explain how to conjugate pedir and servir in the present tense

How do you conjugate pedir and servir in the present tense?

How do you conjugate servir in present tense?

The Indicative Present of servir is used to talk about situations, events or thoughts that are happening now or in the near future.

Servir in the Indicative Present.

YosirvoI serve
sirvesyou serve
Ella / Él / Ustedsirves/he serve, you (formal) serve

What is the conjugation for pedir?

Pedir in the Indicative Present Tense
Subject PronounPresent TenseTranslation
yopidoI ask for
pidesYou (informal) ask for
él, ella, ustedpideHe, she asks for; you (formal) ask for
nosotros nosotraspedimosWe ask for

How do you conjugate pedir in present progressive?

Using the chart below you can learn how to conjugate the Spanish verb pedir in Present Progressive tense.

Mode: Indicative.

Personal PronounConjugation
Yoestoy pidiendo
Tuestás pidiendo
El/Ellaestá pidiendo
Nosotrosestamos pidiendo
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What kind of stem changing verbs are the verbs pedir and servir?

Some verbs in the present tense are called stem-changing verbs. This means that in addition to conjugating the verb like we normally would, we must also change its spelling in all forms except the nosotros and vosotros forms. In verbs like pedir and servir, the “e” converts to an “i.”

What is the command form of servir?

Affirmative ImperativeServe!sirva
Negative CommandsDon’t serve!no sirva

How do you conjugate pedir in the preterite?

Pedir is conjugated as an irregular verb in the preterite tense.

Pedir Conjugation: Preterite Tense.


How do you conjugate servir in French?

Conjugate the verb servir:
  1. je sers. tu sers.
  2. il servait. nous avons servi.
  3. vous servirez.
  4. ils serviraient.

What is the present participle of servir?

sirviendo the present of the verb estar + the present participle of servir, which is sirviendo.

How do you use pedir?

Pedir means to ask for or to request something. For example, you may ask for or request a piece of cake at a restaurant.

How does pedir change?

The verb pedir (to request, ask for) is irregular, (e) changes to (i) in the present tense (with the exception of nosotros and vosotros).

What are the 6 forms of pedir?

  • yo. pediría.
  • tú pedirías.
  • él/ella/Ud. pediría.
  • nosotros. pediríamos.
  • vosotros. pediríais.
  • ellos/ellas/Uds. pedirían.

How do stem-changing verbs work?

Here’s how they work:
  1. The stem of a verb is its infinitive minus -ar, -er, -ir. …
  2. The changes occur in some verbs whose final stem-vowel is e or o. …
  3. In some of the verb’s forms, this stem-vowel changes to another vowel or to a pair of vowels: e changes to ie or to i, o changes to ue or to u.

How do you conjugate stem-changing verbs in Spanish?

Like all other verbs in Spanish, stem-changing verbs are conjugated by removing the –ar, -er or -ir ending from an infinitive and adding the appropriate ending. In the case of stem-changing verbs, there is just one intermediate step: You must also make the appropriate change to the stem.

What is the stem-changing verb for pedir?

The verb pedir is known as a stem-changing –ir verb, because the e changes to i in the third person singular and plural. Pedí un vaso de agua. I asked for a glass of water.

How do you use servir in Spanish?

Using Servir To Indicate Use or Suitability

Although it can stand alone, servir is often followed by the preposition para to indicate how something is used and/or what it is used or useful for. Less common is using the reflexive form servirse followed by the preposition de.

What is the present subjunctive of pedir?

Subject PronounPresent SubjunctiveTranslation
yopidaI ask for/order
pidasyou ask for/order
él/ella ustedpidahe/she asks for/orders you (formal) ask for/order
nosotros/ nosotraspidamoswe ask for/order
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How do you conjugate Corregir?

Using the chart below you can learn how to conjugate the Spanish verb corregir in Present tense.

Mode: Indicative.

Personal PronounConjugation

How do you use servir in a sentence?

  1. Le. serveur. du. bar. va. nous. servir. du. champagne. . The bartender is going to serve us some champagne.
  2. Ils. vont. servir. des. croissants. pour. le. petit. déjeuner. . They’re going to serve croissants for breakfast.
  3. Ils. vont. bientôt. servir. le. petit. déjeuner. . They’re going to serve breakfast soon.

How do you use pedir in a question?

In Spanish, ‘preguntar’ is used when inquiring someone for information or when asking a question. ‘Pedir’ also means ‘to ask’, but it refers to requesting someone for an object, favor or to do an action. ‘Pedir’ is a synonym of ‘to order’, ‘to request’ and ‘to demand’.

In which form are both Saber and conocer irregular in the present tense conjugation?

In the present tense, both saber and conocer are regular in all conjugations except for the first person. Notice the irregular conjugations sé and conozco.

How do you conjugate present tense verbs in Spanish?

To conjugate these verbs in the Spanish present tense, you take the root (also called the stem) of the word and add the correct ending, depending on the person (yo, tú, él, nosotros, etc.) and the type of verb in front of us (-ar/-er/-ir). The type of verb (-ar/-er/-ir) determines the ending.

How many types of stem changing verbs are there in the present tense?

five types There are five types of stem changing verbs in the simple present tense. 1.

How do you know if a verb is a stem changing verb?

The stem of the verb is what remains when you remove the – ar, ‐ er, or – ir ending from the infinitive form of the verb. Because it is the stem of the verb that changes, these verbs are called stem‐changing verbs or stem‐changers.

How do you conjugate verbs in Spanish?

Conjugating verbs in Spanish can be tricky. To conjugate a regular verb in the present tense, all you have to do is know your subject, remove the ending from the verb, and add the ending for the corresponding subject.

Here they are:

  1. Yo: me.
  2. Tú: te.
  3. Él, Ella, Usted: se.
  4. Nosotros/as: nos.
  5. Vosotros/as: os.
  6. Ellos/as, Ustedes: se.

How do you change a verb to present tense in Spanish?

To conjugate a verb in the present indicative, remove the infinitive ending of the regular verb, in this case -ar, -er or -ir, and replace it with an ending that gives an indication as to “the person” that is performing the action of the verb.

How do you know when to stem change verbs in Spanish?

A stem is the part of the verb that comes before the ending (which, in infinitive verbs, is always either ar, er, or ir). In regular conjugations, the stem doesn’t change, where in irregular conjugations, it can be completely different. In stem-changing verbs, the change is in the last vowel of the stem.

What type of verb is servir in Spanish?

The Spanish verb servir means ‘to serve ‘ and is an irregular Spanish IR verb. To remember this, imagine you say to the waitress, “SERVE ‘ERE!” Around 30 verbs are conjugated like servir, replacing the e with an i in the present, preterite, subjunctive and imperative tenses.

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How do you conjugate conocer in the subjunctive?

Take the first person singular (yo) of the present. Note: For the verb conocer, the first person singular is irregular (conozco). Drop the ending and use this stem (conozc-). Add the present subjunctive endings.

Subject PronounsConocer: Present Subjunctive

How do you conjugate tener in the subjunctive?

Present Subjunctive of Tener

In order to form it, we need to take the first person singular (yo) of the present (tengo), drop the ending and use this stem (teng-). Then we will add the present subjunctive endings for -ER verbs.

How do you conjugate REIR in Spanish?

In this lesson, you will learn how to conjugate it in the present and the preterite tenses, by using it in context.

Subject PronounsReír Conjugation: Present SimpleReír Conjugation: Preterite

Is pedir stem changing?

The Spanish verb pedir usually means “to request” or “to ask for.” It is a stem-changing Spanish verb in which the e in the stem sometimes changes to i.

Do you use por with pedir?

All that said, you may still need to use a preposition such as por when using the verb pedir. If, for example, you are asking the price ‘for’ something, then you’ll need por: English: How much are they asking for this car? Español: ¿Cuánto piden por este coche?

How do you use Pensar in a sentence?

Pensar is also used, and perhaps more commonly, to talk about people’s thoughts. To do this we use the present tense forms of pensar + que + complete clause (sentence). Example: Pienso que helado es delicioso- I think that ice cream is delicious.

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GCSE Spanish – How to conjugate PEDIR (to ask for) in the present tense in Spanish

Pedir & Servir

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