but the very outermost portion of the outer mantle is solid. This portion and the solid crust make up the lithosphere.

How does the lithosphere of the deep ocean basins differ from the lithosphere of the continents?

The lithosphere of the deep-ocean basin is thinner and denser than the lithosphere of the continents. … New oceanic crust slowly moves away from the ridge system and hence, is progressively older with distance from the ridge.

Is the crust above the lithosphere?

Above this is the crust. The crust is made up of hard rock and is the outer layer of the Earth. Together, these solid parts are known as the lithosphere. Above the lithosphere is the atmosphere, which is the air that surrounds the planet.

What is the difference between lithospheric plates and tectonic plates?

Tectonic plates are the different pieces of the Earth’s crust that move around as they float on top of the mantle. … Lithospheric plates are regions of Earth’s crust and upper mantle that are fractured into plates that move across a deeper plasticine mantle.

What is the importance of lithosphere and crust in the movement of plate boundaries?

The greater density of old lithosphere relative to the underlying asthenosphere allows it to sink into the deep mantle at subduction zones, providing most of the driving force for plate movement. The weakness of the asthenosphere allows the tectonic plates to move easily towards a subduction zone.

What does the lithosphere have to do with plate tectonics?

There are two types of lithosphere: oceanic lithosphere and continental lithosphere. Oceanic lithosphere is slightly denser and is associated with oceanic crust, which makes up the sea floor. The lithosphere is divided into huge slabs called tectonic plates. … The movement of these plates is known as plate tectonics.

How do these two crust differ?

Both oceanic crust and continental crust are less dense than the mantle, but oceanic crust is denser than continental crust. This is partly why the continents are at a higher elevation than the ocean floor.

Which of the following are important differences between continental and oceanic crust or lithosphere?

The oceanic crust is thinner and denser, and is similar in composition to basalt (Si, O, Ca, Mg, and Fe). The continental crust is thicker and less dense, and is similar to granite in composition (Si, O, Al, K, and Na). The mantle is made of magnesium, iron and silicon.

What is the main difference between oceanic crust and continental crust?

It is either continental or oceanic. Continental crust is typically 30-50 km thick, whilst oceanic crust is only 5-10 km thick. Oceanic crust is denser, can be subducted and is constantly being destroyed and replaced at plate boundaries.

What are some of the main differences between oceanic crust and continental crust?

The oceanic crust is mainly made out of dark basalt rocks that are rich in minerals and substances like silicon and magnesium. By contrast, the continental crust is made up of light-colored granite rocks full of substances like oxygen and silicon.

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How are the lithosphere and asthenosphere similar?

Both the lithosphere and asthenosphere are part of Earth and are made of similar material. Lithosphere is made up of Earth’s outermost layer, the crust, and the uppermost portion of the mantle. … The asthenosphere is more dense and viscous in comparison to the lithosphere.

Plate tectonics: Difference between crust and lithosphere | Cosmology & Astronomy | Khan Academy

The Lithosphere

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