which of the following statements is true when the net force and net torque on an object is zero?

Which Of The Following Statements Is True When The Net Force And Net Torque On An Object Is Zero??

c) If the net force acting on an object is zero and the net torque acting on the object is also zero, then the object is in equilibrium (no linear or angular acceleration).

Which of the following could be true if the net torque on an object is zero?

The correct option is b) The angular velocity of the object is changing. From the expression in part 1), when the net force and the net torque on an object is zero, then the object is always set at equilibrium.

What happens when the net torque on an object is not zero?

If the net torque is not zero, there will be angular acceleration. It implies the angular velocity will be continuously changing.

When the net force of an object is equal to zero then the forces are said?

Answer: If the net force on an object is zero, then the object is in equilibrium. It means the sum of the forces in all directions must be equal to zero.

What happens if the net force of an object is zero?

Newton’s First Law of Motion

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An object’s velocity (a vector) does not change if and only if the net force acting on the object is zero. In other words, if there is no net force on an object, its speed and direction of motion do not change (including if it is at rest).

Which of the following statements are correct if net torque is zero?

If net torque is zero, the object will be moving at constant velocity or remain static If net torque is zero, the angular momentum is conserved If net force is zero, the object will be rotate at constant angle velocity or not rotate at all.

How do you know if net torque is zero?

A torque is a vector quantity which means that it has both a magnitude (size) and a direction associated with it. If the size and direction of the torques acting on an object are exactly balanced, then there is no net torque acting on the object and the object is said to be in equilibrium.

What happens when torque is zero?

If the net torque on a rotatable object is zero then it will be in rotational equilibrium and not able to acquire angular acceleration.

Is it possible for the net torque on an object to be zero when the net force on it is nonzero?

Solution: Yes, the condition of equilibrium is the all of the net forces and all of the net torques is equal to zero. … 2 points (a) Give an example in which the net force acting on an object is zero and yet the net torque is nonzero.

When net torque is zero will be constant?

Explanation : When the torque acting upon a system is zero, the angular momentum is constant and hence is conserved.

In which situation does the net force become zero?

Net force becomes zero when the forces in opposite direction are equal.

When net force is zero the object will move with constant velocity?

If an object experiences no net force, its velocity will remain constant. The object is either at rest and the velocity is zero, or it moves in a straight line with a constant speed.

What forces are when the net force on an object is not zero?

If the net force is other than zero there is an acceleration. Newton’s first law implies it. An object at rest will remain at rest or an object in motion will remain in motion unless acted on by a force.

What is the net force when no forces are acting on an object?

If two people push in opposite directions, but with the same amount of force, the net force on the object is zero. The effect is the same as if there were no forces at all acting on the object. Forces acting on an object that combine and form a net force of zero are balanced forces.

Which of the following statements are correct about reactions at equilibrium?

The statement is correct. A reaction reaches equilibrium once the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the reverse reaction. Once at equilibrium there is no net change in the concentration of reactants or products. The statement is correct.

Is torque a true force?

Torque →τ refers to applying a force →F to a lever arm at a specific distance →r from the center of rotation. … Torque and force also differ in that force is a true vector, whereas torque is a pseudovector, that is, it picks up a sign flip under certain kinds of coordinate transformations.

What is the net torque on the system?

The net torque about an axis of rotation is equal to the product of the rotational inertia about that axis and the angular acceleration, as shown in Figure 1. Similar to Newton’s Second Law, angular motion also obeys Newton’s First Law.

What is the difference between torque and force?

Torque is to defined as the force which acts upon an object and allows the same object to revolve around its axis, whereas Force is said to be a type of action done on an object which will ultimately result in the motion.

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When the net external torque acting on a body is zero?

2) Rotational equilibrium: If the net torque acting on a body is zero, then the body is said to be in rotational equilibrium. In such a case, the angular velocity of the body remains constant.

When a net torque acts on an object it will cause?

Net torque changes the rotational velocity of an object. Net force changes the velocity of an object. Pushing moves the block horizontally and the block has no rotation assuming low friction. Sufficient friction between the table and block would produce a net torque which would cause the block to flip.

How do you write net torque equation?

Can you have net torque with no net force?

Since torque is always about some point, if there’s a net force on an object you can always find some point about which there will be a torque. But you can certainly have a net force on an object that gives no torque about its center of mass.

When there is no torque and force the system called?

static equilibrium

An object in static equilibrium is one that has no acceleration in any direction. While there might be motion, such motion is constant. Two children on a seesaw: The system is in static equilibrium, showing no acceleration in any direction.

Can the torque on a particle be zero without the force being zero explain?

(a) Can the torque on a particle be zero without the force being zero? … (a) If the torque is zero then r × F = 0 Now N = r × F hence N = 0 ⇒ r or F is zero, or r and F are parallel. i.e. yes. either r = 0 (the force is acting at the origin) or r and F are parallel; and so F is acting in a direction through the origin.

When torque acting on the system is zero Which of the following is constant?

force. linear momentum.

When the net torque acting on a system is zero Which of the following will be constant a force B angular momentum C linear momentum D none of these?

If the net torque is zero, then angular momentum is constant or conserved.

When a constant net external force acts on an object which of the following may not change?

But when the net external force is always applied on the object in the perpendicular direction to the motion, the speed also will not change but the velocity will change because the direction of the velocity will keep changing and the magnitude of the velocity will be constant.

Is net force always zero?

When an object moves with constant velocity, the total net force on the object is always zero. If you have applied force, there’s another force (or, many forces) like friction to counterbalance it.

When a net force acting on a system is zero then the system is said to be?

Explanation: When the net force acting on a system is zero then that system is called equilibrium.

Does constant velocity require constant force?

An object does not need any force to act on it in order to move at a constant velocity. Forces are needed to change the velocity, not to maintain it.

When a constant net force acts on an object which quantity remains constant?

Newton made the above statement more precise by articulating the concept of force, a vector quantity. His First Law states that an object with a net force of zero acting on it will remain at rest, if initially at rest, or it will maintain a constant velocity.

When you apply a constant force to an object does the object move at a constant velocity?

Newton’s second law says that when a constant force acts on a massive body, it causes it to accelerate, i.e., to change its velocity, at a constant rate. In the simplest case, a force applied to an object at rest causes it to accelerate in the direction of the force.

What is the net force on the object?

The net force on an object is the combined effect (the sum) of all the pushing and pulling forces actually acting on the object. If the forces pushing or pulling on an object are not balanced (a net force acts) then the object will accelerate in the direction of the net force.

When net forces are not equal on an object the object moves in the direction of?

To have unbalanced forces means that the force applied in one direction is greater than the force applied in the opposite direction. When unbalanced forces are acting on an object, there is a change in speed and/or direction.

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