What Was One Of The Most Important Contributions Of The Greek City-state Of Athens?

What Was One Of The Most Important Contributions Of The Greek City-state Of Athens?

Although this Athenian democracy would survive for only two centuries, its invention by Cleisthenes, “The Father of Democracy,” was one of ancient Greece’s most enduring contributions to the modern world. The Greek system of direct democracy would pave the way for representative democracies across the globe.Aug 23, 2018

What was one of the most important contributions of Athens?

Although this Athenian democracy would survive for only two centuries, its invention by Cleisthenes, “The Father of Democracy,” was one of ancient Greece’s most enduring contributions to the modern world. The Greek system of direct democracy would pave the way for representative democracies across the globe.

What are some contributions of the ancient Greek city-state Athens?

They brought us democracy, science, philosophy, written contracts, taxes, writing, and schools. But the apex of their civilization, sandwiched between two wars, lasted just 24 years—in human history, a lightning flash across the summer sky.

What were the important accomplishments of the Greek city-states?

  • They developed the world’s first democracy.
  • They were the first people to take the scientific approach to medicine by actually studying the diseases. ( …
  • Playwrights wrote and produced the first dramas in outdoor theaters. ( …
  • They invented the rules of Geometry as well as other mathematics. (
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What was the city-state Athens known for?

The Athenian city-state reached its peak in the Bronze Age. It is known as being the birthplace of democracy. Athens was also an economic powerhouse. Literature, philosophy, and art also thrived during this time period.

Which of the following is the most important Greek contribution to Western civilization?

The Greeks made important contributions to philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, and medicine. Literature and theatre was an important aspect of Greek culture and influenced modern drama. The Greeks were known for their sophisticated sculpture and architecture.

What were some of the most important contributions of classical Athens in the areas of art government and law philosophy and literature?

What were some of the most important contributions of Classical Athens in the areas of art, government and law, philosophy, and literature? They developed the world’s first democracy, they wrote drama’s that were preformed on an outdoor stage, they made sculptures of humans.

What was Greece’s greatest contribution to the world?

Greek Contributions to Western Civilization
  • Democracy.
  • The Alphabet.
  • The Library.
  • The Olympics.
  • Science and Mathematics.
  • Architecture.
  • Mythology.
  • The Lighthouse.

Which of the following is the most important impact of ancient Greek and Roman civilizations?

Classic Civilizations – Regents Prep Questions
A major impact of Ancient Greece and Rome on Western Civilization was thatGreek sculpture and Roman architecture were much admired and copied in the 18th and 19th centuries
The Ancient Romans’ most significant contribution to Europe has been in the area ofLaw

What was the most important source of wealth in the Greek city-states?

Land Land was the most important source of wealth in the city-states; it was also, obviously, in finite supply. The pressure of population growth pushed many men away from their home poleis and into sparsely populated areas around Greece and the Aegean.

What did Greece accomplish?

The ancient Greeks are often credited with building the foundations upon which all western cultures are built, and this impressive accolade stems from their innovative contributions to a wide range of human activities, from sports to medicine, architecture to democracy.

What was the most lasting achievement of Greek civilization?

Alexander the Great conquers all of the Persian Empire. Alexander’s most lasting achievement is the spread of Greek culture as he strongly encourages a blending of western and eastern cultures.

What were the achievements of Athens?

What were the majorcultural achievements of Athens?
  • The temples on the acropolis in Athens were examples of the Greek talent for architecture. …
  • Athenians enjoyed dramas staged in large open-air theaters. …
  • The Greeks competed in athletic events at the Panathenaic Games and the Olympics.

Why was Athens the most powerful city-state?

This rise occurred largely due to its prominent location and control of key trading routes and leadership in the wars against Persia. While other Greek cities held more powerful armies, such as Sparta, Athens’ leadership proved attractive and helped pave the way for its influence.

Why is a city-state important?

A city-state is an independent sovereign city which serves as the center of political, economic, and cultural life over its contiguous territory.

Why is Athens the best city-state?

Athenians thought of themselves as the best city-state in all of ancient Greece. They believed they produced the best literature, the best poetry, the best drama, the best schools – many other Greek city-states agreed with them. Athens was the measuring stick. … The god in charge of Athens was Athena, goddess of wisdom.

What did classical Rome contribute to modern Western civilization?

Some of their contributions include the aqueducts, public baths, markets, and juries. The Romans were also the greatest builders of the ancient western world. They created a legacy that proved to be as dominant as it was long lasting and many roman principles are embodied in their modern instructions.

How important of a role did the ideas from ancient Greek civilizations play in the development of the American political process?

Answer: The United States has a complex government system. One important tenet of this system is democracy, in which the ultimate power rests with the people. … The Greeks are often credited with pioneering a democratic government that went on to influence the structure of the United States.

How did ancient Greece influence Western civilization?

The Western world was highly influenced by the ancient Greeks. The Greeks changed the way the world looks at art, math, architecture, philosophy, sports, and drama. Without the ancient Greeks, the modern world would not be the same. Men such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle changed the way we look at philosophy.

What was the most important factor that contributed to Greek overseas expansion and colonization?

Population increases and the desire for more land were the primary impetuses for a colonizing movement that established Greek poleis throughout the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions during this period.

What were the most important developments in the Greek world in the Archaic period?

The Archaic period saw developments in Greek politics, economics, international relations, warfare, and culture. It also laid the groundwork for the classical period, both politically and culturally. During this time, the Greek alphabet developed, and the earliest surviving Greek literature was composed.

What was the significance of the Persian wars for the subsequent history of the Greek world?

What was the significance of the Persian Wars for the subsequent history of the Greek World? cemented Pan-Hellenic identity, saw cooperation on an unprecedented scale, showed Greek military superiority over the Persians. Athens emerged as the rivals of Sparta for military prestige.

What are some of the main contributions of the Greeks and Romans?

They invented concrete, perfected the arch, and constructed roads and bridges that remain in use today. But neither the Greeks nor the Romans had much appreciation for technology. The technological society that transformed the world was conceived by Europeans during the Middle Ages.

What was the most important long term Roman contribution to Western civilization?

What was the most important long term Roman contribution to Western civilization?
A major contribution of the Roman Empire to Western society was the development ofan effective legal system
A major effect of the decline of the Roman Empire was that Western Europeentered a period of chaos and disorder
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Why are the contributions of the Athenian Empire especially important to modern Western civilization?

Ancient Greeks made many influential contributions to western civilization such as in the areas of philosophy, art and architecture, math and science. … A lot of famous play writers today are also inspired by the works of play writers from ancient Greece.

What was one of the greatest accomplishments of Alexander the Great?

Although king of ancient Macedonia for less than 13 years, Alexander the Great changed the course of history. One of the world’s greatest military generals, he created a vast empire that stretched from Macedonia to Egypt and from Greece to part of India. This allowed for Hellenistic culture to become widespread.

What was the main source of wealth in Athens?

The Athenian economy was based on trade. The land around Athens did not provide enough food for all the city’s people. But Athens was near the sea, and it had a good harbor. So Athenians traded with other city-states and some foreign lands to get the goods and natural resources they needed.

How did the increase in food production benefit the Greek economy?

How did the increase in food production benefit the Greek economy? The increase in farmer’s food production led to new jobs as farmer’s were able to sell extra food and other people could focus on different jobs. … Some choices of goods that the Greeks produced are: olive oil, wood, wine, pottery, wheat, wool.

What were Greek city-states known for?

Some of the most important city-states include Athens, Chalcis, Corinth, Eretria, Delphi, Sparta and Thebes. Athens was known for being a center of art, science and philosophy. As one of the oldest cities in the world, it is also considered the birthplace of democracy.

What were the main invention of Greek civilization?

The Greeks invented the two main components of watermills, the waterwheel and toothed gearing, and some of the earliest evidence of a water-driven wheen appears in the technical treatises written by the Greek engineer Philo of Byzantium (ca. 280−220 BC).

What was the most significant achievement of the Golden Age of Greece?

What was the most significant achievement of the Golden Age of Greece? The most significant advances in art during the Greek Golden Age were in sculpture, architecture and pottery.

What was the significance of the Greek philosophers?

Greek philosophers were “seekers and lovers of wisdom”. They studied and analyzed the world around them using logic and reason. Although we often think of philosophy as religion or “the meaning of life”, the Greek philosophers were also scientists.

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What was the most important historical effect of Alexander the Great’s conquests group of answer choices?

Perhaps the greatest effect of his empire was the spread of Greek culture through the successor empires that long outlasted Alexander’s rule.

What was the greatest achievements of the city state of Sparta?

The cultural achievements of Sparta include a well-organized society, gender empowerment, and military prowess. Sparta was made up of three main communities: Spartans, Perioeci, and Helots. The Spartans held the administrative and military positions. The Helots were Greeks captured from other lands conquered by Sparta.

What are 4 accomplishments from the Athenian Golden Age?

  • 1 Democracy. Greek leaders such as Solon and Pericles put in place laws and changed government structures toward a more democratic practice. …
  • 2 Philosophy. The Golden Age of Greece is probably best known for philosophy, and Socrates, Plato and Aristotle are the three greatest philosophers of the age. …
  • 3 Art. …
  • 4 Theater.

What did Athenians value the most?

Athens Values

While Spartans valued military strength, Athenians placed a higher value on education and culture. Their main goal was building a democracy. Athenians believed that the only way to build a strong democracy was to create well informed citizens. Boys were educated.

What made Athens one of the most well known city-states?

Ask any ancient Athenian and they would tell you that Athens had the best literature, the best poetry, the best drama, the best schools – and truly, they were a leading city-state. Many other city-states compared themselves to Athens.

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