how do the densities of the terrestrial and jovian planets compare?

How Do The Densities Of The Terrestrial And Jovian Planets Compare??

The density of terrestrial planets is greater than that of rock, reflecting the presence of extremely dense metal cores. (2) The Jovian planets are made primarily of hydrogen and helium. … The Jovian planets are: high in mass (> 14 Earth masses) low in density (< 1700 kg/m3).

How did the densities of the Jovian and terrestrial planets compare?

How do the densities of the jovian and terrestrial planets compare? All terrestrials are more dense than any of the jovians.

How do the Terrestrial Planet compare to the Jovian planets?

The main difference between Terrestrial Planets and Jovian Planets is that Terrestrial Planets have a solid and rocky surface, with a dense metallic core. Jovian Planets have a large gaseous composition and a small, molten rock core. … Examples of Terrestrial Planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.

Why terrestrial and jovian planets have large density differences?

What accounts for the large density differences between terrestrial and Jovian planets? Jovian planets have thick large atmospheres of hydrogen and gas giants. terrestrial are small rocky inner planets with little atmospheres.

Why are terrestrial planets denser than Jovian planets?

– Actually, the jovian planets are denser than the terrestrial planets. – The terrestrial planets formed in the inner solar nebula, where only dense materials could condense. … – Gravity compresses terrestrial planets to a higher degree, making them denser.

Are Jovian planets denser than terrestrial?

Jovian planets are larger, further from the sun, rotate faster, have more moons, have more rings, are less dense overall and have denser cores than terrestrial planets. Jovian planets also have gaseous atmospheres, with the main gases being hydrogen and helium.

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How are the densities of the outer planets compared to the terrestrial planets Why?

A planet’s density is related to its composition. The four inner terrestrial planets are dense compared to the four outer planets. The inner planets are made up mainly of dense, solid rock. The outer planets are composed primarily of gas, so their overall density is lower.

How do terrestrial planets differ from Jovian planets quizlet?

How do the terrestrial planets differ from the Jovian planets? They are more dense and rocky, also more closer to the sun while the outer planets are made up of gasses and ice.

Why are Jovian planets gaseous?

Jovian planets do not have solid surfaces. They are sometimes called gas giants because they are large and made mostly of gases. … The atmospheres of the Jovian planets in our solar system are made mostly of hydrogen and helium. Compounds containing hydrogen, such as water, ammonia, and methane, are also present.

What are the basic differences between the terrestrial and jovian planets which planets fall into each group?

What are the basic differences between the terrestrial and jovian planets? Which planets fall into each group? Jovian planets are much larger in size and lower in density than terrestrial planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. You just studied 69 terms!

What are the densities of the Jovian planets?

Saturn is mainly composed of the lightest two gases known, hydrogen and helium. It is the only planet in our solar system whose density is less than water.

Planetary Densities.

PlanetAverage Density (gm/cm3)Required Mass for 70 cm3 (gm)

Why do terrestrial planets have dense cores?

While terrestrial planets accreted from planetesimals made of rocks and metals, they ended up too small to capture significant amounts of the abundant hydrogen and helium gas in the solar nebula. … The cores accreted rapidly into large clumps of ice and rock.

Why do terrestrial planets have low mass and high density?

While these planets are greater in size and mass, their overall density is much lower. … Whereas the terrestrial planets resulted from dust grains in the inner Solar System, planets in the outer Solar System accreted enough matter for their gravity to hold on to the nebula’s leftover gas.

Why are Jovian planets so much larger than terrestrial planets quizlet?

Why are the Jovian planets so much more massive than the terrestrial planets? They had a “head start” with protoplanet cores. Once the Jovian protoplanets reached the size at which they could capture nebular gas, they grew quickly, and their capture rate increased as the gravitational fields intensified.

What is the most obvious difference between the terrestrial and jovian planets?

size is the most obvious difference between the terrestrial and Jovian planets.

Which of the following is not a general difference between Terrestrial planets and jovian planets?

Which of the following is NOT a major difference between the terrestrial and jovian planets in our solar system? Terrestrial planets contain large quantities of ice and jovian planets do not.

What is the densities of the Jovian planets compared to water?

They also contain large amounts of ices (mostly water, ammonia, and methane). The fact that Jovian planets have a great amount of gasses accounts for their low density averaging around 1.5 times that of water. A planets ability to retain their atmosphere is dependent on its temperature and mass.

Why do planets have different densities?

In fact, planets are not made of uniform density material; they are more dense in their inner regions, and less dense in their outer regions. … The inner planets are made of rocky material, which has higher density; these are often known as terrestrial (earth-like) planets.

How does the density of Jupiter compare to the terrestrial planets?

How does the density of Jupiter compare to the terrestrial planets? Its density is less than any terrestrial. The particles making up the ring of Jupiter are composed of bright, reflective ice.

What are the basic differences between the terrestrial planets and the giant planets quizlet?

Terms in this set (25) The terrestrial planets are the small, rocky planets of the inner solar system. the gas giants are the large, gaseous planets of the outer solar system. Asteroids are small bodies made of rocky material, and comets are small bodies of ice, rock, and cosmic dust.

Why dont terrestrial planets have rings like Jovian planets?

Why don’t Terrestrial planets have rings like the Jovian planets? … Terrestrial planets are denser, and, as a result, the debris crashes to the planet quickly. Rings cannot form.

What are the characteristics of terrestrial and jovian planets?

Their main difference is their composition, due to their distance to the Sun. Terrestrial planets are covered with solid surfaces, while Jovian planets normally have gaseous surfaces. Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are the terrestrial planets, while the Jovian planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

Which characteristic is shared by both the terrestrial and the Jovian planets in our solar system?

Which characteristic is shared by both the terrestrial and the Jovian planets in our solar system? Both the terrestrial and the Jovian planets possess a solid core, made mostly of metallic and/or rocky material. The planets located closest to the Sun are smaller and have high density.

How do the Jovian planet interiors differ?

How do the jovian planet interiors differ? All have cores of about the same mass, but differ in the amount of surrounding hydrogen and helium. … Accretion took longer further from the Sun, so the more distant planets formed their cores later and captured less gas from the solar nebula than the closer jovian planets.

Which Jovian planet is least dense?

Saturn Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system, but it’s Saturn—the solar system’s second largest planet—that takes the prize for least dense. It’s less dense than water, which has led many people to postulate that it would float.

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How are terrestrial planets alike?

All terrestrial planets have approximately the same type of structure: a central metallic core composed of mostly iron, with a surrounding silicate mantle. … Terrestrial planets are also known for having few or no moons. Venus and Mercury have no moons, while Earth has only the one (the Moon).

Is the average density of the terrestrial planets greater or less than the density of Earth’s crust?

3. The average density of Earth’s crust is about 2.8 g/cm Is the average density of the terrestrial planets greater or less than the density of Earth’s crust? 130 4. The average density of Earth 5/’.

What do you mean by Jovian planets?

The giant planets of the outer solar system (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) are often referred to as ‘Jovian planets’. … It is often used to contrast these massive planets with the inner Earth-like or terrestrial planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.

Why do planets with atmospheres have less impact craters?

Primarily because earths’ atmosphere disintegrates many meteorites before they reach the Earth. Secondarily because earth’s more active tectonic motions delete them.

What was the major difference between the raw material available to form Jovian and terrestrial planets?

(1) The terrestrial planets are made primarily of rock and metal. (2) The Jovian planets are made primarily of hydrogen and helium. (3) Moons (a.k.a. satellites) orbit the planets; some moons are large. (4) Asteroids, meteoroids, comets, and Kuiper Belt objects orbit the Sun.

Where did the Jovian planets form quizlet?

Jovian planets formed as gravity drew gas around ice-rich planetesimals much larger than Earth; (when it gets about 10 Earth masses) therefore they had a strong enough gravity that it could capture and hold hydrogen and helium that made up a vast majority of the material in the solar nebula.

What generalization can you make when comparing the masses of the terrestrial planets to the Jovian planets?

The terrestrial planets have a smaller mass because they are smaller and the Jovian planets have a higher mass because they are larger.

Which planet has a density that is less than the density of liquid water?

Saturn In fact, the mass of Saturn is low enough such that the overall density of Saturn is less than the density of liquid water on Earth.

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Why do you think the inner planets are small and dense while the outer planets are gas giants if possible discuss your ideas with your classmates and teacher?

The temperature of the early solar system explains why the inner planets are rocky and the outer ones are gaseous. … The inner planets are much smaller than the outer planets and because of this have relatively low gravity and were not able to attract large amounts of gas to their atmospheres.

Terrestrial Planets vs Jovian Planets

Types Of Planets || Terrestrial Planets VS Jovian Planets || Explained [English]

1.3 Terrestrial and Jovian Planets: Geology of the Solar System

Why Are the Inner and Outer Planets Different?

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