what is a complete subject example

What Is A Complete Subject Example?

A complete subject is all of the words that tell whom or what a sentence discusses. The complete subject is who or what is “doing” the verb, including any modifiers. Complete Subject Examples: … “The mangy old dog” is the complete subject.

What is the complete subject of a sentence?

The subject is the person, place, or thing we are writing about. The predicate is what the subject is or does. Both the subject and the predicate may be one word or a group of words. The complete subject is the simple subject and all the words that describe or explain it.

What is a complete subject word?

Explanation: A complete subject is the simple subject,the main word or words in a subject, along with any of the modifiers that describe the subject. To identify the (complete) subject, ask yourself who or what completed the action in the sentence. … The school orchestra is the complete subject.

What are some subject examples?

The subject of a sentence is the person or thing doing the action or being described. Lee ate the pie. (Lee is the subject of the sentence. Lee is doing the action.) Lee is chubby.

What is simple complete subject?

A simple subject typically refers to a person, place, or thing, who is performing an action. The simple subject is a single word representing the subject without any of its modifiers or adjectives whereas a complete subject represents the subject along with all of its modifiers or adjectives.

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What words make up a complete subject?

The complete subject is made up of all the words that tell who or what the sentence is about. The complete predicate includes the verb and all the words that tell what happened in the sentence. Every word in the sentence belongs either in the complete subject or complete predicate.

What are some examples of complete sentences?

Examples of Complete Sentences
  • I ate dinner.
  • We had a three-course meal.
  • Brad came to dinner with us.
  • He loves fish tacos.
  • In the end, we all felt like we ate too much.
  • We all agreed; it was a magnificent evening.

What is a complete subject and complete predicate examples?

The complete subject includes all words that tell who or what the subject is. Example: Most birds | can fly. The complete predicate includes all words that state the action or condition of the subject.

What is a compound subject example?

When two nouns combine with the same verb, the subject is compound. Example: Mom and Dad left for work early. Examples of Compound Subject sentences: My friend and I like to ski. Bill or Mike will pick up the car.

What is a complete predicate in a sentence examples?

A complete predicate is going to be all the words that modify and further describe the verb. “Ran a long way” is the complete predicate in this sentence. Generally, all the words that come after the verb are going to be part of the predicate.

What are the 3 types of subjects?

Three Types of Subjects. With this in mind, let’s discuss three main types of subjects. They are: simple subjects, compound subjects, and noun phrases. We’ll start with the most basic form.

What is literary subject?

Answer and Explanation: In literature, a subject is the universal topic of a literary work. The subject of a literary work is tied to the work’s theme, as the theme is the author’s universal statement on the subject. Examples of subjects include love, reality, sorrow, heroism, and family.

What are adjectives give 10 examples?

10 Examples of Adjective
  • Charming.
  • Cruel.
  • Fantastic.
  • Gentle.
  • Huge.
  • Perfect.
  • Rough.
  • Sharp.

What is an example of a complete and simple subject?

The simple subject is the primary word or phrase that a sentence is about. The complete subject is the simple subject and any words that modify or describe it. Simple subject: The man with the marbles is here. Complete subject: The man with the marbles is here.

Are names simple or complete subjects?

How do you find the complete subject and predicate?

The complete subject is the simple subject and all of the words that go with it. The simple predicate is the verb that tells what the subject does or is. The complete predicate is the verb and all the words that tell what the subject does or is.

Can there be two complete subjects in a sentence?

When a sentence has two or more subjects, it’s called a compound subject. Compound subjects are joined by “and” or “or” and, perhaps, a series of commas.

What does a sentence fragment look like?

A sentence fragment is a group of words that looks like a sentence, but actually isn’t a complete sentence. Sentence fragments are usually missing a subject or verb, or they do not express a complete thought. While it may be punctuated to look like a complete sentence, a fragment cannot stand on its own.

How do you find the complete subject?

A complete subject is the simple subject, or the main word or words in a subject, along with any of the modifiers that might describe the subject. To identify the complete subject in a sentence, ask yourself who or what performs the action in the sentence.

What is complete sentence and examples?

Answer: It must have a subject and a predicate. An example of a simple, complete sentence is “She sleeps.” She is the subject; sleeps is the predicate. In this instance, the complete predicate is the verb sleeps.

How do you know if a sentence is complete?

A complete sentence must: begin with a capital letter, end with a punctuation mark (period, question mark, or exclamation point), and contain at least one main clause. A main clause includes an independent subject and verb to express a complete thought.

How do you find the complete predicate in a sentence?

A complete sentence has two main parts: a subject and a predicate. The subject is the doer of the action; the predicate is the action (or the verb). To find the complete predicate, start by identifying the subject and the verb. Then look at the words surrounding those two parts.

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What’s a complete predicate?

The complete predicate tells what the subject is doing. It is the verb plus any other words that tell more about it. It can be one word or more than one word. … Each complete predicate tells what her friend does.

What is a complete sentence made up of?

Sentences always begin with a capital letter and end in either a full stop, exclamation or question mark. A complete sentence always contains a verb, expresses a complete idea and makes sense standing alone.

What is a complete compound subject?

The complete subject of a sentence includes all the words that tell who or what the sentence is about. Example: Everyone in my house is keeping a secret. The simple subject is the main word or words in the complete subject. … A compound subject contains two or more subjects that have the same predicate.

Are compound subjects complete subjects?

What Is a Compound Subject? A compound subject consists of two or more simple subjects that share a verb or verb phrase. These subjects are joined by a conjunction such as and, or, or nor. Because a compound subject consists only of simple subjects, it does not include any of the words that modify the subjects.

What are 5 examples of compound sentences?

Compound Sentences
  • I like coffee. Mary likes tea. → I like coffee, and Mary likes tea.
  • Mary went to work. John went to the party. I went home. → Mary went to work, but John went to the party, and I went home.
  • Our car broke down. We came last. → Our car broke down; we came last.
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What is complete sentence?

A complete sentence has to have a subject and a verb, and the verb has to be a “finite”: A sentence with its main verb in an ‘-ing’ form will not be a complete sentence. *Marge swimming. A sentence with its main verb in an infinitive form (“to” + verb) will not be a complete sentence.

What are compound sentences?

A compound sentence is made up of two independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, or so) and a comma or by a semicolon alone. Example: The pirate captain lost her treasure map, but she still found the buried treasure.

What is a complete predicate in grammar?

The complete predicate includes all the words that tell what the subject is, has, does, or feels. • Notice that the sentence does not have to be short to be simple.

What are 5 types of subjects?

Types of Simple Subjects
  • Proper Noun as Subject. Ad. …
  • Improper Noun as Subject. Improper Nouns may also be used as a subject in a sentence. …
  • Personal Pronouns as Subjects. A personal pronoun is a word which can be used instead of Noun. …
  • Interrogative Pronouns as Subjects.

What is an example of a subject of a book?

For example, in the sentence, “Momma was preparing our evening meal, and Uncle Willie leaned on the door sill” (I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, by Maya Angelou), “Momma” and “Uncle Willie” are both subjects.

What are the two types of subject?

What are the Different Forms of Subjects?
  1. Complete Subject. The complete subject simply refers to: …
  2. Simple Subject. Basically, the simple subject refers to the noun or pronoun which is being or doing something. …
  3. Compound Subject.

What type of subject includes words that describe the subject?

simple subject Simple and complete subjects

A simple subject is the key word or phrase that the sentence is about. A complete subject is the simple subject and any words that modify or describe it. Simple subject: My new friend is an astronaut.

Simple Subjects and Complete Subjects – Video and Worksheet

The Subject of a Sentence | Simple and Complete Subject

Subjects and Predicates | Subject and Predicate | Complete Sentences | Award Winning Teaching Video

Complete Subjects and Predicates

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