Youtube Commercials in Spanish: Why Are My Youtube Ads In Spanish 2021 and How to Stop Spanish Ads on Youtube

You’ve been watching a lot of Spanish-language videos on YouTube and your ads have started to change over to Spanish.

This is really annoying. Why are my Youtube ads in Spanish? I don’t even speak the language!

We know how frustrating this can be, which is why we created an easy solution for you. With this guide, you’ll be able to see what keywords are triggering these unwanted changes so that you can avoid them in the future.

Why Are My Youtube Ads In Spanish

There could be a few reasons why your Youtube ads are in Spanish. It’s possible that you’ve set your language preferences to Spanish, but have you?

And even if you have, if the default language of your country is not Spanish, it’s possible that your IP address is from a location that is Spanish. There are ways that you can correct this, but if your settings have been defaulted to Spanish by Youtube, then there’s not much you can do about it.

You might be wondering why this happens in the first place. Well, Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world, and when Youtube wants to expand their advertisements to other countries, they make it available in Spanish. You may also wonder if this change will impact your viewing experience. The answer is no. Spanish ads will appear in addition to the English ads you’re used to seeing.

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Đang xem: Why are my youtube ads in spanish

Why are My Youtube Ads in a Different Language

Spanish ads may appear when you’re trying to watch a video from another country, or if your location defaults to a Spanish-speaking country. If you’re not interested in watching non-English ads, you can select “Not interested” from the three dots menu on the lower right side of the video thumbnail. If your location defaults to a Spanish-speaking country, but you’re not interested in watching non-English ads, you can change your language settings on YouTube. Go to “Settings” and select “Language.” Under “General,” choose the language of your choice. You can choose from any of these languages: English, Korean, French, German, Portuguese or Japanese.

How to Stop Spanish Ads on Youtube

Have you tried changing the Content location setting at the very bottom of the page at It would affect a lot more than just ads, but it might do what you’re asking for. –user13779 Oct 14 “16 at 17:41

Easiest way: Use Adblock (if you are a free-to-browse person) or YouTube Red (if you are someone willing to spend a few bucks each month) to stop YouTube from displaying ads altogether.

The question was how to change the language of ads, not how to remove them. –user135384 Sep 28 “17 at 13:28

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How do you get YouTube to stop repeating ads?

If you do not wish to see a certain ad repeatedly, simply click on the gear icon of a particular advertisement and click “Not interested”. YouTube will stop showing the same ad to you again in future.

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How do I change the language of my YouTube ad?

If you want to change the language of your ads, go to YouTube and select “Settings.” Under “General,” select “Language” and change it to whatever best suits your needs. You can choose from any of these languages: English, Korean, French, German, Portuguese or Japanese.

Up to now, it is not known whether Youtube will expand its availability of the Spanish language for its ads to other countries. But by changing your settings, you can ensure that you’re getting the most out of YouTube and its advertisements.

Why do I keep getting Spanish ads?

There are a few reasons why you might be getting Spanish ads on YouTube. It’s possible that you have your language preferences set to Spanish, or you could even be in a location that uses Spanish as the default language. If Youtube is trying to expand its advertisements to other countries, they will make it available in Spanish. However, this change will not impact your viewing experience, as Spanish ads will appear in addition to the English ads you’re used to seeing.

Why does my YouTube location keep changing?

If you’re getting Spanish ads on YouTube, it could be that your location has been set to a country where Spanish is the default language. If your country’s default language is not Spanish, it may be that your IP address is from a location where there is a high concentration of Spanish speakers. The best way to solve this issue is to update your country’s setting. Go to YouTube and choose “Settings” from the menu on the upper right-hand side. Under “General,” select “Country” and choose your country from the list. This will ensure that you’re getting the most out of your YouTube experience.

How do I make my YouTube video available in my country?

If your country’s default language is not Spanish, you can make your YouTube content available to viewers from any location. Go to YouTube and choose “Settings” from the menu on the upper right-hand side. Under “Media,” select “Restricted Mode.” In the “Country Restrictions” section, select “All Countries.” This will make your content available to viewers from any country.

See also How To Change The Category Of Your Youtube Video Category: Easy Tutorial

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FAQs about Why Are My Youtube Ads In Spanish

1. How do I change my YouTube ad to English?

Go to “Settings” and select “Language.” Under “General,” choose English.

2. Why do I get ads in different languages?

If you’re getting Spanish ads on YouTube, it could be that your location has been set to a country where Spanish is the default language. If your country’s default language is not Spanish, it may be that your IP address is from a location where there is a high concentration of Spanish speakers. To solve this issue, update your country’s setting. Go to YouTube and choose “Settings” from the menu on the upper right-hand side. Under “General,” select “Country” and choose your country from the list. This will ensure that you’re getting the most out of YouTube, and that you’re only seeing ads in the language you prefer.

One of our clients was frustrated because all her Youtube Ads in Spanish even though she prefers English. Turns out that when you create a campaign on YouTube, the language defaults to your account settings. It’s easy enough to change this setting but it can be an important detail if you want your campaigns to appear in another language than what is set!


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