Youtube Name Changed Too Recently

I changed my YouTube name using the “Edit on Google” link in the “Overview” section in YouTube.

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This worked fine and I see the new name but when I got to my channel page it still shows the old name for the channel title. Is there a separate setting to update my channel title?

It also shows my old name in a few other sections like “Analytics” in “Creator Studio”.

Here is a screenshot to show you the problem. My new name appears correctly in the account popup view but on my channel page it still shows the old name in the title.



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edited Apr 5 “18 at 3:11

Berry Blue

asked Apr 4 “18 at 19:08

Berry BlueBerry Blue

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It can take a while until the name change is displayed everywhere. Clearing your cache and cookies may speed it up for you, but if you just wait, it should change itself eventually.

Note that your old name will persist longest in search results, sometimes for weeks.


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answered Apr 5 “18 at 14:23

Leo WattenbergLeo Wattenberg

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Reason why you name is not changing:

As others said, it might just be because you haven”t waited long enough (for me, it took multiple weeks)It could be possible that you are using a Brand Account. If you”re using a Brand Account, you have to change it in by going into YouTube and clicking on the Settings option in the menu bar. Then click on Edit on Google which is located next to your profile picture.


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answered May 10 “18 at 4:01

See also Multiple Youtube View: How To Watch Multiple Youtube Videos At Once, How To Play Two Youtube Videos At The Same Time


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For me, for whatever reason, it only changed when I did it both on the app on my phone and on my computer. Idk why, but there you go; it was immediate. Still takes forever to do the same in the search, though.

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answered Dec 16 “18 at 8:06

Geeky FanaticGeeky Fanatic


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Idk if it was accident or not, but my solution seemed to work. I had the same problem to where it showed my old name, so I had an idea. I changed my name again (naming it the same thing) and it replaced my old name with my new name, since I changed it twice. (If it doesn”t work, trying using 2 devices.)

Ex:Old name: “Potato”.New name: “Chip”.Change name again to: “Chip”.YouTube thinks “Chip” was your old name.


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edited Feb 2 “19 at 17:31


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answered Feb 2 “19 at 15:51



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I struggled for a few days, changing and re-changing… I changed in my google profile but it didn”t work… THIS WORKED.. dunno why.

YouTube > My Channel > Settings (on left menu) > Account Settings …. NOT “Edit on Google” >Personal Info >Name > … enter change name.

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answered Feb 13 “19 at 13:37



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