what two factors affect gravity

What Two Factors Affect Gravity?

When dealing with the force of gravity between two objects, there are only two things that are important – mass, and distance. The force of gravity depends directly upon the masses of the two objects, and inversely on the square of the distance between them.

What are the factors affecting gravity?

Newton’s law also states that the strength of gravity between any two objects depends on two factors: the masses of the objects and the distance between them.
  • Objects with greater mass have a stronger force of gravity between them. …
  • Objects that are closer together have a stronger force of gravity between them.

What are 3 factors that affect gravity?

The acceleration due to gravity depends on the terms as the following:
  • Mass of the body,
  • Distance from the center of mass,
  • Constant G i.e. Universal gravitational constant.

What two factors affect gravity quizlet?

The strength of the force of gravity between two objects depends on two factors: the mass of the objects and the distance between them.

What 2 factors affect friction?

Answer: Friction is a resistive force, which comes into play when there is a relative motion between two bodies in contact. The frictional force between two bodies depends mainly on three factors: (I) the adhesion between body surfaces (ii) roughness of the surface (iii) deformation of bodies.

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What are the two factors that affect the frictional force between two surfaces?

The factors that affect the friction between two surfaces are the weight of the object and the coefficient of friction of the surface.

What variables affect gravity and why?

Gravity is affected by the size of an object and the distance between the objects. When the mass of an object increases the force of gravity increases as well. If an object’s weight is greater than the other object’s weight, then the object with the greater weight will land first.

What affects gravity quizlet?

Gravity is a force of attraction between objects due to their masses. Gravity can change the motion of an object by changing the objects velocity. All matter has mass and gravity is affected by the mass of matter. … The magnitude of the force depends on the mass of the objects and the distance away from each other.

What are the two factors that determine the strength of the force of friction between two sliding objects?

The two factors that determine the strength of the force of friction between two sliding objects are the mass of the object, coefficient of friction.

What are the two factors involved in determining force?

The two factors are the mass of the objects and the coefficient of friction between them. The angle between them is also very significant.

What are two primary factors in friction quizlet?

The strength of the force of friction depends on two factors: how hard the surfaces push together and the types of surfaces involved.

What are the factors affecting force?

Solution: Factors on which moment of force depends are: (i) The magnitude of the force applied. (ii) The distance of line of action of the force from the axis of rotation.

What are the factors affecting friction explain with example?

What are the factors affecting friction?
  • Roughness/smoothness of the sliding object.
  • Roughness/smoothness of the surface.
  • Shape/design of the object.
  • Normal force acting upon the sliding bodies.
  • Dry friction is independent of the surface area of a contact.
  • Type of friction involved(rolling/sliding)

Does density affect gravity?

More matter have more gravity. In the dense object, the more matter is present in the small area. Black holes have infinite gravity, due to the infinite matter is present into it. So density increase gravity.

Why does mass affect gravity?

According to theory, the reason mass is proportional to gravity is because everything with mass emits tiny particles called gravitons. These gravitons are responsible for gravitational attraction. The more mass, the more gravitons.

Which of two factors influence the weight of an object due to gravitational pull?

The strength of the gravitational force between two objects depends on two factors, mass and distance. the force of gravity the masses exert on each other.

Is gravity a cause or effect?

In general relativity, gravity is not a force between masses. Instead gravity is an effect of the warping of space and time in the presence of mass. Without a force acting upon it, an object will move in a straight line.

How is gravity affected by mass quizlet?

How does mass affect gravity? Objects with greater masses have a greater force. So, If the mass increases, the gravitational force increases.

Which factors affect gravitational force quizlet?

Two factors affect the gravitational attraction between objects: mass and distance.

What are the two factors to determine the amount of friction in any order?

What two factors determine the amount of friction? the force and the roughness and the roughness of the surfaces.

What two factors affect the amount of fluid friction experienced?

Factors that determine the amount of fluid friction on a solid object include the viscosity of the fluid, the surface texture of the solid object and the shape of the object. By changing any of these factors, you can increase or decrease the amount of resistive force of fluid friction.

What does gravity determine?

gravity, also called gravitation, in mechanics, the universal force of attraction acting between all matter. It is by far the weakest known force in nature and thus plays no role in determining the internal properties of everyday matter. … Gravity is measured by the acceleration that it gives to freely falling objects.

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What are the two factors that affect or change the motion of an object?

Objects change their motion because unbalanced forces act on them. There are four main factors that affect the motion of objects. These factors are force, friction, inertia, and momentum.

What are the 2 factors affecting friction Class 8?

The nature of the surface (smoothness or roughness) affects the friction. Smooth surfaces have lesser irregularities. The lesser the irregularities, the lesser the tendency to lock. The lesser the tendency to lock with another object, the lesser the friction (that is tendency to oppose motion).

What is meant by factors affecting?

countable noun. A factor is one of the things that affects an event, decision, or situation. Physical activity is an important factor in maintaining fitness. [ + in] Synonyms: element, thing, point, part More Synonyms of factor.

What are the factors affecting friction or skid resistance?

Factors affecting friction or skid resistance

(i) Type of pavement surface namely, cement concrete bituminous, WBM, earth surface etc. (ii) Macro-texture of the pavement surface or its relative roughness. (iii) Condition of pavement namely, wet or dry, smoothened or rough, oil spilled, mud or dry sand on pavement.

Does mass affect gravity?

Gravitational force is an attraction between masses. The greater the size of the masses, the greater the size of the gravitational force (also called the gravity force). The gravitational force weakens rapidly with increasing distance between masses.

Do mountains affect gravity?

Mountain ranges in general have stronger gravitational pull than, say, oceans, since rock is denser than water. It’s the different densities of different places on Earth that cause Earth’s gravity to vary.

Does volume affect gravity?

The relation is between gravity and mass, gravity is proportional to mass. But mass is proportional to density, so the force of gravity is proportional to density for the same volume.

Which two changes would increase the gravitational force between two objects?

Increasing the mass of two objects will increase the gravitational force of attraction between them, assuming no change in the distance separating them.

Why does distance affect gravity?

Since gravitational force is inversely proportional to the square of the separation distance between the two interacting objects, more separation distance will result in weaker gravitational forces. So as two objects are separated from each other, the force of gravitational attraction between them also decreases.

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Does time cause gravity?

Yes, time goes faster the farther away you are from the earth’s surface compared to the time on the surface of the earth. This effect is known as “gravitational time dilation”. … Gravitational time dilation occurs because objects with a lot of mass create a strong gravitational field.

What is gravity made up of?

They proposed that gravity is actually made of quantum particles, which they called “gravitons.” Anywhere there is gravity, there would be gravitons: on earth, in solar systems, and most importantly in the miniscule infant universe where quantum fluctuations of gravitons sprung up, bending pockets of this tiny space- …

How do the masses of two objects affect the gravitational force between them?

Since the gravitational force is directly proportional to the mass of both interacting objects, more massive objects will attract each other with a greater gravitational force. So as the mass of either object increases, the force of gravitational attraction between them also increases.

What is Gravity?

Factors & Affects Gravity

The Factors of Gravity

the strength of the force of gravity depends on what two factors

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