what determines the types of chemical reactions that an atom participates in

What Determines The Types Of Chemical Reactions That An Atom Participates In?

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What determines the types of chemical reactions that an atom participates in?the number of electrons in the outermost electron shell

What determined the types of chemical reactions that an atom participates in?

The number of protons in the nucleus determines which element it is. However, the number of electrons in the outer shell, i.e. the number of valence electrons, determines the chemical reactions that the element can participate in.

What determines the way atoms react?

An atom’s electron configuration, particularly the outermost electrons, determines how the atom can interact with other atoms. Atoms form bonds to other atoms by transferring or sharing electrons.

Which part of the atom determines how the atom behaves chemically?

A neutral atom has an equal number of protons and electrons so that the positive and negative charges exactly balance. Since it is the electrons that determine how one atom interacts with another, in the end it is the number of protons in the nucleus that determines the chemical properties of an atom.

What determines the chemical and physical properties of an atom?

Chemical properties of each element are determined by the element’s electronic configuration, and particularly by its outermost valence electrons. … In addition, the total number of electron shells an atom determines which period it belongs to.

What determines the chemical behavior of an atom quizlet?

The chemical behavior of an atom is determined by the distribution of electrons in electron shells.

What part of the atom determines how the atom reacts chemically quizlet?

The distribution of electrons determines an atom’s chemical properties and how they will react with other atoms.

Which of the following determines the kind of element and chemical properties an atom has?

The chemical properties of the elements are typically presented in the following way: Atomic Number is the number of protons in an element. The number of protons in the atom’s nucleus is what makes one element different from another.

What property determines the kind of atom?

The number of protons in the nucleus determines which element an atom is, while the number of electrons surrounding the nucleus determines which kind of reactions the atom will undergo.

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What determines the chemical properties of an element quizlet?

The chemical properties of an element, are determined by the number of protons in the nucleus. This number of protons is called the atomic number. The mass of the atom, its atomic mass, depends upon the sum of the number of protons and the number of neutrons present in the nucleus.

Which of the following determines that an element is different from other elements?

Atomic Number and Mass

Atoms of each element contain a characteristic number of protons and electrons. The number of protons determines an element’s atomic number and is used to distinguish one element from another.

What determines whether an atom will form a chemical bond with another atom quizlet?

The electron arrangement of the outer energy level of an atom determines whether or not it will form chemical bonds.

Which of the following most directly determines the chemical properties of an atom?

Explanation: The number of electrons, in turn, determines the chemical properties of the atom. Protons contribute to the mass of an atom and provide the positive charge to the nucleus. The number of protons also determines the identity of the element.

Which of the following determines the chemical properties of an element?

The chemical properties of an element are determined by the number of protons in the nucleus. This number of protons is called the atomic number.

What makes atoms of different elements different?

The number of protons in an atom is the defining feature of an atom. It’s what makes one element different from another. The number of protons in an atom is called its atomic number. … All the elements in the universe are arranged according to their atomic number in the periodic table.

What determines the position of an element in the periodic table?

Elements are placed in order on the periodic table based on their atomic number, how many protons they have. In a neutral atom, the number of electrons will equal the number of protons, so we can easily determine electron number from atomic number.

What subatomic particle determines the atomic number?

protons The nucleus (or center) of an atom is made up of protons and neutrons. The number of protons in the nucleus, known as the “atomic number,” primarily determines where that atom fits on the Periodic Table.

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What do the neutrons determine?

The number of neutrons influences the element’s mass; that is how isotopes of the same element differ.

Which of the following most correctly determines the atomic number of an element?

It is number of protons found in the nucleus of an atom and is identical to the charge number of the nucleus.

What determines the identity of a chemical element?

The atomic number is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom. The number of protons define the identity of an element (i.e., an element with 6 protons is a carbon atom, no matter how many neutrons may be present).

What determines bond length quizlet?

What determines bond length? Located between the two nuclei of the bonding atoms. They are typically near the middle of the bond. What is a polyatomic ion?

What determines bond length in chemistry?

The length of the bond is determined by the number of bonded electrons (the bond order). The higher the bond order, the stronger the pull between the two atoms and the shorter the bond length. Generally, the length of the bond between two atoms is approximately the sum of the covalent radii of the two atoms.

Why do atoms form chemical bonds with other atoms?

Atoms form chemical bonds with other atoms when there’s an electrostatic attraction between them. This attraction results from the properties and characteristics of the atoms’ outermost electrons, which are known as valence electrons.

Which determines the chemical identity of an atom or ion?

The identity of an atom is determined by its proton number or atomic number. For example, any atom having 6 protons is classed as carbon. Atoms are neutral entities, so they always have equal numbers of positively charged protons and negatively charged electrons.

Which of the following determines the atomic number of an atom?

number of protons The number of protons determines an element’s atomic number and is used to distinguish one element from another. The number of neutrons is variable, resulting in isotopes, which are different forms of the same atom that vary only in the number of neutrons they possess.

Do atoms of the same element have the same chemical properties?

All atoms of the same element have the same number of protons, but some may have different numbers of neutrons. … Different isotopes of an element generally have the same physical and chemical properties because they have the same numbers of protons and electrons.

How are atoms of the same element similar and different?


For many of the chemical elements there are several known isotopes. Isotopes are atoms with different atomic masses which have the same atomic number. The atoms of different isotopes are atoms of the same chemical element; they differ in the number of neutrons in the nucleus.

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Why do we have different types of elements?

Answer: As a species of atoms that have the same number of protons in their atomic nuclei, we may describe elements. … Whereas the atoms of an element have the same number of protons, they may have distinct neutron numbers and therefore distinct masses.

How is the position of an element in the periodic table related to the number of valence electrons?

The number of valence electrons in an atom is reflected by its position in the periodic table of the elements. Across each row, or period, of the periodic table, the number of valence electrons in groups 1 2 and 13 18 increases by one from one element to the next.

What is the position of an element in the periodic table if its electron configuration is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5?

What is the position of an element in the periodic table if its electron configuration is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5? It’s a group 7A element.

What part of an atom determines the atomic mass?


The mass of a proton or neutron is about 1,836 times larger. This explains why the mass of an atom is primarily determined by the mass of the protons and neutrons in the nucleus.

Which subatomic particle determines an element’s chemical properties?

Electrons located in the outermost shell of the electron cloud are called “valence electrons” and have the highest energy. Valence electrons determine the chemical properties of an element, or how the valence electrons of one element are shared or traded with valence electrons of other elements to create new molecules.

What do electrons determine about an atom?

The number of protons in one atom of an element determines the atom’s identity, and the number of electrons determines its electrical charge. The atomic number tells you the number of protons in one atom of an element. It also tells you the number of electrons in a neutral atom of that element.

What can you determine about the atomic structure of an element if you know the atomic number of the element and mass number of its isotope?

What can you determine about the atomic structure of an element if you know the atomic number of the element and mass numbers of its isotope? THe atomic number of an element is the same number of protons and electrons the element has.

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Types of Chemical Reactions

Types of Chemical Reactions

Types of Chemical Reactions

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