why was julius caesar a good leader

Why Was Julius Caesar A Good Leader?

Julius Caesar can be considered both a good and bad leader. Caesar’s ability to rise through the ranks quickly and to command armies at such a young age are good examples of his natural leadership abilities. … While dictator, Caesar continued to improve Rome by overhauling its tax system and improving the calendar.May 4, 2020

Why Julius Caesar is a great leader?

Julius Caesar transformed Rome from a growing empire into a mighty empire. … Julius Caesar was a successful leader because he knew how to manage his power and popularity, he handled foreign policy very well, and he knew how to show his strengths.

Was Julius Cesar a good leader?

Julius Caesar was a good leader even after he became Roman dictator. Before he became all powerful, Caesar revealed himself to have extraordinary leadership capabilities. He was charismatic, able to bend those around him to his will, and an excellent orator. He was a brilliant military strategist and a bold risk-taker.

What good things did Julius Caesar do?

Caesar was now master of Rome and made himself consul and dictator. He used his power to carry out much-needed reform, relieving debt, enlarging the senate, building the Forum Iulium and revising the calendar.

Was Caesar good for Rome?

A superb general and politician, Julius Caesar (c. 100 BC – 44 BC / Reigned 46 – 44 BC) changed the course of Roman history. Although he did not rule for long, he gave Rome fresh hope and a whole dynasty of emperors. Born into an aristocratic family in around 100 BC, Julius Caesar grew up in dangerous times.

Was Alexander the Great a good leader?

By now it was clear that Alexander was a shrewd, ruthless and brilliant military leader—in fact, he never lost a battle in his life. He would build an empire on the back of his motto, “there is nothing impossible to him who will try.”

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Was Julius Caesar successful?

In 59 BC, Caesar was appointed a consul and in 58 BC he went to Gaul (France) where he served as governor. He was successful in this position and conquered even more land for the Roman Empire. Caesar was a brilliant general and commanded an army of over 50,000 loyal men.

Was Julius Caesar a tyrant or a hero?

Julius Caesar was a hero because he conquered land for Rome, he improved citizens lives, and he fixed the government. First of all, Julius Caesar conquered lots of land for Rome. While Caesar was in Gaul, he conquered Britain for Rome.

What type of leader was Julius Caesar?

Julius Caesar was a political and military genius who overthrew Rome’s decaying political order and replaced it with a dictatorship. He triumphed in the Roman Civil War but was assassinated by those who believed that he was becoming too powerful.

What kind of person was Julius Caesar?

Julius Caesar was not just the Roman general and statesman who upended the Republic and its laws; he was a man of many qualities. He was very intelligent and used his sharp mind to win multiple wars and seize the Roman Republic, including victories over Gaul, or modern-day France.

How did Julius Caesar impact the world?

Caesar expanded Rome’s territories

The rich lands of Gaul were a huge and valuable asset for the Empire. By stabilising the territories under imperial control and giving rights to new Romans he set the conditions for later expansion that would make Rome one of history’s great empires.

Who was a better leader Julius Caesar or Augustus?

Who was a more important leader Julius Caesar or Augustus? In short, Augustus was the better dictator, better politician, better consul, and better statesman, but Caesar was the better general, better conqueror, better orator, better writer, and, overall, better leader.

Why was Alexander the Great so successful?

Why Was Alexander the Great Successful? Alexander’s success lay in his military genius, knowing how to use his cavalry and troops precisely at key moments in battle. It seemed he was close to defeat several times but could use the situation to his advantage by luring his enemies into a deeper trap.

Why Alexander the Great is a great leader?

Above all else Alexander the Great was a commander because of his sheer bloody minded arrogance and his belief in his own superiority. He knew he was right and through his charismatic dominance he controlled, after all he firmly believed he was a direct descendent of Achilles.

Why Alexander the Great was good?

He Was a Globalist

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Alexander’s conquests, not only of the Persian Empire, but also Egypt and parts of India, launched the Hellenistic period, during which elements of Greek culture and politics were spread throughout the vast Macedonian Empire.

How did Julius Caesar do as a ruler?

A member of the First Triumvirate, Caesar led the Roman armies in the Gallic Wars before defeating Pompey in a civil war and governing the Roman Republic as a dictator from 49 BC until his assassination in 44 BC.

Why was the military important to Julius Caesar?

Caesar famously brought his army to Rome, crossing the Rubicon River and sparking a civil war between himself and Pompey. Caesar crushed Pompey’s lieutenants in Hispania and chased Pompey into Greece and finally Egypt. Caesar joined with Cleopatra, defeating her brother Ptolemy, and the remnants of Pompey’s allies.

Did Julius Caesar want to be king?

According to Cicero (a slave owner himself), Antony wanted Caesar to be more than just a consul and dictator for life: He wanted Caesar to be a king. … But Caesar said he didn’t want that power.

Why was Caesar a villain?

Julius Caesar is a man that the conspirators would consider a bad man. They would consider him a bad man because he would have done so many bad things if he were crowned at the ceremony. The conspirators make this plan so that Caesar does not get crowned.

How long did Caesar fight Pompey?


The war was a four-year-long politico-military struggle, fought in Italy, Illyria, Greece, Egypt, Africa, and Hispania. Pompey defeated Caesar in 48 BC at the Battle of Dyrrhachium, but was himself defeated much more decisively at the Battle of Pharsalus.

Why was Julius Caesar assassinated?

Ongoing tensions between Caesar and the Senate, amid fears that he also planned to claim the title of king, overthrow the Senate and rule as a tyrant, were the principal motives for his assassination. … Personal jealousies also came into play.

How did Julius Caesar rise to power?

Julius Caesar began his rise to power in 60 B.C.E. by forging an alliance with another general, Pompey, and a wealthy patrician, Crassus. Together, these three men assumed control of the Roman Republic, and Caesar was thrust into the position of consul.

Did Julius Caesar have good communication skills?

Communication skills

Julius Caesar, as many other politicians and soldiers in Roman times, was also a good orator. He used to show up, impeccably dressed, at the Roman Senate, and addressed his soldiers with vehement speeches.

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Did Julius Caesar save or ruin Rome?

How did Julius Caesar both save and ruin Rome? He saved Rome from the narrow minded clique,the Optimates, led by Marcus Cato (the Younger) who sought to control the government for their own benefit. … Thereby he ruined Rome.

Who was Rome’s greatest leader?

Julius Caesar is said to be one of Rome’s greatest leaders through actions and the expansion of the once small Rome to an Empire. Gaius Julius Caesar was born July 12 100 BCE into a patrician family, his father being governor of a region in Asia, when his father passed all the responsibility fell to Caesar.

Who was the most loved Roman emperor?

1. Augustus (September 63 BC – 19 August, 14 AD) At the top of the list is a very obvious choice – the founder of the Roman Empire himself, Augustus, who has the longest reign of 41 years from 27 BC to 14 AD.

Who do you think was a more important leader Julius Caesar or Augustus explain?

Journal Activity: Who do you think was a more important leader, Julius Caesar or Augustus? … I would have to say that Augustus was more important because he started the Roman Empire on a stable footing, and ushered in the Pax Romana.

Why did Alexander the Great want to conquer the world?

He first wanted to win Persia because there was a clear animosity between Persia and Greece since Persians have enslaved several Greek zones in the past. Therefore, it was more of a revenge in his mind when he started. Alexander was impressed with the different cultures he encountered while on his way to Greece.

Was Alexander the Great actually great?

Was Alexander the Great really great? A great conqueror, in 13 short years he amassed the largest empire in the entire ancient world — an empire that covered 3,000 miles. … Many of Alexander’s accomplishments were made possible by his father, Philip of Macedon.

Why was Alexander so successful as a general and ruler?

Why was Alexander so successful as a general and ruler? He had great strategies when it came to war, and he was never defeated by anybody, which led him to attain a massive amount of land. How did Alexander unify his empire? He compromised with them and let them have their religion/traditions, just under his power.

Was Julius Caesar a Military Tyrant or a Saviour of Rome?

Julius Caesar – Greatest Conqueror Ever?

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