what type of magma is the most abundant at oceanic-spreading centers?

What Type Of Magma Is The Most Abundant At Oceanic-spreading Centers??

Basalt is the most common magma erupted along oceanic rift systems.

What is the most abundant type of volcano?

Cinder cone volcanoes Principal types of volcanoes. Cinder cone volcanoes (also called scoria cones) are the most common type of volcano, according to San Diego State University, and are the symmetrical cone-shaped volcanoes we typically think of.

What is the most abundant magma?

Water vapor is typically the most abundant magmatic gas, followed by carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide.

Magmatic gases.

Magma compositionH 2O concentration wt %
Rhyolitesup to 7
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Which type of volcanoes are most often found in oceans?

Composite volcanoes are some of the most dangerous volcanoes on the planet. They tend to occur along oceanic-to-oceanic or oceanic-to-continental boundaries because of subduction zones. They tend to be made of felsic to intermediate rock and the viscosity of the lava means that eruptions tend to be explosive.

What is the most abundant type of lava?

magma is the most abundant type erupted on Earth. are usually the most abundant gases emitted during basaltic volcanism.

Which type of magma is most likely to erupt effusively from a shield volcano?

Basaltic composition magmas Basaltic composition magmas are the most common effusive eruptions because they are not water saturated and have low viscosity.

What type of magma does composite volcanoes have?

Andesitic magma Composite volcanoes have the following characteristics: Andesitic magma, which is lower in temperature, has more silica and a lot of dissolved gases and is more likely to explode when it reaches the surface. Acidic lava, which is very viscous (sticky). Steep sides as the lava doesn’t flow very far before it solidifies.

What are the top two composition of magma?

The composition of the gases in magma are: Mostly H2O (water vapor) & some CO2 (carbon dioxide)Minor amounts of Sulfur, Chlorine, and Fluorine gases.

What are the three major types of magma?

There are three basic types of magma: basaltic, andesitic, and rhyolitic, each of which has a different mineral composition.

What are the three magma formations?

Magma and lava contain three components: melt, solids, and volatiles.

Which type of magma formed the Hawaiian Islands?

Hawaiian volcanoes primarily erupt a type of rock known as basalt. When molten, basalt produces liquids of relatively high fluidity, compared to volcanoes that erupt more silica rich magma types such as andesite, dacite or rhyolite.

Which type of magma typically results in the greatest explosive events?

Lavas and pyroclastics are usually andesitic to rhyolitic in composition. Due to the higher viscosity of magmas erupted from these volcanoes, they are usually more explosive than shield volcanoes. Stratovolcanoes sometimes have a crater at the summit that is formed by explosive ejection of material from a central vent.

What type of volcano is in the ocean?

Shield volcanoes usually form above a hot spot in the ocean floor. The magma that feeds these volcanoes is from the upper mantle.

Where Does magma have the greatest silica content?

Felsic magma has the highest silica content of all magma types, between 65-70%. Thick, viscous felsic magma can trap gas bubbles in a volcano’s magma chamber.

What is basaltic magma?

Basaltic lava, or mafic lava, is molten rock enriched in iron and magnesium and depleted in silica. Basaltic magmas are formed by exceeding the melting point of the mantle either by adding heat, changing its composition, or decreasing its pressure. … Underwater, basaltic lavas are erupted as pillow basalts.

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Which type of magma produces slow moving lava flows?

Felsic Magma

The adjacent Magma Comparison table summarizes properties of the two basic magma types. Mafic magma produces high volume, slow moving, effusive eruptions. It forms within the upper mantle, much deeper than felsic magma.

When magma has a high viscosity How is it most likely to erupt?

A high viscosity magma will flow more readily and easily than a low viscosity magma. Therefore the eruption will be fluid and passive. A high viscosity magma will flow more readily and easily than a low viscosity magma. Therefore the eruption will be explosive.

What causes lava to erupt as Pyroclasts?

Pyroclastic flows form in various ways. A common cause is when the column of lava, ash, and gases expelled from a volcano during an eruption loses its upward momentum and falls back to the ground. … Pyroclastic flows can also form when a lava dome or lava flow becomes too steep and collapses.

Which of the following gases is most abundant in basaltic lavas?

The two most abundant gases in lava are water vapor and carbon dioxide. There is commonly also nitrogen, sulfur dioxide, and small amounts of chlorine, hydrogen, argon, and a few other gases.

When contrasting lava from a composite volcano to lava from a shield volcano?

When contrasting lava from composite volcanoes to lava from shield volcanoes, composite volcanoes most often produce silica-rich lavas with high viscosities, whereas shield volcanoes produce basaltic lavas with low viscosities.

What type of volcano will most likely form when an eruption takes place with explosive force and layers of ash accumulate?

Composite volcanoes are tall, steep cones that produce explosive eruptions. Shield volcanoes form very large, gently sloped mounds from effusive eruptions.

Which of the following is composite type of volcano?

stratovolcano A stratovolcano, also known as a composite volcano, is a conical volcano built up by many layers (strata) of hardened lava and tephra.

Which of the following elements is the most abundant in magma?

Oxygen, the most abundant element in magma, comprises a little less than half the total, followed by silicon at just over one-quarter. The remaining elements make up the other one-quarter. Magmas derived from crustal material are dominated by oxygen, silicon, aluminum, sodium, and potassium.

What magma type contains the greatest amount of SiO2?

What magma type contains the greatest amount of SiO2? Rhyolitic, Andesitic, Basaltic. Rhyolitic contains most SiO2.

What type of magma has the lowest silica content highest silica content?


The magma types vary from mafic magmas, which have relatively low silica and high Fe and Mg contents, to felsic magmas, which have relatively high silica and low Fe and Mg contents.

Which type of magma has the highest viscosity is thickest )?

rhyolitic magma The magma that has the highest viscosity is rhyolitic magma.

Where are the 3 main places volcanoes form?

There are three main places where volcanoes originate:
  • Hot spots,
  • Divergent plate boundaries (such as rifts and mid-ocean ridges), and.
  • Convergent plate boundaries (subduction zones)
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What is magma formation?

Magma is primarily a very hot liquid, which is called a ‘melt. ‘ It is formed from the melting of rocks in the earth’s lithosphere, which is the outermost shell of the earth made of the earth’s crust and upper part of the mantle, and the asthenosphere, which is the layer below the lithosphere.

How is andesitic magma formed?

Andesitic magma is formed through wet partial melting of the mantle. The mantle under the ocean has contact with water. … Basaltic magma with a high water content is the result. If this type of basaltic magma melts with continental crust that has a high density of dioxide silicon, andesitic magma will form.

What type of magma formed the Hawaiian islands quizlet?

The Hawaiian islands are built from a series of enormous shield volcanoes, which is typical of a hotspot location. Basalt lava is in great supply at hotspots. Basalt lava is low in silica which means it has low viscosity, flows relatively easily and can spread over significant distances.

What type of volcanoes are found on the Hawaiian islands?

Hawaii’s main volcanoes are “shield” volcanoes, which produce lava flows that form gently sloping, shield-like mountains. A good example is Maunaloa, the most massive mountain on earth, deceptively covering half of Hawaii Island.

What type of boundary caused the formation of the Hawaiian islands?

The Hawaiian Islands were formed by a volcanic hot spot, an upwelling plume of magma, that creates new islands as the Pacific Plate moves over it.

What type of eruption is the most explosive?

Plinian eruption A Plinian eruption is the most explosive of the eruption types. Mt. St. Helens eruption was a plinian eruption.

Which of the following gases is the most abundant in a volcanic eruption?

water vapor By far the most abundant volcanic gas is water vapor, which is harmless. However, significant amounts of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and hydrogen halides can also be emitted from volcanoes.

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