which statement best explains why water is essential for all living things?

Which Statement Best Explains Why Water Is Essential For All Living Things??

The statement that best explains why water is essential for all living things is: Water is necessary for cellular functions.

Which statement best explains why water is known as a universal solvent?

Water is capable of dissolving a variety of different substances, which is why it is such a good solvent. And, water is called the “universal solvent” because it dissolves more substances than any other liquid. This is important to every living thing on earth.

What are two ways in which water is important to living things?

Water helps to regulate the body temperature, keeps the eyes, mouth, and nose and internal organs moisturized/hydrated, protect the cells, carries nutrients and oxygen, provides lubrication to the joints, and acts as a solvent to dissolve nutrients and minerals.

Which statement best explains why water is known as the universal solvent quizlet?

Which statement best explains why water is known as the universal solvent? Water has the ability to dissolve more substances than any other liquid.

Which example illustrates adhesion quizlet?

The water drop is composed of water molecules that like to stick together, an example of the property of cohesion. The water drop is stuck to the end of the pine needles, which is an example of theproperty of adhesion.

Why is water called the universal solvent Weegy?

Water is called the “universal solvent” because it dissolves more substances than any other liquid.

Why is water not a universal solvent?

A universal solvent is a substance that dissolves most chemicals. … However, no solvent, including water, dissolves every chemical. Typically, “like dissolves like.” This mean polar solvents dissolve polar molecules, such as salts. Nonpolar solvents dissolve nonpolar molecules such as fats and other organic compounds.

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Why is the water essential for life class 9?

Organisms need water for the following activities: (1) All cellular processes occur due to water. (2) Transportation of substances in our body takes place by dissolving in water. (3) Terrestrial animals require fresh water for transportation of minerals and for getting rid of waste from their body.

Why is water important to living things quizlet?

Water allows organisms to obtain chemicals from their surroundings, break down food, grow, reproduce, and move substances in their bodies.

What are the properties of water that make it essential to life?

Discussion of the properties of water that make it essential to life as we know it: polarity, “universal” solvent, high heat capacity, high heat of vaporization, cohesion, adhesion and lower density when frozen.

Which statement best describes why water is called a polar molecule?

Which statement best describes why a water molecule is polar? Oxygen exerts a stronger pull on the shared electrons than the hydrogens do.Oxygen is bigger than hydrogen, giving it a stronger positive charge.

Which statement best describes why water is a polar molecule?

Water is a polar molecule because the bonds between oxygen and hydrogen are polar covalent bonds. This means that although they form covalent bonds (normally non-polar) the difference in electronegativity is great enough to make one side more negative (oxygen side) and the other side more positive (hydrogen side).

Which of the following properties of water explains its solvent?

Because of its polarity and ability to form hydrogen bonds, water makes an excellent solvent, meaning that it can dissolve many different kinds of molecules.

Which property of water best explains why water droplets are able to stay in place on a leaf *?

Cohesion allows droplets to form, and adhesion keeps the droplets on the needles. Adhesion allows droplets to form, and cohesion keeps the droplets on the needles.

Which reason best explains why living things need Carbon?

Which reason best explains why living things need carbon? Carbon is a source of energy. The chemical formula for the major component of palm kernel oil is CH3(CH2)14CO2H. The chemical formula for the carbohydrate glucose is C6H12O6.

Why is demonstrated by water moving up a straw?

What is demonstrated by water moving up a straw? … The water will remain the same.

Why is water often called the universal solvent Brainly?

because it dissolves more substance than any other liquid …. this allows the water molecules to become attracted to many other different type of molecules.

What makes water a polar molecule?

Unequal sharing of electrons makes water a polar molecule. … This makes the oxygen end of the molecule slightly negative. Since the electrons are not near the hydrogen end as much, that end is slightly positive. When a covalently bonded molecule has more electrons in one area than another, it is called a polar molecule.

What does the word competition mean in biology Weegy?

In biology, competition refers to the rivalry between or among living things for territory, resources, goods, mates, etc.

Why is water being a solvent important to living things?

Water is called the “universal solvent” because it is capable of dissolving more substances than any other liquid. This is important to every living thing on earth. It means that wherever water goes, either through the air, the ground, or through our bodies, it takes along valuable chemicals, minerals, and nutrients.

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How can we explain that water is a solvent quizlet?

A water molecule is polar because the electric charge is distributed unevenly because the oxygen atom is on one end, causing it to have a slight negative and a slight positive charge. … It is such a good solvent because its polarity allows it to dissolve both ionic bonds and other polar molecules.

What makes water so special?

Water is also the best all-around solvent. More solid substances dissolve in water than in any other liquid. Water consists of molecules with the composition H2O (two small atoms of hydrogen and one larger atom of oxygen). The two hydrogen atoms are bonded very strongly to the oxygen atom.

Why is water essential for life Brainly?

Why water is essential for life? Water is essential simply because it’s a liquid Earth-like temperatures. Because it flows water, provides an efficient way to transfer substances from a cell to the cell’s environment.

Why is water essential for our survival class 7?

Why is water essential for our survival? Ans. Water is absolutely essential for survival. Water alone can quench our thirst when we are thirsty.

Why is water essential for life mention any five points?

It is the most basic liquid required for various chemical and biological processes. All the biological processes like excretion, digestion, transportation of minerals in the human body are done via water. Almost seventy percent of the human body is made up of water. There would be no aquatic life in absence of water.

What are 3 reasons why water is important?

Five reasons water is so important to your health
  • Water boots energy. Water delivers important nutrients to all of our cells, especially muscle cells, postponing muscle fatigue.
  • Water helps weight loss. …
  • Water aids in digestion. …
  • Water detoxifies. …
  • Water hydrates skin.
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Which role of water is significant for most living things in a biological system quizlet?

Strong adhesive forces exist between glass and the water molecules. Which is a cause of polarity in water molecules? Which role of water is significant for most living things in a biological system? It provides temperature regulation.

What property of water is most important for living organisms quizlet?

1) Polarity: Allows water molecules to form hydrogen bonds with each other. This is important so whater can dissolve other molecules, such as sugars. Dissolving things is essential in our body. Polarity of water is important because its keeps us together.

Why is water important to life essay?

Water helps in the digestion of solid food. It also keeps our skin healthy and hydrated. Water helps in excreting waste from our body through sweat, urination, and defecation. So replenishing the water in our body is essential in order to prevent dehydration.

Which of the following describes a property of water that helps sustain marine life?

Water’s high specific heat allows it to absorb a large amount of heat without changing much in temperature, keeping a relatively constant temperature in oceans and lakes which is beneficial to marine life.

How would you describe the properties of plain water?

The main properties of water are its polarity, cohesion, adhesion, surface tension, high specific heat, and evaporative cooling. A water molecule is slightly charged on both ends. This is because oxygen is more electronegative than hydrogen. … The stream of water bends due to the polarity of water molecules.

Which statement correctly describes the electrons in a water molecule?

Which statement correctly describes the electrons in a water molecule? Electrons are pulled closer to the oxygen atom. How does a catalyst influence a chemical reaction?

What is it called when water molecules are attracted to other water molecules?

The property of cohesion describes the ability of water molecules to be attracted to other water molecules, which allows water to be a “sticky” liquid. … The attraction between individual water molecules creates a bond known as a hydrogen bond.

What best describes the bonding in a water molecule?

The bonding in water molecule is not similar to ionic bonding. It is rather covalent bonding that takes place between O and H. The electrons are, thus, not transferred. Electrons are shared between two atoms, here O and H Which allow both the atoms to attain a stable electronic configuration.

Importance of Water in Life | Importance of Water

Why Water is So Special and Essential to Life

Water. An Essential Element of Life.

What would happen if you didn’t drink water? – Mia Nacamulli

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