who is johnny from the outsiders

Who Is Johnny From The Outsiders?

Johnny Cade is a vulnerable sixteen-year-old greaser in a group defined by toughness and a sense of invincibility. He comes from an abusive home, and he takes to the greasers because they are his only reliable family.

Who is Johnny to Ponyboy?

Johnny Cade: Ponyboy’s best friend. 16 years old, who is extremely quiet and lives with his alcoholic, neglectful and abusive parents.

How would you describe Johnny from the outsiders?

Johnny Cade: 16 years old with big black eyes in a dark tanned face with jet black and greased hair. Johnny is a nervous person who is always suspicious of being jumped. He changes from being scared of his shadow, to a hero, to regretful for not being able to live longer. Johnny killed Bob and is the Greaserʼs pet.

How is Johnny related to Ponyboy?

Despite his apparent weakness, Johnny was fiercely protective of, and loyal to, Ponyboy and seemed to consider him a brother, as well. When Bob, Randy, and the other Socs attack the two Greasers, Johnny kills Bob in order to save Ponyboy’s life, as well as his own.

Is Johnny from the outsiders dead?

Johnny dies from serious injuries resulting from a ceiling beam falling on his back while he was attempting to escape the burning church. Johnny is paralyzed from the waist down, and dies while he is lying in his hospital bed. After Johnny dies, Dally loses his mind and robs a grocery store.

Why is Johnny important in The Outsiders?

Passive and quiet, Johnny is the principal catalyst for the major events of the novel. He stands up to Dally at the drive-in and tells him to stop harassing the two Soc girls, Cherry and Marcia. Johnny’s intervention on the girls’ behalf pleases the girls, and they talk and walk with the greasers.

Where is Johnny Cade from?

Biography. Johnny was a sixteen-year old Greaser who lives with his alcoholic parents on the lower-class east side of Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Is Johnny Cade guilty?

Johnny Cade is guilty of manslaughter in the death of Bob Sheldon. The accused and main character in the S. E. Hinton novel The Outsiders was sent up the river for four years to Collins Bay Penitentiary Thursday during a mock trial at Gananoque Secondary School (GSS).

Who Killed Johnny in The Outsiders?

Dallas “Dally” Winston – Unable to take Johnny’s death, he threatened the police with an empty pistol and they shot him, not knowing his gun wasn’t loaded.

What did Johnny Cade love?

Ponyboy tells the readers, “If it hadn’t been for the gang, Johnny would never have known what love and affection are.” Johnny idolizes gang member Dallas Winston. Dally is living proof that one can survive without parents or family.

Why is Johnny important to Ponyboy?

He leaves his friend Ponyboy with the message to “stay gold.” That is, he wants Ponyboy to hold on to his ability to see beauty. Johnny is special because he is unselfish and loving. He has risked his life for both Ponyboy and the children who are caught in the fire.

What are Johnny Cade’s parents names?

  • Sherri Valance.
  • Randy Adderson.
  • Marcia.
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What happened to Johnny in The Outsiders Chapter 2?

About four months ago, Johnny was out in a field hunting a football to practice a few kicks, and four Socs drove by in a blue Mustang. They stopped and jumped him, beating Johnny half to death. One of the Socs wore several rings and the rings badly cut Johnny.

When Johnny dies Dally does what?

Dally shows up just in time for the fight; he has escaped from the hospital. After the fight, Ponyboy and Dally hurry back to see Johnny and find that he is dying. When Johnny dies, Dally loses control and runs from the room in a frenzy.

Does Ponyboy go to jail?

At the end of the hearing, the judge says that Ponyboy is acquitted and the whole case is closed. The morning after the fire, Ponyboy is making breakfast when Two-Bit and Steve come over with that day’s newspaper.

What was Johnny Cade’s cause of death?

Johnny dies as a result of the burns and injuries he suffered during the fire, and he dies knowing that he has lived a short and painful life in which he didn’t get a chance to see or do much of what he wanted to; however, he dies a true hero.

What were Johnny Cade’s last words?

What do Johnny’s last words mean? Right before he dies in the hospital, Johnny says “Stay gold, Ponyboy.” Ponyboy cannot figure out what Johnny means until he reads the note Johnny left. Johnny writes that “stay gold” is a reference to the Robert Frost poem Ponyboy shared when they were hiding at the church.

What bad things did Johnny Cade do?

Even as a hero, Johnny doesn’t really feel worthy of life. He’s been kicked around, ignored, and abused all his life. Outside of his gang of friends, he’s been told over and over that he has no value. Physical and emotional strain, plus guilt over killing Bob, make it even worse.

What action is out of character for Johnny?

What action is out of character for Johnny? Why do you think he acts that way? Passive and quiet so its out of character for him to stands up to Dally at the drive-in and tells him to stop harassing the two Soc girls.

Is Johnny a hero in The Outsiders?

Yes, for a hero is someone who is brave, courageous and helps others in need. In the book The Outsiders, by S. E. Hinton, Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally can be described as heroes because they are not afraid to step up, and help people. … Similarly Johnny is a hero because he used his heroic qualities to help people.

Where does Johnny live in The Outsiders?

At the beginning of the novel The Outsiders, Johnny is a pathetic creature that’s nurtured by the rest of his group. He had grown up in a violent, abusive home with parents that did not care about him. He also lives in a violent city where Socs and Greasers were in constant conflict.

What grade is Johnny Cade?

8th Grade 1515 Outsiders Johnny Cade 8th Grade 1515.

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What crimes did Johnny Cade commit?

Johnny Cade is 16 years old. He has jet black hair, a dark-tanned face, and Black eyes. Johnny Cade has committed Three crimes. He has committed possession of tobacco under the age of 18, he has committed first-degree murder, and he has committed the crime of destruction of property by burning down a church.

Who does Johnny’s mother blame for everything wrong in Johnny’s life?

The Outsiders 7-8
What is Johnny’s attitude towards death?He doesn’t feel like he’s lived long enough
What was the newspaper heading concerning what Ponyboy, Johnny and Darry did at the fire?“Juvenile Delinquents Turn Heroes”
Who does Johnny’s mother blame for everything wrong in Johnny’s life?The Greasers

What event has left Johnny traumatized?

Ponyboy tells Cherry what happened to Johnny in chapter 2. It’s a horrific and sobering flashback within a book that is already brutally honest about violence. Johnny was jumped by a group of Socs and beaten so badly that the Greasers thought that Johnny was dead.

Should Johnny have killed Bob?

Johnny should not be held accountable for Bob’s death because Bob was very drunk when he approached the boys that night. … Johnny killed Bob because he attacked him and Ponyboy. Johnny should not be held accountable for his actions because he was just defending himself and Ponyboy.

Who dies first in the outsiders?

The soc, Bob Sheldon, dies first. When Ponyboy and Johnny flee after Darry hit Ponyboy they run into their rivals Bob and his best friend Randy Adderson. Bob takes Ponyboy and starts drowning him until Johnny gets his switchblade out and kills Bob. After this, Johnny dies.

What does Johnny leave for Ponyboy?

What did Johnny leave for Ponyboy? Johnny left Ponyboy his copy of Gone With The Wind.

How is Johnny loyal?

First, Johnny is loyal to Ponyboy by protecting and standing up for him from the Socs. … This image represents Darry’s loyalty to Ponyboy and Sodapop. Darry was loyal to his brothers after his parents died and decided to raise them out of love and loyalty.

What does Cherry Valance look like?

Sherri Valance is a 16 year old tuff (tough) looking girl who is a cheerleader. She has green eyes and long red hair, and because of her red hair, people call her Cherry instead of Sherri. She is always dressed sharp and is very good looking.

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What was Johnny Cade wearing when he killed Bob?

‘Johnny, who was the most law-abiding of us, now carried in his back pocket a six-inch switchblade.

Why Does Johnny look up to dally?

Johnny’s View of Dally

Johnny looked up to Dally and defended him to others. He compared Dally to the gallant Southern gentlemen in Gone with the Wind – always calm and never scared. … ‘ Johnny had tremendous respect for Dally because he had all the strength and courage that Johnny did not.

Who yells at Johnny’s mom?

Cade is Johnny Cade’s abusive mother, and the wife of Mr Cade. She is an alcoholic and always ignores Johnny, except when she’s “hacked off at something, and then you can hear her yelling clear down at our house,” according to Ponyboy.

Who visits Johnny in the hospital?

Ponyboy Two-Bit and Ponyboy go to see Johnny and Dally in the hospital. Johnny, weak and pale, whispers that he would like Ponyboy to finish reading Gone with the Wind to him. His mother shows up to visit, but she is a mean-spirited, nagging woman and Johnny refuses to see her.

The Outsiders – “Do It For Johnny” – HD (1983)

The Outsiders Video Summary

The Outsiders(1983) – When Johnny Dies

The Outsiders – Dally’s Advice

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