What Is Brand Concept? - Definitions and Purpose

What Is Brand Concept?  It’s hard to find a simple definition of branding that works for both business and consumers.

what is brand concept

Branding and marketing experts often use different definitions, which can be confusing. How do you explain what brand identity is to someone who has no idea what it means? The truth is, most people don’t know how to define branding or even what the term really means in practice. That’s why we created this guide on the topic of brand concept so you can learn more about this crucial aspect of your business without getting too technical or boring.

What is brand concept?

A brand concept is the heart of your company’s branding, pulling together its purpose and goals. It’s all about how you make people feel which becomes an important part in building out this entire marketing strategy for the overall success of any business venture or product release with its customers who will return because it resonates on an emotional level where they need someone right now!

Know your brand basics

Know your brand basics

Who are you?

You can’t develop a brand without knowing what it is. You need to know the best way for you and your company, so start by looking in on yourself! Owning up means being authentic with who are as people or an organization–don’t try to be something else just because someone might be better at selling products like that (even though they probably will still buy them). As competition increases within markets; don’t pretend there isn’t any.

The importance of identifying what makes you different from your competitors cannot be understated. The smallest, most minute differences could make all the difference when it comes to standing out in a competitive marketplace and creating something that is truly yours!

Who is your audience?

Marketing is more than just advertising. It’s understanding your customer and then making products or services that will meet the needs of these people, not necessarily solely for them but also because they’re awesome!

Mimicking other companies’ strategies doesn’t work as well when you have an awesome product to sell marketing your way into someone else’s shoes can help put things into perspective.

Thinx is the answer to every eco-conscious, alternative millennial woman’s prayers. With their revolutionary underwear for menstruators on earth they are striving not only toward reducing waste but also breaking down boundaries between people who suffer with this condition and those that don’t by creating one less awkward conversation topic at parties or work events!

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The mission statement behind Thinx couldn’t be simpler: To reduce “unmitigated horror” felt during monthly cycles by providing high quality reusable pads made of 100% recycled materials (and other innovative solutions). The best part?

Create your brand concept

Create your brand concept


The next time you’re brainstorming for new company ideas, don’t forget to create a mission statement or goal that your brand will meet. This gives people something to consistently return too as they develop other elements of their concepts and remember not only should it be real but also aspirational because while we want what our brands stand for in reality, there’s no better way than wanting even more!


It would be stating the obvious to tell you how important your brand name is. Picking a memorable one that stands out but not too much can make all the difference in an industry filled with competition, so start by researching what other companies have done before moving on from there!

The word “Oatly” is both memorable and informative. It’s short, sweet while also letting consumers know exactly what their milk alternative can do (in this case it means oats).


Do you have a brand that radiates personality? Your voice is how it comes to life. For example, Oatly opts for the playful and youthful eco-friendly millennial voice because their product appeals primarily in this demographic group with what they offer – an environmentally friendly approach on healthy living!

Imagine your brand as a person with specific interests, traits and characteristics. How would they speak to others? What are some things commonly said by people in their age group or social circle who share those same values as them (e.g., “I’m so excited for this!”)? Use these words when developing the tone of voice that will represent what you want out-of term one: excitement!


A tagline or slogan is the perfect way to embody your brand in an easy-to understand phrase. You can use it as part of a larger marketing campaign, and often times they are accompanied by logos that have been created through brainstorming sessions with designers or other members within companies. Taglines also serve as great inspiration because these words are what catch people’s attention first when reading text on somebody else’s product packaging!

Visual design

Once you have your mission statement, values and voice guide all in place it’s time for visual design. It can be difficult to create a clear idea of what they should look like without any real guidance but don’t worry! A great way start developing these visuals is by looking at other brands similar or related businesses that are also successful on Pinterest as well as ones with designs our target audience likes better than ours (to make sure we stand out).

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The ideal brand concept example

  • The headline is what’ll capture your brand idea and advertise it. This first impression will determine how people engage with the rest of this concept, so you want something eye catching!
  • Second, every concept should start with a consumer insight (connection point) or enemy. This helps captivate consumers enough to make them stop and think about their pain points in life; this also sets up what the brand promise is for any future products that come out of this company.
  • Third, layer in the promise statement to bring your main consumer benefit with an even balance of emotional and functional benefits.
  • Next, use support points to close off any gaps that consumers may have after reading the main benefit. In addition an emotional benefit may require functional support in order for it’s credibility and worthiness as well so there are no doubts lingering with their decision making process!
  • The final step of the process is to give your customer a motivating call-to-action that will prompt their purchase intent. This can be done by either including one, or adding an additional visual for good measure!

Why concept testing is the key to building a winning brand

Soliciting the opinions of consumers

The power of research has been used in a variety of circumstances. From product development to making decisions about what products we offer, understanding public opinion on an issue through surveys and interviews with people from all walks-of life–research is imperative for getting the full story!

Research helps us get insight into how other groups feel so they can be better understood without bias by decision makers who need accurate information when it comes time for big choices such as offering new services at your company or developing marketing strategies based off customer’s feedback.

Qualitative market research

A focus group, also known as a usability study or an autost determination test is used for gaining insights from the users of your product. In order to be effective in this stage of branding process it’s important that you solicit feedback from people who have experience with what they are recommending and provide clarification when necessary so their recommendations can accurately reflect user needs.

Focus groups are a way for an organization to gather feedback from people they believe will provide them with useful information. Participants can include current employees, customers who have previously used their products or services, and even potential clients in order generate ideas that could help improve one’s overall customer experience.

The use recent surveys is becoming increasingly common as well because it allows you get direct responses from your target audience while also allowing those surveyed not only voice opinions but tell stories about themselves too!

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A focus group is made up of people who share similar demographics and have done some research on the task at hand by viewing products or reading company information beforehand.

Quantitative market research

Quantitative market research is a type of market analysis that relies on numerical data to evaluate the size and needs of an audience. This kind can be used for assessing success or failure by looking at specific metrics such as surveys, focus groups and trends in existing financial reports which may tell you how people feel about your product/service offerings today but also serve as indicators into what will happen tomorrow if those issues aren’t addressed quickly enough with changes made now.

Quantitative market research process

Quantitative research is a type of study that aims to measure and analyze the numbers found in given data. It’s different from qualitative studies because it focuses on mathematical measurements, rather than human experiences or opinions; this makes quantitative forms more reliable for generating evidence-based knowledge with less assumptions about what would be appropriate outcomes when collecting raw personal stories.

Qualitative vs. Quantitative market research

Qualitative research allows you to find out about people’s attitudes and opinions rather than hard data, which can be expensive. It often takes more time as well– qualitative researchers might spend hours chatting with one person or interviewing many at once in an attempt for rich insights into their lives that they didn’t get from quantitative work such as surveys where respondents provide yes-no answers on a questionnaire. In contrast with this method of inquiry –which requires careful planning before executing any kind survey, Qualitative run also offers fast turnaround times so your findings are always available.

In a nutshell, the brand concept is what your company stands for. It’s not about logos or slogans; it’s about how you want to be perceived by others and what sets you apart from competitors. The story of your brand concept will evolve over time as your business grows and develops new strategies that work well in different markets around the world. If you need help defining yours, our team can get started with an assessment process designed to reveal the best way forward for your organization going into 2020 and beyond! What do YOU stand for?


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