what dominates the northern third of the continent of africa

Which desert dominates the northern third of Africa?

Kalahari Desert, large basinlike plain of the interior plateau of Southern Africa. It occupies almost all of Botswana, the eastern third of Namibia, and the northernmost part of Northern Cape province in South Africa.

Which geographical feature dominates the northern third of African continent?

Blanketing much of the northern third of the African Continent, or some 3.5 million square miles, the Sahara Desert, the largest desert in the world, extends eastward from the Atlantic Ocean some 3,000 miles to the Nile River and the Red Sea, and southward from the Atlas Mountains of Morocco and the Mediterranean …

What large geographic feature dominates much of northern Africa?

The Sahara is the worlds largest hot desert, covering 8.5 million square kilometers (3.3 million square miles), about the size of the South American country of Brazil. Defining Africa’s northern bulge, the Sahara makes up 25 percent of the continent.

What important skill gave Africa’s Bantu-speaking people an advantage over the nomadic hunter-gatherers they displaced?

What important skill gave Africa’s Bantu-speaking people an advantage over the nomadic hunter-gatherers they displaced? Ironworking.

What two geographic features dominate Central Africa?

Most of the country consists of a large plateau that separates the basin of Lake Chad to the north from that of the Congo River to the south. The dominant features of the landscape are the Bongo Mountains in the eastern part of the country and the Karre Mountains, otherwise known as Yadé Massif, to the west.

Why is the population of the Sahara and Sahel so low?

Why is the population of the Sahara and Sahel so low? Because the Sahel is experiencing less and less rainfall each year, what are many Africans having to do? How do people living in areas around Africa’s rainforest usually make their living? … In what region are some of Africa’s most populated cities located?

What physical characteristic dominates much of Central Africa?

The physical geography varies with each country in Central Africa. The most prominent physical landscape is the tropical rain forests of the equatorial region. Highlands can be found in both the western and eastern regions of Central Africa.

What is the primary religion of North Africa?

Islam is the dominant religion in North Africa and some of the Horn of Africa, which is majority Christian.

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What has caused war in Africa?

Africa has a high prevalence of civil wars and this is commonly attributed to the ethnic diversity of its countries. This inference seems self-evident to many, given that African rebel movements almost always are ethnically defined. Ethnic identities and hatred are thus seen as the cause of violent conflict.

What are 3 physical features?

Landforms, bodies of water, climate, soils, natural vegetation, and animal life are among them. Physical features are including landforms, bodies of water, terrains, and ecosystems.

What are the three most significant African migrations?

Although varied and mixed, intra-African migration is in general terms motivated by three main regional trends: labour migration in the west and central areas; movement of refugees in the eastern and southern areas; together with migration of skilled professionals from west and east to southern Africa.

What geographical features are found in North Africa?

North Africa has three main geographic features: the Sahara desert in the south, the Atlas Mountains in the west, and the Nile River and delta in the east. The Atlas Mountains extend across much of northern Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia.

What advantage did the Bantu speaking people have over the Hunter and Gathers they displaced?

Which skill did the Bantu-speaking people have over the hunter-gatherers they displaced? The ability to make iron weapons.

What was one reason Bantu migrated?

Historians suggest the reason for the Bantu migration may be any one or more of the following : exhaustion of local resources – agricultural land, grazing lands, and forests. overpopulation. famine.

What was a result of the work done by the monks?

What was a result of the work done by the monks Cyril and Methodius? Orthodox Christianity spread to Slavic cultures. … He converted to Orthodox Christianity.

Which river basin dominates much of Central Africa?

Congo River Basin Congo River Basin: The Congo River Basin of central Africa dominates the landscape of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and much of neighboring Congo. In addition, it stretches into Angola, Cameroon, the Central African Republic and Zambia.

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Which river dominates Central Africa?

The location and geography of the Congo river system. The Congo River system runs through the Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Central African Republic, western Zambia, northern Angola, and parts of Cameroon and Tanzania, according to National Geographic.

What type of climate dominates North Africa?

Great parts of North Africa and Southern Africa as well as the whole Horn of Africa mainly have a hot desert climate, or a hot semi-arid climate for the wetter locations. The Sahara Desert in North Africa is the largest hot desert in the world and is one of the hottest, driest and sunniest places on Earth.

Where are the highest populations in northern Africa?

Egypt Egypt registered the largest population in North Africa, reaching 102 million people.

Which country lie in the Sahel?

Historically, the western part of the Sahel was sometimes known as the Sudan region (bilād as-sūdān بلاد السودان “lands of the Sudan”). This belt was roughly located between the Sahara and the coastal areas of West Africa.

Climate typeSemi-arid

Which part of Africa is Sub Saharan?

Sub-Saharan Africa is, geographically, the area of the continent of Africa that lies south of the Sahara. According to the United Nations, it consists of all African countries and territories that are fully or partially south of the Sahara.

What are some landforms in northern Africa and in Central Asia?

  • Atlas—Africa’s longest mountain range.
  • Hejaz and Asir.
  • Pontic and Taurus.
  • Ararat.
  • Caucasus.
  • Zagros.

What is the most dominant physical feature of southern Africa?

High Plateau/High Veld: the most dominant physical feature in southern Africa is the high plateau, known locally as the high veld. It comprises more than three-quarters of the region’s area.

What is the dominant climate feature of North Africa and Southwest Asia?

The prevailing climatic feature of North Africa and Southwest Asia is a lack of precipitation. From 10°to 30°north is a particular band of dry air that forms the region’s hot desert climate zone (BWh in the Köppen climate classification system) and is clearly apparent on a map of global climate regions (Figure 7.1.

What are the 3 main religions in the Middle East?

Three of the world’s major religions — the monotheist traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam — were all born in the Middle East and are all inextricably linked to one another. Christianity was born from within the Jewish tradition, and Islam developed from both Christianity and Judaism.

What is the dominant religion in Africa?

Christianity and Islam are the two dominant religions in sub-Saharan Africa, together accounting for more than 93% of the population. Given the dropping child mortality and high fertility rates in the region, much of the worldwide growth of Islam and Christianity is expected to take place there in the coming decades.

What religions are practiced in northern Africa?

The North Africa/Southwest Asia realm is the source of three world religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Why does Africa use child soldiers?

Reasons for recruitment by armed groups

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Child soldiers are typically recruited because they are seen by armed groups as expendable and cheap to maintain.

Was Africa involved in ww2?

More than a million African soldiers fought for colonial powers in World War II. … African colonies were also drawn into a war that was not theirs. From 1939 hundreds of thousands of West African soldiers were sent to the front in Europe.

Was ww1 fought in Africa?

With World War I raging in Europe, African soldiers were forced to fight for their colonial masters between 1914 and 1918. France recruited more Africans than any other colonial power, sending 450,000 troops from West and North Africa to fight against the Germans on the front lines.

Geography of Africa

Geography of Africa Made Easy

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