what is the relationship between work and power?

What Is The Relationship Between Work And Power??

Work is the energy needed to apply a force to move an object a particular distance, where force is parallel to the displacement. Power is the rate at which that work is done.

What is the relationship between work and power quizlet?

Work is how much force it takes to move an object in the same direction as the force. Power is how long it takes you to do the work.

What is the relationship between work and power and how are they calculated?

Power is a measure of the amount of work that can be done in a given amount of time. Power equals work (J) divided by time (s). The SI unit for power is the watt (W), which equals 1 joule of work per second (J/s).

What’s the difference between work and power?

Work is referred to as the process of energy that is transferred to an object’s motion by applying force. It is generally represented as the product of displacement and force. Power is the amount of energy that is transferred in a unit of time. The formula for calculating the force is Work = Force * Displacement.

Do power and work have direct relationships?

Energy should be transferred to an object in order to move it. … This amount of energy transferred by the force to move an object is called work or work done. Thus, the relation between Work and Energy is direct. That is, the difference in the Kinetic energy of an object is work done by an object.

What is the relation between work and energy explain with the help of two examples?

Lifting weight from the ground and then putting it on the shelf is an excellent example of work done. The force equals the object’s weight, and the distance equals the height of the shelf. W = F x d. In contrast, energy is the capacity to do work.

What is the relationship between power and work directly proportional or inversely proportional?

The SI unit of power is the watt (W), which indicates the rate of 1joule of work per 1 second. Power is then directly proportional to the work done and inversely proportional to the time to do the work. Remembering that work is force times displacement (W = F*d), you can derive a corollary for the power equation.

What is the inter relation among work energy and power?

Work, energy and power are inter-related and interdependent. … Power- It is the effectiveness of doing work. It is the rate of doing work. Energy- It is the capacity or potential to work.

What is the difference between work and power examples?

What is power and work?

Work is the displacement of an object when a force (push or pull) is applied to it. We define the capacity to do the work as energy. Power is the work done per unit of time.

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What are three differences between work and power?

Differentiate between work and power.


2. Work done does not depend on time.2. 2. Power spent depends on the time in which work is done.
3. S.I unit of work is joule (J).4. S.I unit of power is watt (W

What are the significant similarities and differences between work and power?

Power is defined as the amount of energy transferred in unit time. The SI unit of power is the watt. One watt is equal to one joule per second. Power is a scalar quantity.

Difference between Momentum and Inertia.

Work is a scalar quantity.Power is a scalar quantity.

What is the relationship between power and energy?

Energy and power are closely related but are not the same physical quantity. Energy is the ability to cause change; power is the rate energy is moved, or used.

What is the difference between work and energy in physics?

Work is the ability to supply force and a change in distance to an object. Energy is the ability to supply or create work.

Is power inversely proportional to work?

The point is that for the same amount of work, power and time are inversely proportional. The power equation suggests that a more powerful engine can do the same amount of work in less time. A person is also a machine that has a power rating.

What is the relationship between power and potential difference?

However, in electrical terms, power is defined as the product of the current and the voltage. Where, V is the potential difference and it is measured in volts.

What is relation between power and resistance?

The power dissipated in a resistor is given by P = V2/R which means power decreases if resistance increases. Yet this power is also given by P = I2R, which means power increases if resistance increases.

What is difference between power and energy?

Difference between Energy and Power

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Energy is defined as the capacity to do some work. It is power which is integrated over time. Power is defined as the rate at which a specific work is done, or which the energy is transmitted.

What is the simple definition of work?

Work is an occupation or something that someone does or has done. An example of work is a job as an accountant. … Work is defined as to put forth effort in order to accomplish something or to have a job.

What are the factors of work also write their relation with work?

  • Appreciation for your work.
  • Good relationships with colleagues.
  • Good work-life balance.
  • Good relationships with superiors.
  • Company’s financial stability.
  • Learning and career development.
  • Job security.
  • Attractive fixed salary.

Is work a power?

Power is the work done in a unit of time. In other words, power is a measure of how quickly work can be done. The unit of power is the Watt = 1 Joule/ 1 second.

What is the difference between work done against friction and work done against gravity?

Answer: if there is not motion produced in body, the works become zero. We can do work against gravity or against friction. when we lift something then it is work done against gravity and when we slide something then it is work done against friction..

Which is the best definition of power?

Power is defined as the ability to act or have influence over others. An example of power is the strength needed to run five miles. … The definition of power is operating electrically or having strength or force.

How are power and work related compare and contrast the two terms?

Work is the energy needed to apply a force to move an object a particular distance, where force is parallel to the displacement. Power is the rate at which that work is done.

Which statement about work and power describes Hiro’s actions?

Which statement about work and power describes Hiro’s actions? He did more work running than walking.

What is the relation of power?

Units. The dimension of power is energy divided by time. In the International System of Units (SI), the unit of power is the watt (W), which is equal to one joule per second. Other common and traditional measures are horsepower (hp), comparing to the power of a horse; one mechanical horsepower equals about 745.7 watts.

What’s the difference between work and job?

To summarise, we can say that the word job refers to a particular employment role or position, such as cook, teacher or banker, whereas work refers in a more general way to activities that you do. Interestingly, all jobs involve work but doing work isn’t always part of a job.

What is difference between work and work done?

There is a significant difference between work and energy. Work is the transferring of an amount of energy with the help of a force covering a particular distance through a direction.

Difference Between Work and Energy
Work = force X distanceThere are various equations depending upon the types of energy
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How are energy and work similar?

The relationship between work done and energy is very well explained by the work-energy theorem. The work-energy theorem states that the work done on an object is equal to the change in the kinetic energy of that object.

What is power inversely proportional to?

As per the power formula, if the power stays the same then current is inversely proportional to the voltage.

How is power both directly and inversely proportional to resistance?

If you assume I is constant and replace V with IR, you get that power is proportional to resistance (P=I⋅(IR)). If you assume V is constant and replace I with VR, you get that power is inversely proportional to resistance (P=V⋅VR).

What’s the meaning of inversely proportional?

When the value of one quantity increases with respect to decrease in other or vice-versa, then they are said to be inversely proportional. It means that the two quantities behave opposite in nature. For example, speed and time are in inverse proportion with each other. As you increase the speed, the time is reduced.

Is there a relationship between work rate power and resistance?

Power in electronics is the rate of doing work. Resistance is the opposition offered against the flow of electrons. The relation between power and resistance is proportional.

What is the relationship between power and the current flowing?

In other words, Energy = power x time and Power = voltage x current. Therefore electrical power is related to energy and the unit given for electrical energy is the watt-seconds or joules. Electrical power can also be defined as the rate of by which energy is transferred.

Relation between work and Energy

Work and Energy


Work Energy Relationship – Work and Energy (CBSE Grade : 6 Science)

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