what is the maximum wavelength of electromagnetic radiation that can cause a transition?

What is electromagnetic radiation at its maximum wavelength?

– Electromagnetic radiation with maximum wavelength is the radio wave. – The frequency ranges between 300 gigahertz (GHz) to 30 hertz (Hz).

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What are the minimum and the maximum wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum?

Therefore, gamma rays have the minimum wavelength and the infrared radiations have the maximum wavelength. Note: The visible light has its own spectrum. This spectrum is called VIBGYOR. According to this spectrum, violet light has the minimum wavelength and red light has the maximum wavelength.

How do you find the maximum wavelength of a photon?

What is the maximum wavelength in nm of light that can eject an electron?

196 nm The maximum wavelength for which an electromagnetic wave can eject electrons from a platinum surface is 196 nm.

Which of the following radiation has longer wavelength?

The correct answer is Infrared. Radio waves, infrared rays, visible light, ultraviolet rays, X-rays, and gamma rays are all types of electromagnetic radiation. Radio waves have the longest wavelength, and gamma rays have the shortest wavelength.

Which of the following has longest wavelength?

answer : option (A) infrared radiation. explanation : we know, electromagnetic radiations are ; Radio wave , micro wave, infrared rays , visible rays , ultraviolet rays , x-rays , gamma rays and cosmic rays . hence, radio wave has longest wavelength. in this radiations, infrared radiation has longest wavelength.

What is the maximum wavelength?

The maximum wavelength of light for photoelectric effect from a metal is 200 nm. The maximum kinetic energy of electron which is emitted by the radiation of wave length 100 nm will be: (1) 12.

Is there a maximum wavelength?

Radio waves have the longest wavelength, and gamma rays have the shortest wavelength.

Is there a wavelength limit?

The limit for long wavelengths is the size of the universe itself, while it is thought that the short wavelength limit is in the vicinity of the Planck length.

What is the largest wavelength of a photon?

red light The red light has the longest wavelength, lowest energy, and lowest frequency. The shorter the drop from one energy level to another, the less energy, in the form of light/photons is emitted. I hope this helps.

How do you find the maximum wavelength?

See formula wavelength = speed of wave / frequency. How do I work out the maximum wavelength? To determine the maximum wavelength of light, you simply use the energy equation. If you know the amount of energy required for the reaction, you plug it into the equation λ = hc/E.

What is the maximum wavelength of light that can cause this ionization?

Thus, the maximum wavelength of a photon capable of ionizing a sodium atom is 2.412 micrometers.

What is the maximum wavelength of light that can be used to eject electrons from iron?

The maximum wavelength is 2.76×10–7 m.

What is the maximum wavelength in nm at which the electron can be removed from cesium?

The maximum wavelength of light capable of doing this is λ = 574.4 nm.

What is the maximum wavelength of light that is needed to free an electron from the surface of potassium metal?

543 nm You can thus say that in order for an electron to be ejected from the surface of potassium, the incoming photon must have a maximum wavelength of 543 nm . If the wavelength of the incoming photon is longer than this value, then you won’t see an emission of electrons from the surface of the metal.

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Which of the following has larger wavelength in electromagnetic?

Gamma rays < X-rays < Ultraviolet light < visible light < infrared < microwaves < radio waves. The order of the frequencies these waves is the reverse of the above order. Therefore, the radio waves have the longest wavelength amongst the EM waves, which range from millimetres to kilometres.

Which electromagnetic has the longest frequency?

This visible light region consists of a spectrum of wavelengths that range from approximately 700 nanometers (abbreviated nm) to approximately 400 nm. Expressed in more familiar units, the range of wavelengths extends from 7 x 10–7 meter to 4 x 10–7 meter.

What is the longest to shortest wavelength?

Order is as follows (shortest to longest wavelength): Gamma, X-Rays, UV, Visible, Infrared, Microwaves, Radio Waves.

Which of the following has the longest wavelength quizlet?

The electromagnetic radiation that has the shortest wavelength is gamma ray and radio waves have the longest wavelength.

Which has the longest wavelength and therefore the lowest frequency energy?

Radio Waves have the longest wavelength, and lowest frequency. Radio Waves have the lowest energy on the EM Spectrum. Radio Waves have the highest energy on the EM Spectrum.

Which form of radiation has longer wavelength ultraviolet or infrared?

In the electromagnetic spectrum, shorter wavelengths (from 10 nm to 380 nm) are ultraviolet (UV) and longer wavelengths (from 750 nm to 1 mm) are infrared (IR) radiation. Ultraviolet radiation carries more energy and infrared radiation less energy than visible light.

What is the maximum wavelength of light that would excite an electron?

The maximum wavelength of light that would excite an electron from energy level n = 1 to n =3 in atomic hydrogen is 102 nm.

Why is maximum wavelength important?

Higher absorption of the wavelength provides higher sensitivity; thus, it is desirable to select a wavelength with maximum absorption… Here, the absorption spectrum comes in. See the spectrum below. … Thus, the properties of a substance can be investigated by measuring the spectrum.

What is the maximum wavelength of spectral line in the Lyman series of He iron?

Explanation: Just put value of 1/RH = 912 Angstroms to get value of maximum wavelength.

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What happens to the frequency when wavelength increases?

The number of complete wavelengths in a given unit of time is called frequency (f). As a wavelength increases in size, its frequency and energy (E) decrease. From these equations you may realize that as the frequency increases, the wavelength gets shorter.

What are gamma rays wavelength?

Gamma rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation, as are radio waves, infrared radiation, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays and microwaves. … Gamma rays have frequencies greater than about 10^19 cycles per second, or hertz (Hz), and wavelengths of less than 100 picometers (pm), or 4 x 10^9 inches.

What is the maximum wavelength of light emitted in Lyman series by hydrogen atom?

121.56 nm Assertion (A):In Lyman series of H-spectra, the maximum wavelength of lines is 121.56 nm.

Which Ray has maximum frequency?

Gamma rays Gamma rays have the highest frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum.

Is there a maximum minimum energy of a single photon?

We have seen that the electromagnetic wave cannot have an arbitrarily small strength: it must have a minimum energy E which corresponds to one photon.

Which of the following transitions emits the longest wavelength photon?

Based on the obtained values, the transition that represents the emission of the longest wavelength photon is n = 5 to n = 4 (i.e., 4050 nm).

Which transition causes the absorption line at the longest wavelength?

The absorption with longest wavelength is n=7→n=8 .

What is the maximum wavelength that tryptophan and tyrosine absorb?

Since proteins absorb light at a specific wavelength, measurement can be obtained using a spectrophotometer. Specifically, the amino acids tyrosine and tryptophan have a very specific absorption at 280 nm, allowing direct A280 measurement of protein concentration.

What is the maximum wavelength of Balmer series?

Therefore, the maximum wavelength of the Balmer series in the hydrogen spectrum is $656\;nm$.

How do you find the maximum wavelength of a work function?

find the maximum wavelength of electromagnetic radiation which can create a hole-electron

Find the maximum wavelength of electromagnetic radiation which can create a hole electron pair#2

Find the maximum wavelength of light that can cause photoelectric effect in lithium.

The maximum wavelength of radiation that can produce photoelectric effect in a certain metal

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