Thank You Email After Job Shadowing, How Do You Say Thank You For Job Shadowing?

Thank You Email After Job Shadowing.  Thank you for allowing me to job shadow with you. It was a great opportunity to learn more about the industry and your company.

I enjoyed getting to know you and your team, and I appreciate all of the information you shared with me. I am excited to apply what I learned in the future. Thank you again for your time and generosity.

Thank you for letting me job shadow with you. It was great to see how everything works and to learn more about the industry. I really appreciate it!

Thank you email after job shadowing

While job shadowing a career you’re interested in is extremely helpful, it can be difficult to thank your mentor without sounding impersonal. Here are some tips for crafting an email to show appreciation and gratitude for the job shadowing experience.

How do you say thank you for job shadowing?

If you had the opportunity to shadow a physician, that is great! Shadowing is one of the best extracurriculars for any premed student.

Not only are you exposed to the career you will potentially spend the rest of your life working in, but you also get to see some really cool things.

When I shadowed as a premed, I got to see how doctors talk to patients, clinical exams, and even surgeries!

After given an experience like this, it’s important you write a thank you note to the doctor you shadowed. Not only because it’s the right thing to do but also because the medical world is a small place and good impressions are important for networking.

Make sure you continue reading to the end of this post for a sample thank you letter after job shadowing a doctor/preceptor!

Further Reading: Helpful Tips For Finding A Doctor To Shadow

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How To Write A Thank You Letter For Shadowing A Doctor

Oh and make sure you write everyone a personalized note. Bring up specific examples of how each individual made your experience shadowing special.

Sample Thank You Letter After Shadowing A Doctor

I’ll make your job simple for you and provide a sample letter of what I would write to a physician I just shadowed.

Dear Dr. ______,

1st Paragraph: Thank the doctor for his or her time.

Thank you for the opportunity to shadow you.

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I appreciate the time you took out of your busy schedule to teach me about (Specific specialty).

2nd Paragraph: What was something you enjoyed watching or doing during your shadowing opportunity?

I was truly excited to be able to observe (list memorable procedures you saw). These experiences were really inspiring and I’m more excited to continue pursuing a career in medicine.

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3rd Paragraph: What did you learn and how will it help you in your future?

I was able to learn a lot about (list some things you learned) from shadowing you. Not only is this useful information for my classes but it will also help with my applications.

4th Paragraph: Restate your thank you.

Once again, thank you for this experience!

Sincerely (Best Regards, Kindest Regards, etc),


Should You Send A Gift With Your Thank You Letter?

If you only shadowed for a few days, this is not necessary. However, if you shadowed a physician for 50+ hours, which many pre-meds do, then a small gift goes a long way!

Send a gift card to their favorite lunch spot, a bag of their favorite coffee, or an edible arrangement. A little gift like this is not something the physician probably needs but I promise they will really appreciate it!

Sample of thank you letter of appreciation on shadowing

Thank you letters are one of the best ways to maintain and strengthen relationships with those who’ve contributed in some way to your ongoing success. It’s essential to send thank you letters after interviews, workshops, public events, courses, fairs and from any form of research or activity that involves other people. Learn how to write a letter of appreciation for interviewee shadowing using this sample example as a guide.

After shadowing

One of the best ways to learn a skill is by watching someone who has years of experience. Whether it’s shadowing a doctor or going on an apprenticeship, seeing and learning first hand can give you an advantage in life.

Follow up email for shadowing

If you do choose to shadow someone, what should you do next? Should I keep following a single mentor or follow different mentors? Should I ask a specific question every week or keep silent? Let’s try and answer some of these questions.

Thank you letter to a doctor from a student

You’ve probably always heard that it’s good to have a support system. I have nothing but praise for my doctor, and I hope she knows how much I appreciate all of her time, efforts, and encouragement when it comes to my health. This is not only to thank her for going above and beyond her duties as a physician and treating me like a friend or family member, but also to spread the message about being kind and respectful towards people who try their best to be kind and respectful to others.

Job shadow letter examples

Each year, job shadowing increases. Unlike resume mentorships, job shadow programs take place during a typical work day at the host site. The goal of job shadowing is to educate students on the world of work and work life through on-the-job experience. If you are teaching this lesson, you should start with examples for effective job shadow letters to students for practice. Here are a few helpful resources.

Thank you gift for shadowing Thank you gift for shadowing

When I was just starting out in online marketing, I was looking to follow someone who was already in the field. After finding a reputable source in this field, I started following him and paying attention to everything he did. Although I liked what I saw, I never thought I’d actually get involved. However, I received an offer that gave me money for “shadowing” the expert for two months. If you’re curious about any business field, here are some tips on how to make it happen.

Thank you letter after observation

When you observe teachers, its time to thank them. Thank your child’s teacher by email with an authentic letter written by hand. This is a great example of how “handwritten notes are still being used in daily life”

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What is Job Shadowing?

Job shadowing is the perfect way to get a sneak peak into a career you’re interested in. Observing someone in their professional work for a few hours, weeks, or months will give you a much better understanding of what the career demands and whether it’s the right fit for you.

While job shadowing may not be the best way to gain career experience, it can still be a valuable opportunity to explore potential career paths. By shadowing someone in your desired field, you can get a realistic idea of what that job is like day-to-day, and whether it is a good fit for you.

Benefits of shadowing a job

Clear doubts

It can be tough to choose a career. People can often be misled by others’ opinions or the glamour of a particular job. Job shadowing provides an opportunity to clear doubts and ask questions. It helps explore more about a career, like the educational requirements, related job possibilities, how difficult it is to change fields later, and advice from experienced people.

Personal experience

Job shadowing can come in many different forms – from simply observing the work of others to getting your hands dirty and trying out the job yourself.

Interaction with employer

The three places where people spend the majority of their time are very different. By shadowing an employer, you will get to know how people behave in the office. It is a wonderful way to learn about the different types of jobs out there, office culture, employer behavior, ways to reduce stress, etc. It leads to overall development and understanding of how you are expected to behave in the office.

Thinking and problem solving

Different problems crop up each day in the office. Experiencing various problems firsthand through job shadowing is the best way to learn how to brainstorm, solve problems, and implement new plans.

Identifying the best practices

Job shadowing is a great way to see what a typical work day is like for someone in your desired career field. You can see what’s right, wrong, and how to be successful in this field by observing someone’s work habits. This can help you correct and systematize your own work habits when you enter your career.


Job shadowing is a great opportunity to build a strong network and make connections with people in the industry. It may help you seek recommendations from them in the future. They may even offer you a job if they find you suitable. When you finish job shadowing them, don’t forget to write a thank you letter!

Cons of job shadowing

Difficulty in association

A professional is not someone who will hold your hand and explain every step of their work. They expect you to watch, learn, and understand as they go. This may lead to some initial confusion, but it’s up to you to catch on.

Clash in schedule

In order to be a great observer, you must be willing to follow the demanding work schedule of a professional. This may include long hours, time clashes, and other difficulties, but it will be worth it in the end!

Language problem

In every profession, there are specialized words and phrases that are used to communicate more effectively and efficiently. If you want to be able to understand and speak the language of your chosen field, it’s important to familiarize yourself with these terms.

Lack of motivation

A professional who is keen to do his/her job can teach you the best techniques and skills. However, if the person you are observing is not motivated enough, it could cause a delay in learning and missing out on important details.

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Limited information sharing

Some professionals may not feel comfortable sharing a lot of information with an observer due to trust issues. This may limit learning.

Types of Shadowing

Through observation

Spending time watching and taking notes on the role of a student or fresh graduate can help you understand the role better.

Routine briefings

A great way to learn about a new career field or to explore a new job is to have short briefings by a host before and after a specific activity. Or, shadowing a professional on specific jobs over a period of time.

Hands-on – shadowing

This unique opportunity allows the observer to perform certain hands-on tasks under close supervision. This provides an ideal learning experience, though it may be time-consuming. No matter what type of opportunity you have, it is always important to express your gratitude to your hosts for their help.

Is Job Shadowing Possible for Every Job?

There are certain things to consider when you have decided your career options and want to spend some time shadowing a professional. Do you have enough time? Are you genuinely interested? Is the career ‘job shadow’ friendly?

There are certain careers that may not be suitable for shadowing because of the nature of their work. Construction workers, for example, may not be comfortable having an observer. It’s worth trying to talk to organizations to see if they can offer any alternative learning opportunities.

How to Go About Starting a job Shadowing Process?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to landing a job shadow opportunity. It takes hard work, effort, and the right approach to secure a position. Job shadow opportunities are usually not advertised publicly, so it can be more difficult to get one. Where to start, who can help, who to contact – these are just some of the questions every job shadow seeker has in mind. It’s up to you to approach individuals and organizations to allow you to work with them. If you’re looking for some help, here are a few things that might give you an edge.

How to thank a host?

It’s always important to send a thank you letter after shadowing a host. Some things to keep in mind while writing: Keep it concise, mind your language, use proper grammar, and begin with a heartfelt “thank you.” Be sure to mention something specific you learned or enjoyed during your time shadowing the host.

Thank you email after shadowing

Thank you email after shadowing

Many coaches will take on apprentices or “shadow” someone in their business and don’t require any monetary compensation. The following email is an example of what you might send after spending time shadowing someone within their organization. This is not only a great follow up, but also can help to nurture a relationship between the two individuals, should they be in search of further coaching services later down the road.

Thank you letter for shadowing a doctor

A thank you letter is one of the few ways to stay on a doctor’s radar. The doctor has a limited time for patient/doctor interaction, so with a perfect understanding of medical jargon, the thanks you give your doctor can mean nothing but good fortune for the future.


Thank you for allowing me to job shadow with you. It was a great opportunity to learn more about the industry and your company. I enjoyed getting to know you and your team, and I appreciate all of the information you shared with me. I am excited to apply what I learned in the future. Thank you again for your time and generosity.


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