what happens to energy in the sun's convection zone?

What Happens To Energy In The Sun’s Convection Zone??

What happens to energy in the Sun’s convection zone? Energy is transported outward by the rising of hot plasma and sinking of cooler plasma. … We are seeing hot gas rising and cool gas falling due to the convection that occurs beneath the surface.

What happens at the convection zone of the Sun?

In the convective zone, the temperatures are cool enough—under 1,800,000 degrees Fahrenheit (1,000,000 degrees Kelvin)—that the atoms in the plasma there can absorb the photons coming outward from the Sun’s radiative zone. The plasma gets very hot, and begins to rise upward out of the Sun.

How convection happens in the convection zone in the Sun?

The most efficient means of energy transfer is now convection and we find ourselves in the region of the Sun’s interior know as the convection zone. The hotter material near the top of the radiation zone (the bottom of the convection zone) rises up and the cooler material sinks to the bottom.

How does heat energy move through the convection zone of the Sun quizlet?

Energy from the radiation zone passes into the convection zone, the outer layer of the sun’s interior. In the convection zone, energy is transferred outward mainly by convection currents. Hot gases in the convection zone rise toward the sun’s atmosphere while cooler gases sink downward.

How is energy transported in the convection zone?

The convection zone is the outer-most layer of the interior. It extends from a depth of 200,000 km up to the visible surface of the Sun. Energy is transported by convection in this region. The surface of the convection zone is where light (photons) is created.

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How is energy transferred between the core and the convective zone of the Sun?

Energy is generated in the core, the innermost 25%. This energy diffuses outward by radiation (mostly gamma-rays and x-rays) through the radiative zone and by convective fluid flows (boiling motion) through the convection zone, the outermost 30%.

Does the Sun use convection?

The source of the Sun’s energy is the nuclear reactions that occur in its core. … This type of energy transport is convection. Convection motions within the solar interior generate magnetic fields that emerge at the surface as sunspots, and loops of hot gas called prominences.

What occurs as energy is transferred through the convective zone of the Sun Check all that apply?

What occurs as energy is transferred through the convective zone of the Sun? … Energy is transferred through the large-scale movement of material. Energy is released into the photosphere.

Does the Sun have a convective core?

In main sequence stars similar to the Sun, which have a radiative core and convective envelope, the transition region between the convection zone and the radiation zone is called the tachocline.

What is convection zone in the sun quizlet?

Convective zone. The region of the sun’s interior that is between the radiative zone and the photosphere and which energy is carried upward by convection. photosphere. the visible surface of the sun.

How does the sun transfer energy?

Energy is transferred from the sun to Earth via electromagnetic waves, or radiation. Most of the energy that passes through the upper atmosphere and reaches Earth’s surface is in two forms, visible and infrared light. … This transfer of energy can take place by three processes: radiation, conduction, and convection.

What type of electromagnetic energy is the sun’s heat energy?

All of the energy from the Sun that reaches the Earth arrives as solar radiation, part of a large collection of energy called the electromagnetic radiation spectrum. Solar radiation includes visible light, ultraviolet light, infrared, radio waves, X-rays, and gamma rays. Radiation is one way to transfer heat.

How do movements in the convection zone contribute to solar flares?

The convection zone surrounds the radiative zone. In the convection zone, hot material from near the Sun’s center rises, cools at the surface, and then plunges back downward to receive more heat from the radiative zone. This movement helps to create solar flares and sunspots, which we’ll learn more about in a bit.

What element will build up in the Sun’s core causing all fusion in the Sun to stop?

The Sun has about 5 billion years worth of hydrogen with which it can produce energy. When five billion years are up, fusion in the Sun’s core will cease, and gravity will cause the star to collapse.

Where does convection occur in a star?

In a massive star, the convection zone is in the core and the radiation zone is between surface and core. Because large stars (more than 8 solar masses)can fuse multiple elements until iron-56, so the fuel in the core should be convected from the inner core and outer core.

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How does energy produced by fusion reactions in the core of the Sun reach the Earth?

The fusion reactions in the Sun’s core generate energy in the form of heat, gamma rays and neutrinos. … Light emitted from the Sun’s surface can then travel at the speed of light. Those photons which are emitted in the right direction reach the Earth about 8.5 minutes later.

How does the Sun transfer energy to Earth quizlet?

Energy from the Sun is transferred to Earth through convection. Radiation requires a heated liquid to transfer energy. Nearly all of the energy that Earth receives from the Sun is used in photosynthesis. In the atmosphere water vapor condenses to form clouds.

Where does fusion take place in the Sun?


The type of nuclear reaction taking place in the core of the Sun is known as nuclear fusion and involves hydrogen nuclei combining together to form helium. In the process, a small amount of mass (just under one per cent) is released as energy, and this makes its way to the Sun’s surface before beaming out into space.

What happens in the convection process?

convection, process by which heat is transferred by movement of a heated fluid such as air or water. Natural convection results from the tendency of most fluids to expand when heated—i.e., to become less dense and to rise as a result of the increased buoyancy.

How does the Sun create convection currents?

Convection in Air

The sun heats the air near the earth’s equator, which becomes less dense and rises upward. As it rises, it cools and becomes less dense than the air around it, spreading out and descending toward the equator again.

Which occurs as energy is transferred through the radiative zone of the sun?

A radiation zone, or radiative region is a layer of a star’s interior where energy is primarily transported toward the exterior by means of radiative diffusion and thermal conduction, rather than by convection. Energy travels through the radiation zone in the form of electromagnetic radiation as photons.

What conditions are necessary for fusion?

Answer: To make fusion happen, the atoms of hydrogen must be heated to very high temperatures (100 million degrees) so they are ionized (forming a plasma) and have sufficient energy to fuse, and then be held together i.e. confined, long enough for fusion to occur. The sun and stars do this by gravity.

What are the products of step one of the hydrogen fusion process in the sun?

The first step of the Hydrogen fusion process: a nucleus of Deuterium (2H) is formed from two protons with the emission of an antielectron and a neutrino. The basic Hydrogen fusion cycle involves four Hydrogen nuclei (protons) and two electrons and yields a Helium nucleus, two neutrinos and six photons.

Why does a convective layer exist in the Sun?

The rotation rate of the sun changes rapidly in the tachocline. At around 70% of the sun’s radius, the convective zone begins. In this zone, the sun’s temperature is not hot enough to transfer energy by thermal radiation. Instead, it transfers heat by thermal convection through thermal columns.

Why do massive stars have convective cores?

Because of the general tendency of the interior temperature of main sequence stars to increase with mass, stars of over two solar mass are chiefly powered by the CNO cycle(s) rather than the pp cycle(s). This, plus the increasing fraction of pressure due to radiation, makes their cores convective.

What visible evidence do we have that the Sun has a convective zone?

The convection current is occupied by the rising and sinking gas. Thus, we can infer that the motion of the gas is from the numerous tiny bright regions surrounded by darker zone which is called granulation. Therefore, granulation is the visible evidence from where we know Sun has a convection zone.

How energy is transferred from the Sun to Earth?

radiation The Sun’s energy reaches Earth through the process of radiation. Radiation is the transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves. Ninety-nine percent of the radiant energy from the Sun consists of visible light, ultraviolet light, and infrared radiation.

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Does the sun provide energy?

What Is Solar Energy? Solar energy is energy that comes from the sun. Every day the sun radiates, or sends out, an enormous amount of energy. The sun radiates more energy in one second than people have used since the beginning of time!

Is convection heat transferred?

Convection. Convective heat transfer is the transfer of heat between two bodies by currents of moving gas or fluid. In free convection, air or water moves away from the heated body as the warm air or water rises and is replaced by a cooler parcel of air or water.

What happens to the heat energy that reaches Earth from the sun?

The energy that reaches the Earth’s surface (primarily visible light) is absorbed by the Earth. This increases the temperature of the Earth and then that absorbed energy is released as heat.

Does any of the energy of the sun reach the Earth by conduction or convection?

Conduction and convection requires the presence of material medium and heat transfer through a vacuum is by radiation only. Since space is almost completely empty so the heat energy of the sun reaches the earth by radiation only. Therefore there is no energy of the sun reach the earth by conduction and convection.

How convection and conduction affect the temperature in our atmosphere?

Conduction, radiation and convection all play a role in moving heat between Earth’s surface and the atmosphere. … Conduction directly affects air temperature only a few centimeters into the atmosphere. During the day, sunlight heats the ground, which in turn heats the air directly above it via conduction.

How does convection affect the temperature of the earth?

Convection is a vital process which helps to redistribute energy away from hotter areas to cooler areas of the Earth, aiding temperature circulation and reducing sharp temperature differences.

What type of energy comes from the sun?

Solar energy Solar energy is any type of energy generated by the sun. Solar energy is created by nuclear fusion that takes place in the sun. Fusion occurs when protons of hydrogen atoms violently collide in the sun’s core and fuse to create a helium atom.

Where Does The Sun Get Its Energy?

Thermal Transport in the Sun II: Convection

Less Than Five – Layers of the Sun Explained – Inner Layers

Solar Energy – Nuclear Fusion in the Sun – Simplified Version

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